
Shadows of The Woods

Cassie lives in a small mysterious city with her little brother, their parents died when they were very young, but what they didn't know was that their ancestors were great people with powers. Through their journey they discover a being, dangerous to the human world and their job is to destroy it, to finally finish what their parents started, digging information into their death and finally giving the world peace. Through their adventure, they will learn who to trust and who not to trust and also to banish the deadliest creatures living, to the underworld. This is a story about how they chose to live and fight for their survival from the demons of darkness. They will bring light to the world. There's Love, Betrayal, Death, Fear, Hatred...All together life...Life of the supernaturals. READ TO FIND OUT!!!....

Abdulla_Mather · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Little bit of Bond

I followed Denim for like 30-40 minutes and then I got tired. We have been walking for like more than half an hour and we haven't still reached where Fiona was. So I asked, "How much longer do have to walk? My legs are starting to ache! Can you tell me at least how far is it!!"

"Just a little bit more Cassie, just a little more. We just need to get uphill and a few more minutes of walk."

"Ughh, my legs are paining so bad. Denim..." I slightly fainted and fell but Denim caught me with his hands.

"HEY HEY!! COME ON, I WILL CARRY YOU UPHILL IF YOU CAN'T WALK AT ALL. COME ON, GET UP" He helped me getup, and I was very happy that he was very caring and kind.

"No no, I can walk. I don't need you to carry me." But right after I said that I fainted again but this time he held me upright to keep me from falling.

"Your lying!!! Come on, I'll piggyback you the rest of the way" He then took my arms and put it around his shoulders. He was being too kind, I couldn't handle it. I accidentally kissed him on his neck and said "Thank you". UGH, WHAT DID I JUST DOOO?? He's gonna think that I am...nevermind, overthinking gonna help at the moment.

"UMM, Okay, That was cute. Thanks, I guess." He said it looking confused.

Then he carried me with him uphill. I was a person with enough weight so I appreciated him carrying me.

But he stopped just before reaching the top. And he laid me on the sweet grass. Then he crouched and held my hands tight and moved towards the top, pulling me as well. As we got closer to the top, he prone and told me to stay where I was. Then he peeked through the grass and suddenly lowered his head down.

"SHIT, THESE MOTHERFUCKERS..." he said furiously.

"What is it?"


"Rouges? How many?"

"Come over here, see it yourself"

I got up--


"Sorry, ma bad." I laid on the ground again and crawled towards Denim. I peeked above the grass and saw about like 10-15 rogues.

"SHIT!! Can we take them down?" I asked.

"Are you crazy??... Actually, maybe we can. You got any bright ideas?"

"NOP, You?"


He looked at me for a moment and smiled. A sudden breeze hit my face. I didn't know what to do. Should I smile too? It was getting awkward. I hated to ruin the moment, but I still asked,

"WHAT? Why are you smiling? Lemme guess You don't have a plan, RIGHT?"

"Nothing...It's nothing"

"Nothing is the reason why you smiled at my face for no reason...oooooh... I get it, Thanks Denim. I am gonna faint like for real now. I know I am beautiful as well. Your soo cute, HEHE"

We both giggled. Then we both looked at each other. This time I didn't feel like to say anything. I was in a moment and I was going with the flow like the wind... I don't know if that made sense but anyway, you know what I mean.

"I wanted to say-y--" we both said at the time and I was in awe. It felt he was gonna say the exact thing I was gonna say.

"Okay, You first--" We again said together. We both gave each other an awkward smile. I tucked my hair behind my ear.

(hysterical laughing) We both startled as we were a moment...not a moment to be exact...something close to it because it was ruined now. Ugh, WHATEVER. We peeked through the somewhat tall grass and saw that it was the rouges who laughed.

(sshhhh)"KEEP IT QUITE. We are still in Crystal Wood. We don't want to draw attention. The place is crawled with the Fenetics creeps" said one of the rouges.

Another Rouge: "Peesh, You dumb fool. Did you forget that Crystal Woods was attacked by the damn vampires? They did some nasty shit to the place. You should see it for yourself."

"So what... Did they kill all the Fenetics?"

"Nooo, But they are busy helping each other. Sooo, tell me, why would they come here instead of helping their own people??" said the rouge.

The other rouge didn't say anything knowing that the rouge was right.

"Exactly, Now, let's see what's inside this warehouse. We have no time to waste. Ughh, right, we were waiting for Jonah. Where is that bitch? We sent him back to take a bolt cutter. I literally forgot to take it, otherwise, we would have gotten in and out and been back home in no time."

"Yeaaa... RIGHT!! You forgot..." he giggled.

"WHAT?? Whatever. What is in this warehouse that is so important anyway? I mean, I once saw that they were bringing swords out and also heard clanging noises inside. I thought it was where they forged their weapons. Until Ace told us to check here if possible, he said that when he once spied on the warehouse he saw Drake getting mad at one of the Fenetics because the guy forgot to close the doors. He said to me if we ever get a chance to get in while no one is here, do it! There's probably nothing in there. I am breaking in just because Ace told to. Ughhh, where is that bitch Jonah? It's been like 30 damn minutes. SCREW IT!! JUST GIVE ME THE DAMN WELDER, WE WILL HAVE TO CUT THE DAMN DOOR I GUESS"

"UMM, I actually forgot to take the welder..."

"Ughhhhhh, fuck every damn single one of you!!! Useless shits..... (the rouge continues blabbering)

"Oh no, they are going to break in. We have to stop them" said Denim.

"How did you hear what they said? I barely even heard anything!!" I asked.

"Superhearing ability...duhhh" said Denim annoyed.

"Hey, don't duhh me okay. I am not supernatural like you"

"Whatever dude, just only said, no need to be offended...OKAY, here's the plan... You go distract them and I will ---" He stopped. "shhhh...someone is coming. HIDE IN THE BUSHES!!!"