
Sex Position Instructions: Positions That Are Hot Right Now

I was having a girls' night in one night with my four best friends, sitting on the rug in front of the fireplace. We had chocolate fondue (yum!) and champagne, and we talked about our careers, lives, and relationships for hours. Naturally, that also led to sexual activity. I mean, it wouldn't be a night at all if we didn't talk about sex! Some of us were in relationships, while others were single. However, regardless of how you look at it, we thoroughly enjoyed discussing the characteristics of good and bad sex. Does it seem like sex is everywhere, or is it just me? In point of fact, it was difficult for us to ignore that magazine while we were waiting in the grocery store checkout line because it talked about the countless sex positions we ought to try out right now. Naturally, I must also resolve that issue and discuss it with my female friends. We did that night, too.

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Madame Butterfly

The key to succeeding in this position is to align yourself precisely with your partner.

Choose a spot where you can lie down and have him stand in front of you. Try your bed, a desk, or even the hood of your car—anything that allows your pelvis to be one foot lower than his. After that, you should raise your legs and place them on his shoulders. Then, you should tilt your pelvis up so that your back lines up with his and you meet. After that, he ought to put his hands under your hips so that he can hold your butt and get the best angle for thrusting.

What She Said: "This position is ideal for having a great orgasm without expelling too much energy!"

I had the best orgasm I've had in ages!"—Katie Top Tip Use your free hand to stimulate your clitoris, which will turn him on as well as you. He was able to build up a friction that felt like butterfly winds because of the way my pelvis tilted up.