
Seventh Sense: Queen of the Underworld

Don't be fooled by the genre. There will be little to no romance in this novel. The only romance will be for the plot of the novel. ......... A Succubus Queen, forged by a cruel past, rises to power and rules her kingdom with an iron fist. Her sole focus is maintaining control and order, ensuring that her subjects never experience the subjugation she once endured. As challenges arise, she makes ruthless decisions to keep her dominion intact, navigating the complexities of rulership with unwavering determination.

FugiTee · Fantasy
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26 Chs


"What did those people do to degrade your confidence to such a level? All the succubae I have seen throughout my life have been daring, even in my presence, but you are even scared to be touched."

When I heard his voice again, I wondered what he meant by succubae. Being a slave all my life, I never got any form of education, and it was only after living among those people that I learned how to speak. The only thing I was taught in my life was how to present myself in the household and how ugly I was in the eyes of the Hearths, despite being beautiful enough to cause a civil war over me, but I didn't know that, and I tried my very best to stay in my cage, away from my owners.

"Why, why would you touch something as disgusting as me? You should have left me in that place to die and be liberated from this life. I don't think you understand just how much I hate my life; I was abandoned by my parents at birth and sold off to a slave trader at just a few months old. The very first words that my parents said to me were, 'How did we produce such trash'. Imagine being shunned by the very people that gave birth to you. I was purchased before I could say my first word as a sex slave and subjected to abuse for 70 years of my life. Whenever I cried, I was lashed and told to be silent by the person who put me in that situation, and whenever I made a mistake, I was starved for as long as three months with no food and water. I thought I could finally die, but you just had to bring me back to this unfair life of mine. I have to live with the memory of being raped in gruesome ways by a person I couldn't even see. Do you see why I hate my life now?

Before I could even finish speaking, I was choking up from the sobbing that threatened to leave my throat and what made it worse was the silence that permeated the room. I could tell that the man in front of me didn't know what to say and I understood his position. How would you comfort a person who lived a life that many couldn't imagine? As I sat there crying silently, I felt him bring my head to his chest and I couldn't hold back anymore as I started sobbing loudly, throwing away any image I had of a grown woman.

"I swear to all on my dwindling life, you will get the revenge you deserve." 

I cried for so long, I ended up falling asleep on his chest. He laid me down on the bed before his charming and gentle visage turned deadly and his aura released so much bloodlust that I started convulsing on the bed. He noticed and dialed it down, but the look on his face would make anyone cower in fear.

"Here I was looking for a suitable successor, and I finally found one, only for her to be so emotionally torn, I doubt she can be helped. Normally, I would just dump her in the trenches and let her die, but I feel an indescribable rage. I want you to keep an eye on them and make sure they don't escape their fate. Also, order everyone in the castle to treat her with respect and do your utmost best to heal her trauma, if you don't..."

A beautiful woman emerged from a nearby shadow with a scared look on her stoic face. The demon lord didn't finish his sentence, but she knew the result of her failure.

"Yes, my lord!"

She left the room and relayed the demon lord's orders to everyone in the castle. Many were shocked since the demon lord rarely gives orders to anyone except his closest servants, and even they aren't safe from his tyranny.