
Separated Sands: Reincarnated in Naruto

The hourglass always has two sides for which the sand flows. Time carries on through the grains. This is the tale of a grain in the hourglass who strives to make the world better as he pushes towards the top fighting against the flow. Will he make his way to the top or be buried beneath the sands? ------------ This is my first thing I have written other than small short stories. So please guide me k ^w^ I do not own any of the characters in Naruto this is simply a fanfiction for my practice. (Temp) Cover Art: https://pixabay.com/en/users/noupload-2404633/

ShadowRose13 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Reverse Scale

I cuddled with Ino in the bed of flowers for hours until the sky began turning Orange "You know Ino... I think, no I know you are probably the first girl I have ever loved in my lives" He is talking about both his lives but she thinks it is just a romantic gesture "Heh you are such a smooth talker" She hits my arm "Hehe I'm being serious Ino. I don't know much about love but I know if anything happened to you I would break inside" He hugs her gently "Thank you for being with me" She smiles and pecks my lips "You are the greatest person I know Marix. I'll be happy so long as you don't abandon me" We snuggle for a few more minutes before getting up "Well I have to get home before my dad throws a fit. Seeya tomorrow 'hubby'~" I blush a bit when she calls me that waving at her as she leaves before heading home.

I take off my shoes at the door "I'm home!" No response. It was very quite "Huh?" He look around but neither Sasuke nor Naruto are home "Huh..." I rub my chin a bit wondering where they are at. Looking out the window the sky is dark "It's late. Maybe Naruto is out training more" He has no idea what Sasuke does a lot of the time. There was a loud banging on the door so he goes over to answer. In front of him were some ninjas who barge into his house "Hey!" I growl at them but they ignore me "Where is Naruto?" They say looking around "I don't know he didn't come home yet." I hear one of the shinobi tsk then they leave again. "What the hell?!" I head out to find what is going on.

From what I can tell a lot of adults are out looking for Naruto. "He did what?!" I heard one of the ninjas talking "He stole a very important scroll from Lord Hokage." 'What Naruto isn't a thief.' This doesn't sound right at all. 'AH! His training place in the forest!' I began to rush towards the forest area when I am approaching it though I hear some more adults "He has gone too far this time. I say we kill him once and for all!" Then there was sounds of agreement. I stop dead in my tracks a cold murderous aura spreading out from me as I look over at them my eyes showing a Six Point Star swirling around "Who did you say you were going to kill" I say with a smile I didn't know it then but people would later say that it was like looking at the face of the devil. They would even swear at seeing a Shinigamis image appear behind me.

'Crap!' The group of Adults all think at the same time. Most of the villagers know me here now and don't have much aversion to me any longer. I get along with everyone to a certain extent since I am a happy go lucky person but... when someone threatens those I care about I don't hesitate and they know it. There was a time two years ago when someone tried to kidnap Naruto. When the adults showed up they found me covered in blood with deathly cold eyes while Naruto was knocked out. The ninja who kidnapped naruto lay before me without any limbs but I wasn't allowing him to die. When they arrived I had just spoken "Look now you will never forget how to write regret~" I said with a grim smile. The mans body was covered in cuts and stitches carving out the word regret all over his torso.

The adults from then on knew I had a line that should never be crossed and this incident also earned me another nickname 'Surgeon of Death'. They couldn't help but tremble "N-no it is just a figure of speech for punishment." I look at them and grunt "Don't touch my bottom line" I say before heading off into the forest. The adults all let out a breath of relief. Unbeknownst to me Grandpa was watching the whole thing through his crystal ball "That kid still harbors such darkness inside him... At least he only directs it at those who touch those he cares about"

I head into the forest area. Looking away frantically I smell blood. "No!" I rush over only to find Mizuki Sensei standing before Iruka Sensei who is covered in blood. I go over to "Sensei hold on!" Mizuki began to laugh "Look it is the other demon of our village! You used to always hang out with that Demon Fox B*stard" Demon fox "What demon fox?" I say looking at Mizuki while secretly connecting a string to Iruka sending my Life chakra into him "Oh you don't know? Hah you didn't know that that little b*stard you hung around with was the Demon Fox who laid waste to our village a dozen years ago hahah how unbelievable! And here I thought you were staying away from that useless piece of trash because you found out he was more of a monster than you are!"

The demon fox? Is he talking about the Kyubi? Wait that would mean that naruto is a Jinchuriki that also explains why the adults never liked him. "Hmph well whatever. Isn't it funny you were living with a monster. The very same monster who killed Irukas parents. I bet he has always hated that little bastard and you because you used to be his best friend or so you say but I never see you with him anymore maybe you wizened up haha" Ok this pr*ck is crazy. I'm guessing he talked naruto into stealing that scroll to use it as a reason to get rid of him.

Oh it is so hard to control my urge to kill this guy "You are right about somethings. Naruto is talentless when it comes to ninjutsu, and test, and even fighting. But he puts in so much more work than anyone else to improve himself. He only wants people to notice him. I know one day all his effort will pay off and he will be one of the greatest ninjas ever. You are also right about him not being my friend anymore" Iruka is shocked at this but none of us knew Naruto was listening nearby "No after being with him so long he is much more than a friend to me. He is my brother and I will do anything, anything at all, for him. Even if it means having to take on the hatred and darkness to keep it away from him. I will even kill if someone tries to hurt him but you should already know that"

Iruka smiles "It is also true I hate the demon fox but I do not hate naruto even a little bit. He is a shinobi of our village not some monster!" Mizuki glares at us then takes out some kunai "Hmph a pathetic genin and an injured loser. Both of you should just die" He steps forth to attack and I am about to retaliate when Naruto pops up "Don't touch Iruka Sensei or my brother!" This makes Mizuki laugh "hah what can you do you useless demon trash!" Naruto makes a cross with his fingers "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!" A thousand Narutos appear and began pummeling Mizuki.

Well that was unexpected. I turn around and began to fully heal Iruka "Life Release: Hands of the Saint" I press my palm against his stomach while the other hand began to rapidly remove the Kunai and out of Iruka sensei "Naruto close your eyes" Naruto listens to Iruka who places his headband on Naruto "Naruto congratulations on graduating." I smile "You did good Naruto" Reaching out I rub his head. Naruto pounces on us and cries while smiling.

I glance over at the pummeled Mizuki 'Oh I am not done with you~' my inner demon thinks. Mizuki shudders despite being passed out. I walk over and "Metal Release: Demon Spiders Cage" Many metalic strings wrap around Mizuki making him like a mummy with only his mouth not being covered and I literally drag him back to the village making sure to go past as many bumps and rocks as I can, luckily Iruka already felt I was going to do something so he took Naruto back to the village ahead of me.

Every Dragon has a reverse scale. Even a pacifist like Marix. Now you can all see what happens when someone touches 'Always smiling' Marix's reverse scale. Some might say Marix personality keeps changing to which I say he has a bloodline of Contradictions. He can be anything at anytime from cheerful and childish to cold blooded sadist.

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