
~Chapter 14~

4 and a half years ago:


"Mom! I'm home.."

"I'm in the kitchen sweety. How was school today?"

"It was fine.. I have a lot to catch up because of practice."

"Oh honey I'm sorry.. but don't worry you're a smart boy. I know you can do it" She gave me an encouraging smile, but I couldn't give her one back.

"This isn't only about missing classes is it?"

I shake my head no.

"Today I ran into her.. on the hallway. She didn't even look at me. I really really want to apologize, but I just don't know how.. what do I do mom?"

"You know I can't help you with that son.. I don't even know why you stopped talking to her in the first place"

"Cause I'm stupid that's why! I listened to those trainee idiots and their dumb ideas. They told me she doesn't belong with me, that she's not pretty enough and that once I'll be an idol I'll be around far more beautiful girls and she'll get heartbroken anyway... but I'm the one who's heartbroken now. I miss her a lot, and not talking to her is.... it's just.... painful."

I bang my head on the table wishing my stupid brain would work better.

"Oh Jihun.. listen, if you regret this so much I'll help you out." She took her phone out of her apron's pocket.

"What are you doing?"

"I have her mom's phone number. I'm giving her a call."

"But don't you.. like.. hate her?"

"Yes, but for you son.. I'm stepping on my pride today."

I jumped out of my chair and squished her in my arms.

"You're the best!"

"I know I know, now get of.. it's ringing."

"Hello? Is this Mss. Kim?

Oh.. well can you put her on the phone please?

She.. what?

Oh.. ok, thank you very much."

"What happened?" I ask impatiently.

"I'm sorry honey.. I don't think you'll see her any time soon."

"What? Why?"

"The landlord said they left to the airport a few hours ago. They're moving to the States."

Present time


"Okay... here I go.." He sighed and made himself more comfortable.

"The day you left to America I wanted to apologize to you.. I wanted us to reconcile, I just didn't know how. So my mom called your mom in an attempt to help me, but the landlord answered and said that you left. When I heard that I took a taxi and went to the airport as fast as I could, but when I got there the plane had already took off."

My heart fluttered.. he went that far for me?

"I drove back home confused and numb.. I thought maybe it was a dream, maybe someone was playing a sick joke on me. I got to my house and went straight to my room and I broke down. Reality sunk in and I just couldn't hold it anymore. I tried calling you, but it went straight to voice mail and I realised..."

He turned towards me and looked into my eyes.

"I realised I've lost you. I was so angry at myself, how could I have been so stupid? But I was also angry at you. How could you? How could you leave like that without saying a word? Even if we didn't talk for a few months, you were my best friend.."

His eyes were tearing up and I couldn't stop the guilt from flooding in.


"Let me finish.. I was angry, but that anger faded away over time. I hurt you without reason, ofcourse you wouldn't talk to me. I ruined what we had because of one stupid mistake. I was heartbroken for so long, because I knew I may as well never see you again, and everything because I chose the wrong antourage and listened to the wrong opinions."

By this point both of us were silently crying, reminiscing the pain we felt when we were younger.

"But that doesn't answer your question." He wiped his tears and continued. "The day you left I also realised my real feelings for you. Every time I would go grocery shopping with you, every time I comforted you when it was storming outside, every time my soul hurt because you were crying, and every time I felt the happiest when you laughed.. it wasn't just because you were my bestfriend.

I was in love with you Aera."

My heart stopped.

"I was in love with you so bad that it scared me. I didn't want to admit my feelings cause I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same. But now that you were gone I just.... it just hit me like a train going 100 km an hour."

The way he was looking at me when he said it made me forget how to breathe. But I had one question in my mind. Usually I think before I speak, but this time the words just slipped out of my mouth.

"Do you still- ?"


He didn't even need time to think.

"I still do." He said shyly.

I was stunned, literally.. like a rock. I couldn't move and couldn't talk, nothing was going through my brain.

"Please say something Aera.."


"You don't have to say it back.. I don't even care if you don't feel the same... I mean I do care, but it doesn't matter. Just please please don't push me away!"

My brain just couldn't compute.. All those years I had a crush on him, and he felt the same way. Only if I had said something, much would've been different now. He stared at me, a little bit scared, a little bit sad, and a little bit hopeful.

More than anything it baffled me that he still had the same feelings, after so much time.. after so many girls that he's met, after all the fame he acquired, how could someone like him love me?

~I'm a nobody.. a broken nobody.~

"Aera... This is why I didn't want to tell you. I mean, how could you even look at me the same way, or even look at me at all after-"

"No Jihun, it's not like that. I'm not going to push you away, nothing can make me do that. I'm just, confused, and scared. I need time..."

He smiled and nodded. It's like he could breathe again.

"Then I'm gonna give you time. No matter how long it takes, I promise I'll wait for you."

~But what if he could fix me?~