
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 25): Outcome of Bet (2)

Chapter 25): Outcome of Bet (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


[Literally the last chapter I have on this sight, so you have to wait until I put more on here. Anyway enjoy!]

Arching his arm Carl jumped in the air and passed to the wide open Jordan who was standing on the other side on the three, Cody looked alarm as he watched the ball sail over to him, his eyes widening in disbelief. Carl had known that Cody would rush him, that is why he threw it over to the waiting Jordan, he was alone at the three point line so he had time to line his shot up.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Jordan smirked slightly, he pulled up and jumped releasing the ball, Carl could tell that everyone held their breaths as the ball went to the net. He was to though, as he really wanted to see what Jordan had planned for Cody in the punishment that came along with this bet they had going.

Watching the ball they all stood frozen as it hit the rim, it circled around three times, three times!, before it went in sending everyone to cheer, even Carl as he rushed over to Jordan. Jordan was shocked but he realized that he had actually made the shot and smiled, Carl slung an arm over his shoulder grinning at him, "Nice shot."

"Holy crap man! My heart is racing, I felt like time slowed there for a moment as I watched the ball go in." Jordan said laughing some as he smirked over at the disbelieving Cody.

"Hey at least you hit the shot." Carl said with a grin, "Think of how good it will feel when Cody hands you that money, and what punishment are you going to have him do?"

Jordan smirk grew a little more sinister, "Oh I have something planned, something he will be doing soon actually. First we need to wait though."

Carl nodded he was just a long for the ride after all, "Oh my God Carl!!! That was an amazing pass!!!" Kassidi squealed as she pulled his arm away from Jordan and hugged him tight.

He wasn't sure if he was imagining it or not but he could swear she took a few sniffs of him, but he was sure it was only because he was kind of smelly from running around so he didn't take it seriously. Jordan rolled his eyes but didn't say anything about it, he could see what was happening.

Carl smiled at Kassidi, she was acting like he was the MVP or something and they had just won the championship, but it was cute to be despite it not being true. When he pulled away from her she didn't go far as she took his hand holding it while giggling, she looked so adorable at that moment all he wanted to do was snatch her up and take her home with him.

Little did he know that she would go willingly as long as he asked.

"I guess you win....this time." Cody's said with a snarl as he walked over to them, the parents who had been watching already gone as they went back to their auction for the night. Cody was starting to sound a little like a cliche villain though, it made Carl wince on the inside to hear the kid speak, hopefully he would grow out of it.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Let's get this over with, I believe you owe me and Carl here five hundred dollars, along with two favors." Jordan said with a satisfied smirk on his face.

Cody grumbled under his breath but nodded ,"Fine, let me shower then we can exchange the money. You can also tell me what you want as a favor."

Jordan nodded, "Hey Kassidi," Carl called out to the girl who immediately looked at him, "Can you go get me a pen and some paper?"

"Sure thing Carl, I will meet you out front after you get out the shower." There was a dreamy smile on her face as she said that she walked away giggling some.

Jordan raised a brow as they made their way to the locker room, "What, I plan to save my favor from the kid. Never know when down the line I might need it."

"Smart." Was all Jordan said as they walked into the locker room, Carl knew he would keep his seeing as they had different goals.

Going back to the locker room Jordan informed him about the soaps and shampoos he could take from the cabinet nearby, he grabbed what he needed before taking his personal towel. Everything was personal in this place, there was even his own personal hamper so none of his things got mixed up.

This was honestly a really smart decision for him, if he had the money he would even pay for all this. Going to the showers he was happy to note that they had personal stalls, he wasn't really looking forward to seeing others naked so he was glad to have this.

After his shower he walked out to see Jordan and CF already waiting, "Where is Cody?"

"That drama queen showers longer then anyone else, we might as well go wait for him outside." Jordan said rolling his eyes, CF didn't disagree he just nodded knowing the statement was true.

When they left the locker room Carl turned his phone back on, before he could check it though Kassidi skipped over to him, "Here you go Carl." She said happily.

Carl smiled kissing her cheek as he took the paper and pen, "Thank you so much Kass, you are turning out to be a really great friend."

Jordan and CF winced as they looked at the scene, both of them knew she wasn't as sweet as she seemed, CF even shot Jordan a look who could only shrug. Jordan decided that he wasn't going to say anything, he tried earlier and Carl didn't believe him, he would just let it play out and let Carl learn about her on his own.

Kassidi on the other hand looked to be in pure bliss, her cheeks were bright red as she held the one that Carl kissed, her eyes looked like stars were in them as she gazed at him. Her mind was playing out a million scenarios about what their future would be like.

Carl started to write so he missed all this, from the bet he knew that while CF and Cody both only had to pay two hundred and fifty each, they each would owe their own favor. So Cody would owe him one favor and CF would owe him a favor, which gave him two that he could call on at any time, from these two rich boys he was just thinking of everything he could gain.

As he finished writing out the I.O.U's Cody walked out smoothing out his hair, he shot a look to the blushing Kassidi but knew it was best not to mess with her, he knew how crazy she could be, she was his cousin after all. "Alright here is your money." Cody said handing it over.

Jordan smirked and smelled the hundreds in his hands, "That smells wonderful, here is your cut Carl."

Carl took his two fifty and smiled, he just doubled the money he was carrying in his wallet, this money he would put up though it was the first money he got that wasn't from working it was spending money to him. "So what is the favor or punishment you are asking for?" Cody asked wanting to get it over with.

Jordan rubbed his hands together, "I will let Carl ask first since he did help me get this win."

Carl nodded, "Alright gentleman, I just want you to sign this. With this I.O.U you will over me a favor at any time I ask for it, since there is nothing I need at this moment."

"Why does it say CF?" CF asked confused as he looked the paper over stopping before he could sign it.

"Umm..." Carl coughed while looking away, "I don't know your name....so...."

CF's eye twitched before he got into Carl's face while growling, "My name is Brandon Sanderson, remember it!" He said poking him in the chest.

"Hey! Don't hurt Carl!" Kassidi yelled getting between the two and glaring at the now named Brandon, which Carl found adorable. Everyone else looked scared, Brandon followed her words immediately backing off and raising his hands, though he changed his name on the I.O.U.

After it was signed Carl took the note folding it up and putting it into his wallet happily, it would stay there for awhile. Seeing as they were kids they didn't really pay attention to the fact that this favor could be carried out any time, and that it could be for anything, they were screwed.

"Alright, what do you want Jordan?" Cody asked seeing that Carl's part was over, Kassidi was at his side again holding his hand, Carl didn't mind.

"It's simple you have two options, steak across the golf course naked or you can jump into the outdoor pool naked." Jordan said with a smirk his arms crossed.

Carl was shocked but held his laugh back, that would be something funny to see them do, though even he didn't know which one he would choose to do. Cody and Brandon were also stumped as they didn't expect it at all, they glared but seeing as they lost the bet there was nothing they could do about it but accept.

"Dude I choose pool." Brandon said after thinking it over, "You didn't say a time limit so I only need to be in there a second. I am not running that whole golf course naked."

"Me too." Cody said following along as Brandon explained his choice.

Jordan nodded, "Alright let's get to it."

Carl could tell he was upset with himself for not saying a time limit, but he couldn't change it now as he had already given them the task, and they decided so it had to be done. Carl and Kassidi walked to the pool to wait on them, Jordan waited behind while they got towels as he didn't want them to walk away with no one there to watch them.

"So Carl, how often do you come here? Will you be here tomorrow too? Why have I never seen you at school?" Kassidi asked him as they sat on a lounge chair outside the pool, the wind chill was serious.

Carl took his eyes from the pool which looked cold as hell, "Well this is actually my first time here, I just became a member today. As for coming tomorrow that is a no, I will most likey only be here on weekends when I have time. And I go to school on the Southside so..."

He didn't see a reason to hide anything from her, he just didn't mention how he got his membership or anything.

"Oh," she pouted some as she thought things over, "Are you not going to go to Saint Michael's Academy?"

Carl knew that school was like his own it was a high school and middle school mixed in, but there was two separate buildings that they had compared to his school where it was two different blocks. He also knew that he could afford it, he could apply for a scholarship, but even that wouldn't cover the full cost of everything that he would need.

He chuckled shaking his head, "Can't afford it."

"Then how did you afford your membership then? Shouldn't they cost around the same?"

"Well it was one of the other and this one is all year round, plus Jordan's dad is sponsoring me here so..."

Kassidi didn't say anything more as she was lost in thought, Carl didn't mind either as he saw the boys walking out, Cody and Brandon were looking nervous but they tried to play it off as they walked to the pool. "Alright boys, where there it is. And the charity dinner is almost over, let's get this over with so we can all go home." Jordan said.

They grumbled but agreed as they started to strip, Carl looked away as that was not something that he wanted to see, Kassidi out her head into his arm looking away too, it was just Jordan watching. Hearing the splash followed by cursing Carl knew they jumped in, he could hear them frantically moving to get out after that.

Jordan was laughing behind them, Carl wanted to see what he wasn't looking until they were fully clothed, he didn't practically like to see naked people, boys especially. After waiting awhile he looked back to see them wrapped multiple towels, their clothes were back on and the only indication they had been in the pool was their wet hair.

"Well that was something." Carl said shaking his head as they headed back inside, he took his phone out to check it, "Shit."

"What is it?" Jordan asked, Cody and Brandon already walking away as they wanted somewhere warm. Kassidi was also looking at him.

"My sister. She is telling me to come home, apparently she found the note from my teacher about the conference tomorrow, I got into a fight so there is a meeting with the principal." Carl explained while sighing.

"Oh okay, well then I will text you later man. You should probably get back before you get into trouble or something." Jordan said, they already exchanged numbers earlier realizing they would be friends.

"Wait! You didn't give me your number." Kassidi said grabbing Carl's arm as he began to walk away.

Smiling he ruffled her hair, "You're right."

After giving her his number and taking a picture with her for the photo in her phone he was able to leave, he saw today as a success seeing as he was able to not only sneak in but get a membership and new friends. Grabbing his skateboard from where he left it he wrapped himself up in his jacket and took off home, he was not looking forward to this talk.