
Sephiroth World Traveler

The day that Sephiroth lost to Cloud, he promised him something that he would never forget. " I will never be a memory" A certain god watching the fight happened to take an interest in our one winged angel and saw an opportunity to have some fun with other worlds and causing some chaos in the process. Join us as we watch Sephiroth go to new worlds, meet new people, gain even more power if that was even possible with him as he changes the world's he visits from what we all know them to be. ********Do not own any of this so don't sue me I'm broke as it is already******

Cr1ms0nReader · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

Chapter 58

With Sephiroth being the epicenter of the explosion a massive wall of pure destructive force came about that was like a wall of blazing hellfire that had billions of volts of deadly lightning coursing through it that destroyed you both inside and outside when it touched you.

When the explosion finally settled down and the smoke finally cleared up what could be seen was utter devastation. There was a massive crater in the ground that went several miles deep and wide. In the air all that could be seen was a fraction of the forces that were there before, from the 1001 enemies that Sephiroth was facing against only a mere 200 hundred survived one of them including Kokabiel.

If you're wondering how that is, it is simple: the ones that were smart enough to put up a shield and connect with others to power it up like they were doing it earlier were the only ones that were able to survive it but barely. Many that did this didn't have enough people to power it up to withstand the spell and ended up getting vaporized still and of course the ones that attempted to flee didn't make it either thus of the 1001 fallen angels only a mere 200 made it but most of them had about 25% of their magical power left and were severely drained on their stamina as well.

Sephiroth looking around seeing who was left was semi surprised that so many were left after his super charged spell. Fire and Lighting are known for their destructive capabilities and them being combined in such a way and boosted on top of that, he could honestly say he was impressed by how many made it. It wasn't going to stop him from still killing them all though.

When Kokabiel saw who was left he was fucking pissed and full of hatred almost making him want to puke up blood, his legion the one known for being feared during the great war just suffered a major loss. He lost 80% of his forces to one spell from one person, he quickly calmed himself though because he knew that giving into his anger wasn't going to help in this fight.

Looking at Sephiroth "After using such a spell you must almost be drained of your magical reserves, that means that you can only rely on your swordsmanship now to fight us" Kokabiel said confident that he was right, given the amount of magical power that was in the spell it must of used a massive amount of Sephiroth's reserves to cast it.

Sephiroth didn't say anything to respond and charged at the nearest group of fallen angels and Kokabiel took this as him agreeing to what he said thinking that he guessed right. Completely unaware that Sephiroth had only used roughly 15% of his magical power and it will gradually refill if he doesn't cast any more big spells like he just did.

This time the situation was completely different than what it was this time, since they lost a great portion of their numbers and they were all tired and drained severally. It made cutting through the rest of them that much easier for Sephiroth, when he got to the first group of 10 fallen angels he first used [Reaper] (A series of three slashes which hit multiple times) on the closest targets. The ones that were targeted made light swords and spears to block the attacks quickly but because of the nature of the attack the first hit broke their weapons they made right away.

Meaning that they didn't have anything else to stop the rest of the attack so the three fallen angels ended up taking 2 more hits, the problem is that Sephiroth aimed for an instant kill and aimed at their necks meaning that with no defense in place they took the attack. Losing their heads in the process, the other fallen angels that were behind them were shocked at what just happened but all they could do was watch as their comrades' headless bodies fell from the sky to the ground below.

Sephiroth, not wanting to give them a chance to recover charged his sword with magic making it take on a green glow and then sending out a sword beam at them horizontally aiming to hit at least three other fallen angels. Seeing the green sword beam coming at them the ones in the way deployed a shield in front of themselves believing that with the three of them they would be enough to stop this sword beam coming at them.

Sadly it didn't work the way that they wanted it to upon making connect with the shields it didn't even hold for a second and shattered upon impact and kept going. This time through he wasn't aiming for their necks, Sephiroth aimed for their waist thus cutting the poor bastards in half from the waist down. The reason for the green glow is because Sephiroth added a wind element to his sword thus greatly increasing the cutting power behind his strike.

Before Sephiroth could finish the others in this group dozens of light spears were sent at him making him have to dodge, but he didn't relent and flew his way toward another group after dodging all of the light spears sent his way. Using his superior speed and senses he would visit various groups of fallen angels and kill some of their numbers before he went to the next group to repeat this process.

As more and more of their kind were being killed off many of the survivors were losing the will to fight this monster and letting fear set in, it also didn't help that the strongest of them Kokabiel couldn't stop Sephiroth every time that he got close he would just use his speed to put some distance between them almost like a game of tag in a sense.

Having had killed over a hundred of the fallen angels that remained, Sephiroth put some distance between themselves. "I'm grown quite bored of this fight already" he stated to everyone, when they all heard this they got a horrible feeling that something bad was about to happen again.

Channeling some of his magical power into a magic circle in front of himself, everyone could feel the amount of power that he was putting into it, it was almost the same amount that he put into that one spell he used that reduced their numbers to drastically.

"Quickly stop him if he unleashes whatever it is that he is doing then we are all going to die" Yelled Kokabiel to everyone, he knew that if they were to let this spell go off they would all perish.

All of the fallen angels steeled themselves to charge at him with light spears that they created putting all of their magical power that they had left into it hoping that it would be enough to stop him. From Sephiroth's view he saw a 100 fallen angels charging toward him with them all holding one or two light spears.

"Partner, if you don't hurry up with whatever you're doing then you're going to take some serious damage. While the balance breaker armor is strong especially so with you powering it, taking over a 100 attacks would be able to break it and damage you" Ddraig spoke up since she saw that he didn't do anything to protect himself from these attacks. While she is confident in her partner she still does worry that he is getting a little arrogant to think he can shake off all of these attacks.

"Don't worry partner this last spell [Meteor] that I'm almost finished casting will wipe out all of the fallen angels no problem, not even people with Satan class power could walk away from this spell without some serious injuries." Sephiroth said in his mind to Ddraig trying to sooth his partners' concerns.

"Alright I'll trust you then" she said back

It is right before Sephiroth was able to cast the spell that the first wave of fallen angels got to him and stabbed him with their light spears trying to stop him, Sephiroth didn't try to stop them and allowed the attacks to hit him. And much to the fallen angels dismay the light spears didn't break through his armor, they were only able to put some small scratches on it.

But that didn't stop them another wave came up and attacked but all it did was create more scratches on his boosted armor. Sadly before the next wave of fallen angels could attack him they noticed that it got pitch black all a sudden and when they looked up they saw the reason why. A meteor big enough to block out of the moon was hurling toward them, and then they finally knew why that got that chill. This monster was sending a fucking meteor at them to finish them all off and when they looked at Sephiroth they knew that even though they couldn't see his face under that helmet they knew that he had a smirk on his face for their situation.

Having finally finished his spell he didn't waste any time and boosted himself a few times to strengthen his armor so that he could withstand the blast that was incoming. He had used about 50% of his magical reserves to cast this spell and because Sephiroth had some massive magical reserves that total to a tremendous amount, so the likelihood that everyone is going to die here as soon as that meteor touches the ground.

"Death was inevitable when you went against me" Sephiroth said that everyone heard and once they processed what he said they all just did the one thing that Kokabiel would never dream that would happen with his legion of fallen angels. They just gave up and stared at the sky, but he couldn't blame them really even though he knew that he wasn't going to make it through this spell. Maybe if he had his full legion then they would be able to block it but with only a fraction of his forces, it was a pipe dream now.

Looking at Sephiroth in the distance, "I don't regret dying to you Sephiroth, you have proven to me that fallen angels are the superior race by what you have shown so far and I know that this isn't your full power but you were still able to handle me and my legion. My only regret is that I didn't get to start another war like I wanted to" Kokabiel said and then looked up at the meteor that was hurling towards him with what looked like a peaceful smile on his face.

Sephiroth said nothing and just watched as the meteor made contact with the ground and created a tremendous explosion that spread all the way to the barrier that Sephiroth set up and shattered it completely but all of the force of it was used up so no one outside of the barrier was hurt in any way.

Sorry been busy with work and school stuff for my kids couldn't find time to write another chapter but here it is finally.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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