
Shadow Raven

Anthony was just a common boy before the [Soul Spirit] arrived. But when it did... His true Potential was unearthed, and no monster was safe from him...

TheGreatQilin · Fantasia
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12 Chs

The Trials (Part 2/6)

[You will be now sent to the Second Trial, the Trial of Speed]

The Stone Walls became more and more translucent and instead a running track with many obstacles, such as jumping obstacles, obstacles where you have to crouch to get past, and climbing obstacles appeared. Also at the beginning and the end of the running track a futuristic-looking robot was standing with a watch in their hands appeared.

"Wow! These robots are actually cool! They somehow look like Ironman, just in silver. I wonder if I am allowed to touch them?"

Just as I convinced myself, that it was allowed, or there would be a warning sign of some kind and was about to touch them, another blue message appeared:

[You will have to run as fast as you can from the start to the end of the track immediately after the countdown]

"Hey, that scared me! I almost thought I would get some kind of punishment for trying to…


What!? You are already starting the countdown? Ey, stop! I am not ready!"


In the last two seconds I made the best preparations possible, such as taking a deep breath and getting into a running postion.



And boy, I ran. I first ran in a straight line 5 meters, after that jumped over an obstacle, directly after I crawled under an obstacle, hurt my back there, then ran straight for 10 meters, climbed a 2 meter high wall and saw another one a meter after the first, took ten seconds of rest after all of that and started climbing the second one, after wich I held my still hurting back, only to see a (I guess it was meant to be encouraging) "You are halfway through"-Sign. At that sight I decided it was time for a small break.

"Anthony, you have to take deep breaths *inhale* *exhale* Just like that Anthony. FUCK THIS SHIT! I DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE! *sigh* Come on, Anthony, you can do it!", I encouraged myself and started running again. After a few seconds of running in a straight line I saw ropes, that like in a laser obstacle course were stretched through the track (with the help of poles on both sides), but behind them I saw another robot standing, which meant there was the finish line!

"Yes Anthony, run! You have almost made it!", I again encouraged myself.

Then I started running with even more motivation, and when I reached the first rope…

I tripped.

"Fuck this rope!"

Then I crouched, jumped to the side and jumped into the air to avoid the ropes while running. After A few Minutes I was a few meters from the finish line, when I got a strike to the chest from the front.

"What now! I am like 3 Meters from the finish line." When I looked for the cause, I saw the Ironman at the finish line holding a crossbow in his other hand.

"You know, that hurt!", I whispered before finally crossing the finsh line. After I crossed it, I fell to the ground and that is when I noticed, I started to get sleepy. I still did not take the Trials seriously, so I just slept without worries. That is, when a blue message, of course unnoticed by the sleeping me appeared:

[Your Agility and Stamina are 9 (Average for a fully grown human male: 10) and 45 (Average for a fully grown human male: 50)]

[The Participant is deemed to be unable to participate in the next Trial, The Trial of The Soul]


Author's Note: I will try to keep the Chapters around 600 Words long, but maybe I will drop it somewhen in August, as it is just a Holiday thing. But maybe not. (Message to my nonexistent readers)