
~Chapter 15~

Next day


I woke up half an hour earlier than everybody else. Today is the last day of practice since we're leaving for Japan tomorrow, yet this isn't the thing that stresses me out. It's been a restless night.. I can't believe I confessed my feelings to her.

I went downstairs to make a cup of coffee while pondering yesterday's events. The thing that confused me the most was her reaction. I expected a categorical "I don't see you in that way Jihun, we're just friends!". But she didn't say that.. but she didn't say that she liked me back either.

So... what do I do now? Do I still behave as if she's just a friend? Do I talk to her normally or as if I like her? Do I make a move? Not make a move? She said she needs time.. I can wait. But how do I even look her in the eyes when she knows how I feel?

As I was pouring my coffee being a disoriented mess, I heard voices on the patio outside. It sounds like Yoongjae.. good. I could use some company.

Wait... is that Aera?

They're talking about something.

"Holy fuck. Jihun said that?"

Oh my God they're talking about me. I quietly moved behind the wall and listened.


"Well what did you say?" He asked her.

"Nothing at first, I was in utter shock. Then he made that face and he looked like he was gonna cry and I just blurted out stuff. I don't even know what, I only remember I said I need time."

"Oh wow.. I mean I always knew there's something there but I didn't expect him to actually admit it."

"You knew?!... Aahh it doesn't even matter. The point is what do I do now Yoongjae?"

"Well, I guess you wait and figure out your feelings for him. Unless.... you already have them figured out."


Why isn't she saying anything?

"I do have them figured out."

Oh shit.

"I had them figured out since I went out to lunch with you guys..."

"Aanndd... they are?"

My heart is beating like crazy.

"Well.... I.. "

I think I'm gonna faint.

"Ofcourse I like him back."

Oh... Wait.. WHAT?!

"I mean how can I not? I had this humongous crush on him in highschool, and now he's even hotter and smarter and like, he's so kind, and cute, and sensitive, and gentle. How can anyone not like him?"

"Then why don't you go and tell him that??"

"Because.. put yourself in my shoes. You reunite after almost 5 years with your highschool best friend, aka the first and only guy you ever liked, after you stopped talking for unknown reasons. Only now he's a famous hot and rich idol that saved you from your unhealthy and abusive relationship that your parents forced you into. You now live with that best friend and then you find out that he's not only been in love with you for your entire friendship but he also has the same feelings now, and you also feel attracted to him in a romantic way but you're to afraid to tell him because you don't know how to approach him and flirt with him and how to normally behave in a relationship because you're fucking terrified of the idea of intimacy with any man because of one asshole that made you feel worthless and pathetic."

"Wow... that's... Yeah... I get it now."

She sighed.. she's really been through a lot. But now that I know what she feels I know exactly what to do, so I go upstairs thinking of a plan to make her mine.


"But I do have one more question if you don't mind." Yoongjae told me.

"Go ahead.."

"How come you ended up with this guy? I mean I know how, but why did your parents choose him? from what I understand he's pretty dangerous, and I doubt that they don't know that."

"Well... how do I even say this.. I guess Jihun told you that my parents are pretty rich."

"Yeah, they own some beauty salons right?"

"Yes, but the thing is that those are just a cover up for some.. uhh, let's just say some illegal stuff my dad does."

"So your dad is like, in the mafia?" He asked and I nodded reserved.

"He got greedy and wanted more money, so he wanted to associate with Jacob, and how to do that better than give him his only daughter."

Yoongi sighed dissappointed.

"And Jihun knows this?"

"Yes, he knows everything. That's why I was so upset when he didn't tell me about the texts."

"I'm so sorry Aera..." He gave me a sympathetic look and a pat on the head.

"It's alright, I know my parents don't love me.. it doesn't even bother me anymore."

"Hyung, are you ready to go?" Junghoon shouted coming down the stairs.

"Yeah, let's go. Bye Aera!"

"Bye guys! Have fun at practice."

"We'll be home earlier today since the plane is so late at night." Jihun startled me, I didn't even know he was behind me.

"Oh, okay." I gave him a smile and he gave me one too. Well, this is a little awkward, why's he staring at me like that?

"See you later beautiful." He kissed my cheek and smirked. Before I knew it he was out the door and I was beetroot red with my hand on my cheek. What was that?

Next day


It was 2 in the morning and everyone was at the airport. Aera took a cab there separately from the boys since there would be a lot of press. She stayed with the other staff girls most of the time, but Jihun made sure to make eye contact with her from time to time.

"Girl, are you sick?" Ryujin asked her.

"Huh? No, why?

"Your face is all red."

"Oh, it's just... it's a little hot in here." She said with Jihun's gaze piercing trough her. He couldn't help but look at her, she was so cute getting all shy.

"Watcha smiling at?" Seokju asked Jihun.

"Mm? N-nothing, it's nothing."

"Yeah, I'm not buying that. What's your plan?"

"What plan?"

"You know, about Aera." Before he could answer the oldest cut him off. "Don't deny it, I know you have one."

Jihun chuckled embarrassed.

"Ofcourse you do."

"So? Watcha gonna do?"

"I'm not really sure yet... I just want to take her out of her shell, I want her to know that it's ok to show her feelings towards me, so for the moment I guess me flirting with her is my first move."

"Yeah, you do that. No girl on this Earth can resist your flirty ass." Seokju chuckled.

Besides brushing eachother on the airplane while getting to their seats, the two didn't have much interaction after that. After landing they each went to their hotel rooms and took a nap. Later that day everything was pure chaos. People running in all directions, preparing for the concert. The boys were warming up their voices and practising their choreography, and before everyone knew the stadium gates were swarming with fans eager to get to their seats.

Aera was calmly arranging her make-up table when someone plopped on the seat behind her.

"Make me handsome." Jihun said cheekily.

"What are you doing?" The girl giggled. "I'm supposed to start with Junghoon."

"Yeah, well Junghoon can get his make-up done by someone else."

"Jihun you're gonna get me in trouble on my first day."

"No I won't..." he smiled.

She sighed and started putting moisturiser on his smooth face.

10 minutes later

"Stop staring at me like that." Aera whispered.

"Why? Am I making you shy?"

"No, you're just distracting me."

"You're lying."

"I'm not! Stop it." She was lying. She actually really enjoyed it.

"Well excuse me, I'm just admiring how beautiful you are up close." Jihun whispered back.

"Shhhh, Jihun!! People are going to hear us!"

"You're blushing so hard." He giggled.

"Oh my God! What's with you today?" She asked shyly.

"Nothing, I'm just speaking my mind."

"Just let me finish in peace, I'm almost done..." She said while applying tinted lip balm on his lips with her fingers, but after she was done he licked it right off.

She put a little more, but his tongue erased it again.

"Jihun, stop licking your lip balm off!"

"But I like the feeling of your fingers on my lips." He whispered seductively.

Butterflies, no, dinosaurs.. She had dinosaurs dancing in her stomach.

"J-just shut up and look into the mirror." She turned away so he won't laugh at her red face.

"Holy shit, Aera he looks amazing!" Ryujin said baffled by the girl's skill.

"Yeah I do, you're really good at this."

"Thanks!" She smiled proudly at the compliments.

Later that evening


The concert was over and everyone was exhausted. We all went back at the hotel and I plopped on the soft bed. God this was really tiring. Although, I couldn't stop thinking about Jihun. The way he was looking at me all day... it made my body tingle, even during the concert when they came backstage to change and get touch ups he would smirk and wink at me. What's gotten into him?


Speaking of the devil.. he texted me.

"Hey, we're all playing games in my room. Wanna come?"

"Jeez, aren't you guys tired?"

"Not really, adrenaline is still pumping.. :)"

"Uhm...Yeah I'll join you, just let me take a shower first."

"Okay, room number is 237, make sure no one sees you. ;)"

I exit the chat and enter my calls log.. Cora hasn't called me in a few day, and she hasn't answered any of my texts today.. I wonder if she's alright..

15 minutes later


The door opened and a giggling Taeyong let me in.

"Hello pretty miss!" Yoongjae?... What the...?

"Are you guys drinking?"

"Nnnoooo, we are not!" Junghoon slurred.

"Oh my God, I'm outta here."

"No no, wait!" Jihun grabbed my wrist. "Please stay." He smiled sweetly.

"Are you drunk too?"

"No, I promise I'm not."

I squint my eyes at him.

"Alright, maybe just a bit, but don't leave.." Ah, those puppy eyes again.

I let him guide me towards the sofa and I sit down next to him and Tae.

"Why so grim?" Tae asked me.

"It's just my friend Cora... she isn't answering any of my texts and I'm a bit worried."

"Aaahh, maybe her fiance cheated on her like my girlfriend did to me." Junghoon sipped his beer.

"Alright, that's enough for you young man, time for sleep." Seokju took his beer and dragged him off the bed.

"But hyuuunngg!!!"

"Good night everyone! Junghoon say goodnight."

"Aiishh.. Good night guys, good night Aera!" He pouted and exited the room with his hyung.

"I think I'm gonna go to sleep too." Yoongjae put down the game controller and stumbled to the door. Good night guys!"

"Jihun come on, wanna play?" Hosung asked him and they both sat on the floor playing Call of Duty.

"Don't worry, I'm sure your friend is fine." Taeyong reassured me.

I gave him a smile and a nodd. For the next hour we all switched places and played against each other, and ofcourse everyone laughed at me cause I suck at video games, well.. at least I suck at this one.

One by one the guys were going to sleep, until it was just Jihun and me. We sat in awkward silence for a bit until he spoke.

"Come on, I'll teach you how to play." He sat on the floor and pat the space between his legs.

"Y-you want me to sit there?"

"Yes, don't worry, I don't bite." He smirked and I rolled my eyes and sat down.

He circled me with his arms and placed the controller in my hands, putting his fingers over mine. His head was next to mine and I could feel his breath on my cheek.. the room was dead silent apart from the sounds coming from the TV. Gosh I love his cologne so much.

We played for a bit but none of us were really thinking about the game. His torso was glued to my back and every time I moved I could feel his muscles tense. Goosebumps covered me when he whispered directions in my ear, and I could've sworn there were 1000 degrees in this room.

After a few minutes that felt like hours, he stopped and moved around so he could face me.. but he was still very close.


"Aera.. I'm sorry if my behavior got out of hand today. I was so hyped about the concert and I wasn't thinking straight."

He was looking down, she didn't know what to say.

"If you want me to stop being like that you can tell me.." He continued.



"I... I don't want you to stop." Her voice was low, more like a whisper.

She didn't dare to look him in the eye, she wanted to tell him how she feels, but something was holding her back.

"Look at me..." He raised her chin with his index finger.



The distance between them lessened.. heartbeats quickened, hands got sweaty, breaths got shaky, cheeks got redder, faces got closer, and closer, and closer...