
(ch49) abandon all hope

Nephis gazed at Sunny, pondering for a brief moment, before shifting her attention to Cassie and remarked:

"Follow behind us."

The group of four cautiously approached the towering entrance, their steps hesitant as they exchanged uncertain glances, grappling with the best course of action in this unforeseen scenario.

In their minds, they weighed the potential outcomes of this encounter, each possibility branching into diverging paths of consequence.

Firstly, they entertained the hope that the enigmatic young woman might reveal herself to be a fellow Awakened, a beacon of salvation in the vast expanse of the Dream Realm. If such were the case, their troubles would find resolution as per the customary kindness extended by Awakened to their slumbering counterparts. Guiding lost Sleepers to the safety of human Citadels was not merely a gesture of benevolence but a fundamental principle of survival in this domain.

Conversely, they grappled with the unsettling notion that the stranger might instead be a malevolent Nightmare Creature, their presence heralding a looming confrontation fraught with peril. Bereft of knowledge regarding the foe's rank or capabilities, the group braced themselves for the looming uncertainty, knowing that their fate hung precariously in the balance.

With a collective resolve, Rin and Sunny followed Nephis into the shadowy depths of the tower, where the tantalizing aroma of roasting meat wafted through the air, stirring hunger pangs within Rin's stomach, even as she exerted control over her bodily urges. Casting a glance around, she noted the readiness reflected in her companions' eyes, their determination unyielding until a distinct sound shattered the silence—a rumble emanating from Sunny's protesting stomach.

After a brief pause filled with nothing but the sound of their breaths, Rin shifted her gaze towards Sunny. He seemed lost in thought, his eyes fixed on his stomach, as though it had somehow let him down.

*Rin i can expl-*


Just as they were about to react, a bone fragment whizzed between Sunny and Rins heads, crashing into the wall with a force that sent it scattering into shards. In a delayed response, she swiftly lifted her weapon, known as the widow's bane, and took up a protective position alongside her companions.

Yet, their efforts were futile, for the alert had already been sounded to the young woman's presence.

Lifting her gaze, she flashed a menacing grin, revealing her teeth as she softly uttered:

"Is someone hiding in the shadows? Why don't you come out to play…"

Her voice resonated with a deep, smoky timbre, carrying a raspy huskiness that drew attention. Yet, what truly struck Rin was the fact that she spoke in the language of humans.

She appeared human, or so it seemed...

Rin wasn't willing to take any chances; her eyes shifted to a crimson hue as she observed something peculiar about the stranger before her. It was a detail she'd never noticed among humans she encountered.

Though the stranger maintained a relaxed posture, Rin couldn't ignore the subtle tension rippling through her well-defined muscles. There lingered a palpable sense that this purportedly Awakened individual could unleash a storm of violence at any given moment.

It seemed wiser not to provoke her.

Glancing at Neph, Rin mirrored the gesture of dismissing their swords, signaling the others to follow suit. With cautious steps, they approached the circle of light cast by the crackling bonfire.

The young woman's surprise was evident as she regarded them, arching her eyebrows inquisitively.

"Humans? Huh! Unexpected."

Then she smiled and shook her head.

"Ah, where are my manners?"

With a graceful movement, she gently stood up. The white material of her tunic swayed, drawing Rin's attention to the contours of her strong, toned thighs, which were now more visible.

*Rin you're staring too much*

Rin glanced upward, her initial assumption about the stranger's height now dwarfed by the reality of her towering presence. It wasn't until this moment that Rin truly grasped the imposing stature of the woman before her.

Taller even than Nephis, and certainly dwarfing the diminutive Sunny, the stranger exuded an aura of power and strength that seemed almost otherworldly. With her sturdy build, sun-kissed complexion, and the ancient armor she wore, she bore a striking resemblance to a mythic figure from ages past.

Craning her neck to meet the woman's gaze proved to be a minor annoyance for Rin, though she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe mingled with irritation. Yet, despite the inconvenience, Rin knew she had no other option. If she were to maintain eye contact, she would find herself staring directly at the

stranger's well-defined…

Bigger than her own…


As the young woman glanced around, she gently brushed her grimy face with her forearm and motioned towards the crackling flames nearby.

"Here, would you like to take a seat?"

Despite the warm invitation, there was a noticeable hesitation among them. Time seemed to stretch in the uncomfortable silence until Nephis gathered the courage to break it, voicing the question that had been weighing on everyone's minds.

Her usually composed voice now trembled with tension, carrying a hint of emotion nephis struggled to contain, as she spoke cautiously:

"Are you… are you human?"

The stranger stared at her with a blank expression, then blinked a couple of times.

"What else would I be? A horse?"

With a burst of laughter, she tossed her head back, thoroughly entertained by her own playful jest. The trio exchanged bewildered glances, uncertain of how to respond. Meanwhile, the young woman continued to giggle, her eyes twinkling with joy as she gazed at them.

"Of course I am human! Why are you even asking? Anyway, come sit. My neck is tired from looking down on you."

With that, she sat down near the fire and assumed a relaxed pose. The four of them finally approached and lowered themselves to the stones, looking at the tall girl with hungry flames burning in their eyes.

She looked them over, then frowned a little.

"Haven't seen you guys around. Are you new?"

Nephis gave her a nod.

"Yes. We have just reached the city."

Rin noticed Neph's earnest efforts to blend in seamlessly, portraying herself as just another person navigating social interactions. It appeared that her persistent dedication to honing her social skills had indeed paid off. Without prior knowledge of Neph's inherent awkwardness and occasional clumsiness, Rin wouldn't have been able to discern any difference in her behaviour.

*She's getting better*

*Yeah it's creepy*

The young woman grinned.

"In that case, my condolen… wait. You guys survived for two whole months in the Labyrinth?"

She whistled and looked at them with newfound respect.

"That's a real feat. Congratulations."

Nephis lingered for a few seconds, then said:

"I'm Nephis, and these are my companions, Cassia, Red and Sunless. We are Sleepers who came here during the winter solstice."

The young woman gave them a wide, friendly smile.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Effie. Well, at least that's what people call me. I'm also a Sleeper."

The stunning giantess turned out to be just like them, not one of the Awakened but a Sleeper. Oddly enough, despite her remarkable presence, there was no recollection of encountering her at the Academy. Yet, there was an undeniable intrigue lingering in the air.

*You remember her at the academy? because i can't*

*Yeah me neither*

Rin spoke first

"You're not like crazy or something… like cannibal stuff?"

The woman laughs

"crazy? im the sanest person you'll ever come across… You're Red right? i do like that name, suits you"

Rin paused for a moment, feeling a bit puzzled by the way Effie smiled and complimented her. It struck her as rather peculiar, and she couldn't quite grasp the meaning behind it


'oh. The eyes right'

She turned her aspect off realising she had it on the entire time, so long that Effie noticed

Too impatient to remain silent, Sunny leaned forward and said:

"Are you from the castle? There are people living there, right?"

Effie stole a quick glance in his direction, her eyes betraying a subtle yet unmistakable emotion. It was as if a complex mixture of feelings brewed within her, with a flicker of something akin to pity dancing across her gaze.

"...There are indeed people living in the castle, yes."

Rin and Sunny shared eager glances, brimming with anticipation. After a moment, Changing Star hesitantly inquired:

"Can you take us there?"

Effie shrugged.

"Sure, no problem. Do you guys have shards?"

Rin blinked in confusion. What did those soul shards even have to do with the situation at hand? They had just recovered two from that strange stone Sunny had destroyed at the foot of the wall. Was the tall girl going to demand something in return for them?

Nephis delicately picked up the soul fragments and presented them to the towering young woman, eager to see her response.

"We have two."

Effie sighed.

"Only two? Well… it's better than nothing, I guess. Keep them. You'll need them later."

Not quite understanding the meaning of her words, Changing Star lingered, then said uncertainly:

"We were hoping to reach the Citadel and access the Gateway as soon as possible. How long will it take?"

The young woman gazed at them for what felt like an eternity, then doubled over with uncontrollable laughter. Her giggles echoed through the room, and soon tears welled up in her eyes from the sheer intensity of her mirth.

Taken aback, the four Sleepers exchanged bewildered glances, utterly perplexed by her sudden outburst. They couldn't fathom what had triggered such an unexpected reaction.

*See i knew something was wrong when i asked her if she was crazy*

Rin's expression shifted, growing more contemplative as they reassessed the situation. Initially, they had dismissed the local girl as merely quirky, but now they couldn't shake the feeling that there was something deeper at play...

Effie's laughter petered out suddenly, replaced by a solemn pause. She dabbed at her eyes, then shook her head, her voice taking on an odd inflection as she spoke:

"Ah, sorry guys. I just couldn't help myself. Please, forgive my lack of manners."

Then, she straightened her back, looked them heavily into the eyes, and said:

"I can take you to the castle, but there is no Gateway there. In fact, there's no way out of this cursed hell at all. I've been stuck here for three years myself already. So… welcome to the Dark City, I guess. Abandon hope all ye who enter here, and all that…"

Readers: what?! That's it?? You seriously going to leave us here??

Me: oh and also I have a 2k chapter that may or may not be finished.

Readers: what?!

Me: welp that's it, see you next week

(nyehehehe! crawls back to its cave.)

Dashkins74creators' thoughts