
Seventh Sense: Queen of the Underworld

Don't be fooled by the genre. There will be little to no romance in this novel. The only romance will be for the plot of the novel. ......... A Succubus Queen, forged by a cruel past, rises to power and rules her kingdom with an iron fist. Her sole focus is maintaining control and order, ensuring that her subjects never experience the subjugation she once endured. As challenges arise, she makes ruthless decisions to keep her dominion intact, navigating the complexities of rulership with unwavering determination.

FugiTee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

King Of The Underworld


The prologue is dark and is not for the softhearted. It is not necessary to read, but if you can handle it, then I advise you to read it.



I groggily woke up with my entire body in pain. I got up and felt around to see if I was back in my cage, but I felt a very soft and comfortable bed under me. I didn't care where I was as I just buried my face in the pillow before I started sobbing. As I was sobbing, a figure came into the room with light steps, but loud enough to hear. I shot my head up as I backed up to the wall in fear, but he just kept walking until he was right next to me.

"NO! Stay away from me, please! I don't want to be hurt anymore, let me die in peace, and stop abusing me."

I thought that it was Daniel, the man who raped me before, that entered since his steps were similar, so I covered my body with the blanket and kicked in front of me. The person reached out and put their hand on my head before I felt warmth spread through my body and I could feel the pain fade away slowly. I looked up at the person before hearing the same soothing voice as the person I saw before I fell unconscious.

"Those Hearth bastards hurt you, and while I wanted to kill them on your behalf, I thought that you would want to kill them yourself."


The man's voice was so soothing that one would think it came from an angel, but that guess couldn't be further from the truth. This man was the ruler of the underworld, Heimdall Arthos. Heimdall is a very feared figure across the underworld, and it is considered blasphemy to even utter his name. The underworld is vast with varieties of races with their specialties however, compared to the human realm, it is but a continent in a large sea.

The world they live in is named Dornell and is very large-four times the size of Earth. It is divided into two realms, the underworld and the overworld. The overworld has a simple landscape with 7 continents under the rule of their respective kings. It is what you would expect from a human-inhabited area and has a large population of 14 billion. The underworld, on the other hand, has a smaller population of 7 billion and they are all ruled by the demon king. It is filled with a dim landscape and a dark star as its source of illumination.

Despite having such a large population, it is ruled by a single dictator with smaller factions under him, and normally, with such a large population, multiple leaders are often put in place, but the demon king is a force that has enough power to rule the entire realm with an iron fist. He is a very cruel being without care for his subjects and would kill them all for the mistake of one person, but this very person is here tending to a blind succubus with a gentleness that would make one question their eyes.


I tucked my head down in fear but still calmed down due to his words. Since my birth, I have learned not to trust anyone, but my weakness didn't change the fact that I couldn't do anything to a person who betrayed my trust. I spent seven decades of my life under constant abuse and tyranny, but I still held onto the hope that I could live a better life. That idea stuck in my head until Daniel made all hope for a better life die out and all I wanted to do was end my life.

I felt him touch my shoulder and I flinched back in fear. I'm sure he could feel my trembling since he squeezed my shoulder before comforting me in a reassuring voice. I calmed down but still felt fear of the person in front of me. Since I was born blind, I have always had a fear of the unknown and I couldn't tell when my next form of torture would strike. Despite that, I felt myself at ease around a man I had just met, and it made no sense since I have always tended to keep my guard up around everyone even though I couldn't do anything to defend myself.