
Shadow slave: A Shadows Friend

Rin Lunar, once a girl trying to survive on the slums. Now, she was chosen by the Spell and as such, she has to fend off against terrible abomination... even fellow Awakened. Her salvation lies in her divine power... And most importantly, her truly trusted friend, Sunny. "What's the worst that could happen?" "I died the last time you said that!" "Don't be such a cry baby and you know, dying is too plebeian." ---- Author: Bazinga Proof-reader and editor: Karma-Sensei-Dono*

Dashkins74 · Book&Literature
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59 Chs

(ch48) demon muncher

Before long, they found themselves gazing up at the towering stone walls encircling the enigmatic city. Behind them sprawled the gaping expanse of a colossal crater, its depths seemingly endless. Ahead lay the only beacon of humanity in this eerie Dream Realm, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the gloom. It beckoned, promising sanctuary and a path back to familiar lands.

Rin was eagerly counting down the moments until this seemingly endless ordeal would be over. As they gazed upon the towering city wall, constructed from immense slabs of grey granite, a shiver ran down their spine. The stones, still damp from the chilling embrace of the nearby cursed sea, took on a near-black hue under the overcast sky. Despite the passage of millennia and the vanishing of the enigmatic builders into the mists of history, the wall stood as a testament to their prowess, imposing and seemingly impregnable. Even the gaps between the massive slabs were so narrow that only a thin blade could slip through.

Gazing upwards, Rin pondered the towering height of the wall, estimating it to be at least sixty meters tall. That was twice the height of the defense barrier at Awakened Academy, a structure bolstered by modern technology and various Aspect Abilities. As she contemplated the wall's imposing presence, her thoughts drifted to the individuals who had labored to erect it, and the bustling city it shielded. Yet, amidst the desolation, giant statues stood sentinel, bearing witness to a bygone era. She couldn't help but wonder about the fate of the people who once thrived here. Who were they, and what calamity had befallen their once-vibrant civilization?

She looked over at sunny

*Who do you think built this?*

*No clue, and honestly right now i care more about going home*

*Same let someone else solve these mysteries*

After taking a brief break, they collectively concluded that scaling the wall would be more feasible than scouring its perimeter for an entrance, which might not even be accessible if they found it. Despite the challenge posed by the slick granite, they persevered. When lacking footholds, Sunny, Nephis, and Rin cleverly utilized their swords to wedge into the crevices between the stones, albeit enduring a few nicks and cuts before finding their rhythm and advancing swiftly.

Fueled by the absorption of soul shards and fragments of light, coupled with their relentless training in the ceaseless struggle for survival, their bodies brimmed with strength and stamina, pushing them to the pinnacle of human physical prowess. In no time, they conquered the towering barrier, hoisting themselves over its edge.

Rin, unaffected by exertion, eagerly forged ahead, leaping to her feet and peering over the edge without pause. Amidst the hush, the faint scrape of the golden rope against stone reached her ears, yet it was drowned out by the thunderous rhythm of her heartbeat. Before long, Nephis, Cassie, and Sunny joined her at the precipice, drawn by the allure of what lay beyond.

The blind girl reached out and gently touched Sunny's shoulder, her voice filled with brightness and hope as she asked:

"Sunny? What do you see?"

Rin gazed out alongside them, taking in the sight below. Spread out beneath them was a vast city, now reduced to ruins. Once-grand stone structures lay shattered and broken, their former glory reduced to mere rubble. Streets that were once bustling with life now lay eerily empty, devoid of any signs of activity. Beneath the bleak, overcast sky, the city seemed to exude a sense of desolation and sorrow.

The cause of this catastrophic destruction remained a mystery, but it was evident that it was not a natural occurrence. Many of the collapsed buildings bore the scars of fire, their charred remains bearing witness to the intensity of the inferno. Deep claw marks marred the remnants of walls, hinting at violent struggles that had transpired within these forsaken streets long ago.

Amidst the wreckage, the skeletal remains of ancient beasts protruded from the earth, a grim reminder of the battles that once raged here. The scene told a tale of a bygone era, where desperate conflicts unfolded amidst the now-silent thoroughfares of this once-great city.

"Sunny do you see that*

His voice had a hint of despair


As Rin peered intently, a shiver ran down his spine, cold sweat trailing in its wake. Amidst the debris, peculiar forms slithered, and others lurked stealthily in the shadows. The sight sent a chill through him, a palpable sense of unease settling in. The dilapidated cityscape was alive with the unsettling presence of Nightmare Creatures.

Sunny spoke to Cassie

"There is… a vast, ruined city built of weathered stone. And there are numerous monsters wandering its streets. Just like you said there would be."

The towering city wall they stood upon felt as broad as a thoroughfare, extending endlessly in either direction, enveloping the expansive ruins in a strangely symmetrical embrace. At intervals along its formidable granite structure, towers rose like sentinels, fortifying the barrier against any potential threats.

It was remarkable to think that this formidable defense once stood to fend off monstrous creatures, yet now it served to confine even greater horrors within its confines. Rin, however, found herself less captivated by the wall or the creatures it contained. Instead, her gaze was fixated on the lofty hill that loomed over the ruins. Upon that hill…

"There is a magnificent castle standing on a hill in the middle of the ruins. It looks like… like something out of a legend. Its walls are built from radiant white stone, with tall towers and majestic spires piercing the sky. It stands above the city like a... a symbol of hope, the only thing in this hell that seems to be untouched by the darkness and… and…"

A wide smile appeared on Cassie's face.

"Yes! This is the castle I saw!"

But Rin was oblivious to Cassie's words. While she painted a vivid picture of the dazzling castle to her visually impaired friend, Rin's attention inadvertently drifted past it.

In that moment, her gaze stumbled upon the ominous silhouette of a colossal tower, piercing the sky like a malevolent spear forged from blood. The sight filled Rin's heart with an inexplicable dread.

It was the Crimson Spire.

Its mere presence exuded a chilling terror that made Rin recoil, never wanting to lay eyes upon it again. Despite her inner resolve, she found herself unable to tear her gaze away from its haunting form.

*You're looking at it too huh*

*I am*

Standing beside Sunny, Rin watched as Nephis gazed intently, her thoughts veiled in mystery, her expression tense and dark. After a brief moment, she managed to collect herself, turning away. With a furrowed brow, she directed her gaze towards the castle and spoke with a hint of concern:

"The final stretch of the way to the citadel might be extremely dangerous. We must not hurry. Let's find a way"

None of them wanted to climb down from the wall, because that would leave them with no path of retreat should something terrible happen. Without the need to discuss it, they had decided to explore the nearest tower and see if there was a suitable way to descend from the wall inside of it.

They followed the slightly bending wall north, keeping an eye on the ruins below. From time to time, Rin was able to notice the shapes of creatures moving through the desolate streets of the ancient city. However, nothing seemed to be interested in scaling its tall granite bulwark.

For the time being, they were safe.

However, she didn't feel safe. Instead, she kept glancing at the distant axis of the Crimson Spire and shivering.

That thing was seriously way too ominous.

*Good thing we will be out of here soon…*

She was thinking the exact same thing she looked over and spoke in an amused tone

*Stop reading my thoughts*

*I'm not. You're just predictable.*

*Are you calling me a basic b#tch?*

*Yes. Yes I am.*

She looked mock offended while they were sneaking

*Alright, so you won't be getting any more hugs while you're in pain or dying in the future.*

*...Okay, I take it back. You are the opposite of a basic b!tch. You're really more of a... advanced b!tch.*

*Was that meant to be an insult or a compliment?*

He spoke in a simple tone, hiding a hint of mockery

*A fact*

*Right so enjoy the silent treatment *

*...You wouldn't dare*

Rin shifted her gaze from Sunny, directing her attention solely towards Cassie as she spoke quietly, completely disregarding Sunny in the conversation.

"Hey Cassie?"

The blind girl spoke

"Yeah Rin"

"What's the first thing you're gonna do when you get back?"

Cassie paused thinking

"I..mhh… probably going to hug my parents what about you Rin?"

*Hey! I'm right here!*

"take a nice shower"

Cassie giggled before asking again

"What else?"

"Sleep… for sooo so long"

*...Hey! I know you're listening!*

"Neph what about you"

Neph looked back and spoke a single monotone word


Sunny appeared to loathe the isolation, and there was a noticeable trace of desperation in his voice as he finally expressed his feelings.

*Hey! Hey hey hey! I take it back! I take it baaack!*

Rin smiled

'oh how the mighty crumble'

She finally spoke

*What's the magic word?*


*That didn't really sound all that honest if I'm being honest*

He looked at her with puppy eyes before speaking again


*Are you having a brain bleed…what's with the eyes?*

*It's called puppy eyes, you idiot.*

*Those were puppy eyes?*

He looked offended

*They were!*

*Alright alright i forgive you*

*You do?*

She sighed and shook her head

*Yeah yeah i do*

She found herself light-hearted and playful at the moment simply because their arduous journey through the Forgotten Shore was nearing its conclusion. The trials they'd faced had tested their endurance and resolve, moments where survival seemed uncertain. Yet, they persevered, and now, the promise of freedom beckoned, the culmination of their struggles within reach. Victory awaited; they just needed to overcome this final obstacle to bask in the glory of returning home.

As they drew closer to one of the towering structures embedded within the wall, its imposing round shape towering over the embankment, they couldn't help but marvel at its magnitude. A wide wooden gate, weathered by time and neglect, stood ajar, revealing a passage into the darkness beyond, its hinges creaking faintly.

Rin couldn't shake off a shiver at the eerie sight, despite her familiarity with darkness thanks to Sunny's shared power. Yet, before she could dwell on it, Cassie's sudden halt brought them all to a standstill. With hands poised to summon their swords, Sunny, Rin, and Nephis turned to her, alert and ready for whatever awaited beyond the threshold.

"What is it, Cassie?"

Sunny asked, alarmed.

In certain moments, the blind girl displayed a remarkable ability to detect danger before others could even grasp it. Thanks to her acute hearing and heightened sense of smell, she could pick up on subtle cues that often eluded sighted individuals.

Presently, a frown creased Cassie's features. Tilting her head slightly, she murmured softly:


Rin took a deep breath, hanging onto Cassie's instructions with bated breath, pushing her senses to their utmost limit. Before long, a peculiar noise began to emerge from within the tower, gradually becoming clearer to her ears.

Chomp. Chomp. Crunch. Chomp…

It sounded as if something primal was feasting nearby, the crunch of flesh and bone echoing through the air, making her wince at the visceral sounds.

Sharing a glance, the trio swiftly drew their swords. It was their routine: Sunny dispatched his shadow to scout ahead while Rin tapped into her power to peer through its eyes.

The shadow glided over the rough stones, closing in on the ominous tower. With a graceful dive, it disappeared into the shadows, blending seamlessly into the darkness that enveloped the structure.

As Sunny and Rin observed through the shadow's eyes, they were met with a gruesome sight.

Among the blood-stained stones lay the carcasses of several monsters, their bodies torn apart and dragged there with apparent ease. It was as if they had been butchered by a skilled hand, leaving behind a ghastly scene of carnage.

Adjacent to the gruesome display, a mound of gnawed bones lay scattered, some still clinging to shreds of meat while others were picked clean to the marrow.

Amidst the eerie scene, a fire crackled within a circle of stones, with skewers of monster meat sizzling above the flames. And there, amidst the flickering light, sat the source of the unsettling sounds: a human, casually gnawing on a well-cooked rib.

In fact, it was a young woman. She seemed to be only slightly older than the three of them.

*She's more of a glutton Than you*

Rin looked over, not amused

*You literally just apologised for being an asshole*

*That doesn't mean I'm a saint. Also, look at her go!*

The tall and captivating young woman possessed hazel eyes and gorgeous brown hair, neatly woven into a simple braid. Her athletic frame showcased well-defined lean muscles beneath a dewy olive complexion. Dressed in a provocatively short white tunic adorned with bronze greaves, vambraces, and a cuirass featuring leather pteruges, she exuded an aura of vitality and vigor that surpassed even Nephis's slender and lithe form.

*I'd happily let her crush my skull between her thighs.*

*You'd die.*

*Thanks Sunny*

What set her apart even more was the unexpected air of relaxation and joy evident on her face. In the months spent on the Forgotten Shore, Rin had never allowed her guard to drop completely, always anticipating potential threats. Yet, this stranger seemed entirely at ease in this cursed place, radiating contentment.

Unlike the perpetual tension felt by Rin, Nephis, and Cassie, this woman appeared unfazed by the horrors that lurked in the shadows. Even during moments of respite, she exhibited a serene demeanor, basking in the cursed surroundings. Remarkably, she seemed happier in this eerie realm than Rin had ever been in the real world.

As Rin and Sunny observed, the young woman voraciously consumed the meat of a fallen monster, juices streaming down her face and fingers. To their amazement, she effortlessly crushed the Nightmare Creature's adamantine bone between her teeth. Closing her eyes in bliss, she indulged in sucking out the marrow and chewing and swallowing most of the bone itself.

Crunch. Crunch. Chomp. Crunch…

After polishing off the rib, she casually tossed its remains onto the rather sizable heap of bones by her feet, let out a hearty belch without a hint of manners, and promptly reached for another chunk of monster meat sizzling over the fire, eagerly taking a bite.

Rin blinked a few more times, then both Sunny and Rin redirected their attention towards Nephis.

"What did you see?"

Sunny hesitated for a moment, lingering as if unsure, before finally speaking with a gentle uncertainty.:

"Well... it's either a very hungry human girl. Or a very gluttonous demon."

well Effie introduced to cohort yippee, Effie and Rin are a perfect duo for bullying Sunny


Author Q&A: If you have any questions about me, feel free to message here. Just nothing too personal, please

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