
The City!

I've been in this forest for 1 month. My sharingan is now 3 Tomoe. I starting cultivating. I'm already Qi Refining 10th Stage. I found out that Ran Is About to break through to 7th stage of Qi Refining. I think she was a genius from whatever town she's from. I'm not going to shatter her dreams and if she asks I'm just going to say 6th stage as well.

"Hey Ran ,when do you think your going to breakthrough."

"I might finish today. Why?"

"Well I wanted to go and visit cities!"*Hop Hop*

"Oh. Well. We can go now. I'll break through on the way there. It's about half a day away."'What is this cute creature!'

Alright I'll finally be able to visit the city. I wanted to see what it's like there. I don't have many good memories of my hometown.


We're currently on the way there. We're temporarily setting up camp. It's because Ran Ran is about to breakthrough. I'm going to be on guard.


What was that?

Ran Ran Just went into deep meditation ,so I can't wake her up right now. I'll have to deal with this alone. Even If Ran Ran was awake she wouldn't be able to help. I can't tell her to run away right now though. This beast is a Blazing Cloud Lion. It's at the Peak Base Building Stage. If I don't fight it Ran Ran Will Become Dead Meat. It Will be at least 10 minutes before she breaks through. I have to hold it off. I won't let my first real friend in this world die!

Oh no! It's after Ran Ran!

"I'm your opponent! Hah!"

*Woosh**Activates 3 Tomoe Sharingan*

"I won't let you hurt her! Genjutsu!"

Yes. I can use genjutsu. I instinctively know it. This'll hold it for 5 minutes while I start circulating my Qi to fight. I'll have to hold it off for another five minutes.


Okay ,I'm ready now. I'll be able to barely hold it off for 5 minutes and then run away with no fatal injuries.

"I'm ready! Come At Me Lion!"



"Urgh! This is tough."


It's almost time. Just a few more seconds.


"AAAGHK!! Damn It!"*Cough Cough*

"You damn beast! If I live through this I'll get my revenge!"


"Huff....Huff...About time Ran Ran! I'm barely holding up. Even if you've just broken through ,we're no match for a Peak Base Building Stage Beast. We Must Run!"

*Thump*(Fists Colliding)


"No Buts! If we don't hurry up we won't be able to run! High-Tier Genjutsu! Ack!"

"Eph! Are you okay!"

"I'm Fine. Let's get running. That can only hold it for a minute or two. We need to get going."



We're almost to the city. I was able to live through the encounter. But....If only I was a little bit stronger!

We're making camp right now to rest for a bit.

"Damn It! If only I was Stronger!*Thump* I could have protected her more! I wouldn't have had to run away!"

"Eph! Calm Down! Your injuries will get worse if you don't keep calm!"

"It doesn't matter! If I can't protect anything ,what am I worth!"

"We couldn't do anything! It's amazing you managed to hold it back!"

"Damn! You're right. I'll Go Back To Cultivating."

Stupid Lion! Next Time We Meet...I Will Kill You!!!

At that moment our MC Ephthal had a huge change occurring inside of his body. His Sharingan Is Evolving. His Entire Body Structure Is Changing ,At The Cost Of His Cultivation Level. He'll be able to make up some of it ,but this encounter will change his life. What person on the road of godhood doesn't face challenges. The fact he survived will make him stronger.

At the end of this process his cultivation went down to Qi refining Stage 6.


Hm? It seems this lords cultivation has gone down....Wait a minute? 'This Lord'. Wtf. Why would I say that. Something is wrong. My sharingan is also at Mangekyo! I have a Mangekyo Sharingan! Why? My body also changed. It seems I'm able to cultivate faster without consequences.

Well We've made it to the town. I'm going straight to an inn.