
Senseless Crusade

Five nameless children were branded as heretic. Their sin? Losing one of their 5 sense. Their punishment? They shall become the guardian of the Astelga, a land that suddenly got invaded by monster. To protect their source of faith, the god decide their monster of their own, monster strong enough to beat any monster that would dare threaten their mortal! In exchange, the heretic shall be forgiven with the immense grace that the god possess…

NStar · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 9 - Gang of Lizards

I held my ash whip and brandished it in the direction of the elder. He was looking at me intensely, ready to react to my every move, but so was I.

Our standoff lasted some instant, when…



A fireball the size of a fish was thrown in my direction, but I instantly counterattacked with a whip attack. The leader jumped to avoid the attack, and I simply tanked the fire; it shouldn't affect me anyway, but I was wrong.


While the fire didn't burn me, it did blow up, throwing me away. The little vermin that were following him saw that as a signal and started attacking too. They were spitting their little amber at me while I was flying.


I landed on the floor while the embers were coming toward me. I reacted by jumping on my feet to stand up and used my whips to hit the fire before it hit me.


Suddenly a monster decided to jump right toward me, which forced me to diverge my attention toward him. I tried to punch him right in the face with my other hand, but nothing happened.



I was once again thrown to the ground, but this time, a monster was on me, and it was preparing to throw me an ember at point-blank range.

Not on my watch! Take my super ashes breath!


''GHOGHO!'' The one-eyed lizard started to scream out of pain. But I didn't let him time to regain his sense and struck him with my fist directly in his eye.

''GHO!!!'' It screamed one last time before falling death, but I didn't waste my time looking at him; I was already standing up before another ugly attacked me.


The group was once again taking distance from me, probably wary of me, because I killed two of them, and they only have three of them left standing, including the older one. They were considering if my little body would be worth the effort, and it seemed the answer was, because they started to retreat.

AH? How dare they retreat in my presence! I'm offering them to be burned, and that's how they repay me! By retreating, refusing my gift! Bunch of ingrates! Well, you know what? Take that, super mega ball of ashes!

I canalized my magic into a ball once again and threw it at them; the leader got the time to see it and tried to form his own fireball to counter mine. But that was his mistake.


After throwing my ball, I recreated my whip and immediately swung it at the leader, who was too distracted by my ashes to notice.


But one of his underlings suddenly jumped right in front of my whip, sacrificing himself to save the leader.

The older one was surprised that another one of his followers died by my hand. So surprised that he stopped forming his fireball, which resulted in my own ball approaching him without any problem. However, this ball was intercepted by the body of his other subordinate who jumped in front of the ashes to save him.


''GROGRO!!! Grrrrr!''

''What are you talking about? Are you saying you're jealous he got to burn before you? Don't worry, I'm going to burn you now, so you won't be separate for long.''


''I don't understand what you're saying, so keep your saliva for when you will scream.''

That was enough for him to attack me; this time he decided to jump directly at me, his aguised teeth ready to tear my face away. But I reacted the same by slashing him with my whip. Now that he is in the air, it would be easier to hit…



He used a fireball and launched it at the ground to use the shock wave as a propulsor. Not only it helped him jump even higher, but it even blew away my whips from its trajectory, which means I can no longer use them to defend myself. And the monster had awaited me with its mouth wide open while he was falling on me.

Tch, they never learn, take this you villain! My super ashes breath. I blew him up with my breath, which totally covered him and burned him; it even entered his mouth, making him suffocate. But it seems it wasn't enough, his eye was still regurgitating of hatred toward me; it seemed he was at least going to take me down with him.

Well, I have bad news for you, I have still a card in my hand, take this, secret attack, right punch in your face!

I was taking my position, ready to punch him the moment he was in the appropriate distance to completely smash him on the ground

I punched him with all the force I could muster, and I… did absolutely nothing.

The world seemed to slow down in my head.


What happened?

Why didn't I punch him?

Why didn't it work?

I looked to my right arm and… there was no right arm… nor were there any left arm… they weren't there anymore.

Oh no… they must have been blown up by the fireball at the start and the one thrown at the ground…

…am I going to die?

'You should have died at birth, but because of your stupidity, you forced me to do it myself.' A memory passed in my mind…

Right, I should have died long ago… sigh WELL TOO BAD! Cause I don't wanna die in such a boring way, I would only accept dying by a fire at the same level as the sun! Which can only be provided by Orion! And to have such a privilege, I need to fulfill my duty!

I hope that if I do a good enough job, Orion will let me feel the fire burning me. That would be such a bliss.

But first, I need to deal with this loser! You thought that because I lost my arm, I can't fight anymore! You fool! Take my super secret special attack, HEADBUT!!!


I hit the monster with my head, who ended up getting screwed by it. Hmm? Screwed? Yeah! I really have horns, my God has kept his word!


The oldest screamed out of pain with all the air he could muster, before being silenced, for eternity.

''Haha! I told you I was the best! No one can beat me! Even the least pathetic being like you!'' I started to celebrate my victory by a little session of esteem-boosting, it's a thing my family taught me, apparently, it was a thing I needed.

…Alright, it is fun I suppose…

Now, I just need to collect the ashes of…

''Yawn'' I couldn't help but emit a yawn, it seems fighting that intensely made me tired…

NO! I must… work… before…


''Zzzzz zzzz zzzz''