
Sephiroth World Traveler

The day that Sephiroth lost to Cloud, he promised him something that he would never forget. " I will never be a memory" A certain god watching the fight happened to take an interest in our one winged angel and saw an opportunity to have some fun with other worlds and causing some chaos in the process. Join us as we watch Sephiroth go to new worlds, meet new people, gain even more power if that was even possible with him as he changes the world's he visits from what we all know them to be. ********Do not own any of this so don't sue me I'm broke as it is already******

Cr1ms0nReader · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 57

Sephiroth then threw himself at the nearest group of fallen angels striking the already weakened shield that they put up to block his last attack, in the process of closing the distance Sephiroth boosted himself twice raising his power even more. So when he made contact with the shield it didn't even slow down his strike at all.

The fallen angels that were in the path of the sword attack had their eyes open wide seeing that their defensive shield didn't provide any kind of protection against this sword attack. It was the last expression on the faces of 10 fallen angels that weren't able to get out of the way fast enough and these people lost their heads to his sword.

This upset all of the fallen angel legion that some of them just died so quickly already like that and they all started to release their killing intent toward Sephiroth wanting to affect him in some way, they believed that if they combined all of their killing intent on him solely there was no way it wouldn't work. When Sephiroth felt their killing intent focused on him it did stun him for a moment because of the amount but he simply shrugged it off the next moment. They could never understand the amount of people that Sephiroth has killed, he has destroyed dozens of villages.

The rest of the fallen angels scattered and circled around him when they saw that their killing intent didn't affect him like they wanted which was surprising. Some of them went into the air and some of them stayed on the ground so that they could fully enclose Sephiroth leaving him no way to escape. All of them summoned a magical circle in front of them pouring a decent amount of magical power into their own attacks, some of them doing light spears and others using the other basic elements such as fire, ice, lightening, and water.

Seeing the situation that he was in, Sephiroth boosted himself 2 more times then cast a [Shell] spell on himself raising his magical defense greatly not to mention that he is 4 times stronger now so it can be imagined how powerful this spell will be.

Once the group saw that Sephiroth cast an unknown spell on himself they didn't want to wait to see what it did and they all launched their spells at him. When looked from a distance it looked like a colorful rainbow but instead of a beautiful sight it was one of pure destruction headed toward whoever was the target and in this case that was Sephiroth.

Kokabiel seeing this happen and the fact that Sephiroth didn't dodge or counterattack at all put a smile on his face thinking that Sephiroth was too scared to do anything seeing that many spells coming at him. Then a massive explosion took place where Sephiroth was standing, when the light and dust settled there was a shocked scene in front of everyone, even if they didn't kill him they thought at the very least that he would be severely injured to some degree but what they saw was anything but.

Sephiroth was still standing well floating now because all of the ground was now disintegrated and he didn't have a scratch on him or his armor, all they could see was a checkered sphere all around Sephiroth which they now realized was a defensive spell of some kind.

"Reset" Ddraig announced aloud for everyone to hear

"I hope that you can do better than that Kokabiel" Sephiroth said and you could hear the arrogance in his voice without even having to see his face hidden by his armor. To which Kokabiel could only grit his teeth at being humiliated like this especially in front of his legion like that.

"Hmph, that wasn't even the best that we could do. Quickly squad 1 and 2 engage in close combat. Everyone else provide support when you can, even if you don't hit him just distract him at the least" Kokabiel said quickly calming himself down so that he can take Sephiroth down, he knew getting angry would lead to a mistake that Sephiroth would capitalize on which he couldn't afford.

Once squads 1 and 2 heard their orders a total of 40 fallen angels rushed forward each with either a sword or spear made of light magic in their hands to surround Sephiroth again.

"Boost, Boost, Boost" Ddraig said

Sephiroth's [Shell] wore off and faded away, he got into his stance and with his free hand motioned for them to come at him. Quickly 4 fallen angels attacked him from all sides, seeing this Sephiroth quickly attacked the one's in the front and left of him by swinging his sword out, stopping their momentum for their attacks and knocking their weapons and themselves back. Performing a quick spin he blocked the one behind him and raised his free hand to stop the other attack gripping the light spear head that was aimed at his head with his bare hand.

Tightening his grip of his free hand he shattered the light spear, and before he could punch the fallen angel with his fist, a light spear came and hit his arm delaying his attack for a moment but it was enough for the fallen angel to jump back and out of range without taking any damage.

'Tsk, that is going to be annoying' thought Sephiroth, it's not that it hurt or anything but if they keep doing that everytime that he wants to attack someone then he will never really be able to thin their numbers.

Sephiroth then pushed the other one that was on his sword back with his strength and gave himself some room to move but it didn't last long, another group of four came and attacked him from all sides but this time they also sent some magical spells at him that would reach him first before them.

Sephiroth used his superior speed and moved so quickly it looked like he teleported and moved behind a group of fallen angels in the air that just launched some spells at him. It happened so fast that they couldn't see when he got behind them and even with their experience and instincts they were not going to be fast enough to defend themselves. Right when Sephiroth was going to attack them and kill a few of them, Kokabiel charged at him from behind with a light sword in his hand.

Sephiroth was forced to stop his attack on the one's in front of him and quickly turned around to block the attack, but because of the speed that Kokabiel was flying at he was able to push back Sephiroth to the close combat squads so that they could surround him again.

The situation kept repeating itself a couple more times where Sephiroth would either block all of the attacks sent at him and when he tried to kill them he would be stopped by the support of the fallen angels with their spells or whenever he broke away from the close combat fighters to the support ones, he would be forced back by Kokabiel again. They were basically in a standstill in the fight but the thing that they noticed is that Sephiroth would occasionally boost himself and overtime it was getting harder and harder to suppress him.

When Sephiroth finally got to his 10th boost that was when everything changed for the situation of the fight, "Akeno, take everyone out of the barrier. You will be able to pass it, go quickly" Sephiroth said to them, to which they didn't argue with him and quickly flew away. If you're wondering why no one stopped them it was simple Sephiroth was too big a threat for them to divert any of their forces to chase their group down. They needed everyone here to put pressure on him, so sending the 20 or so fallen angels that it would take to take them would just be hurting them all.

They continued like this for a bit longer but they all seemed to notice that Sephiroth wasn't boosting anymore meaning that he was at his limit, which was a good thing because if he got any stronger then they wouldn't be able to hold him down and they would start losing people. When Sephiroth sensed that Akeno's group cleared the barrier, he could finally implement his plan without having to worry about hurting them.

When he knocked back the close combat group again, he quickly released a great amount of magical power outside of his body that pushed back anyone that was close to him and stopped all spells that were headed toward him because of the intensity of magical power he released.

'I hope you know what your doing partner might even hurt you if you are not careful' Ddraig said worried that Sephiroth was taking a risk that wasn't needed.

'Relax partner, if I need to sacrifice my body a bit to get out of this statement I'm in then I'll do it every time. Pain is nothing new to me you should know that' Sephiroth said back to Ddraig, to which she could only sigh at his statement but didn't say anything else about it.

Then the atmosphere changed around Sephiroth with him as the center, he unsummoned his sword and each hand he condensed a large fireball in his right hand and a large lightning ball in his left hand. The thing is that he didn't just send them at the fallen angels no, he concentrated them in the palm of his hand making them smaller and smaller. The thing that the group noticed is that the smaller that they got the stronger each one was getting, this set off their instincts that they had to stop him before he did whatever it was he was going to do or a lot of them were going to die.

But the problem was that because of the amount of magical power that Sephiroth was releasing they couldn't get close to him it felt like they were walking through a swamp and any spells they sent at him would be destroyed in the air before they could even touch him due to it. It is when he was able to make them the size of a marble that he finally made his move.

"Transfer" Ddraig said

Sephiroth transferred all of the boosted power he had saved to both the fireball and lightning ball in his hand equally making them that much stronger than they already were then he did something that made the hairs on the back of their necks raise up in alarm he moved his hands closer together as if he was going to combine them together.

What they didn't know was that they were right, that was exactly what Sephiroth was going to do and by doing this destroy a large portion of the legion if not all of them if he was lucky. "Embrace Despair... [ThunderFire Annihilation]" He then combined both of them together and then they all watched as they each got even smaller when they mixed and became a crimson ball of fire that had white lightning coursing through it then from it a massive explosion occurred not even a second later.

The fallen angels seeing this all put up any kind of defensive barriers that they could with some even trying to fly outside the blast range thinking that they could outrun the explosion coming their way. Then the magical spell covered all of the legion in a fiery and lightning explosion of pure destruction.

Sorry for the late update I would of posted it Tuesday but the internet at my hotel is horrible that I can't upload my chapter with it timing out sucks but I'll be back home tomrrow so I should have another chapter upload at some point.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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