
Senseless Crusade

Five nameless children were branded as heretic. Their sin? Losing one of their 5 sense. Their punishment? They shall become the guardian of the Astelga, a land that suddenly got invaded by monster. To protect their source of faith, the god decide their monster of their own, monster strong enough to beat any monster that would dare threaten their mortal! In exchange, the heretic shall be forgiven with the immense grace that the god possess…

NStar · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 2 - Forsaken

The sun… the sun was the one that burned me… how glorious! I must have burned a whole world in my last live to deserve such a reward! Ooooooooh, I can't stop thinking about it!

''Is… is he okay?'' I hear a voice beside me, but it doesn't matter. Aaaaah, if only I could have burn longer, it would have been so perfect!

''Yep, he lost is mind.''

''So… where are we?''

''Dunno, probably in a box.''

''Can you… describe it to me?''


''What!? Why''

''Don't wanna''

''Please! I can't see anything!''

''No like there much to see anyway, there absolutely nothing, the only thing I can see is a sea of white.''


Aaaah… such pleasure… I… I'm pretty sure I'm selfish by asking this, but… I wish I could feel it again! The God will probably forgive me even more if I get sacrifice again! Everyone is winning there, right? I just need to tell the God this idea and then… where are the God? 

''Hey! Everyone! Weren't we supposed to meet the God? Where are they?'' I asked to my fellow heretic.

''Ah?! I don't know… I mean, I don't see them at all'' Responded Sulking to me, he seemed a little stressed by answering me.

''… did we get rejected? Did… did the god not accept our sacrifice! No…no… please no… I beg you! I… please… please…please… forgive me… forgive me please.'' Jolly Voice was starting to shake, and she even got on is knee to pray.

Oh no, did… did we get forsaken!

Did I not show enough enthusiasm during my execution!? But… but I even smiled… that was my brightest smile that I ever could do… did… did they not like it? Did my smile displease them?!

…No, it wasn't about my smile… it was about me… how could I even dare to thinks that a filthy heretic such as me even deserved to be forgiven… the sun burning me wasn't a privilege…they didn't even want to touch us''

We are not even worth their attention. We are not even worth their mercy. Heretic doesn't deserve it…

no… we are no longer heretic… we are…


''NO!!! STOP LYING!!! WE ARE NOT FORSAKEN!!! It just that the God must be busy right now… yeah… there busy… that all there is…'' Jolly was screaming at me, but I have the feeling I wasn't the one he tries to convince. It normal, no one to be a heretic, and no heretic want to be forsaken.

''You're right! I mean, that the only possible explication. After all, we have been free from our sin by Daulatpur, that must mean that the god still look at us!'' say Sulking Boy, looking more stressed than usual.

''Yeah! Right! You're right! It probably just because the God want to watch the whole festival! They will deal with us later! That the on…

''Can you see?'' I asked me

''…'' there was no response, because none were needed. ''The God have never freed us of our sin… Adam never blesses us with is light… it was the sun… as much as it is beautiful, it is not a god… we have been discarded.''

They were looking at me with sadness and fury, not because of me, but because of my words… they knew I was right… but they didn't want me to be.

Air-Headed was also staring at me, she looked concerned by the situation, she do… 

''We're forsaken?'' Asked Air-Headed… she looked sad, she must have figure it out on her own.

I decided to not answer her… only… hugging her… that what she says it was right? That seemed like the best thing to do right now.

''…were forsaken?'' she murmured at me, looking at me, hopping to be proven wrong…

I simply hugged her even more. All her bad feeling should simply flow, escape from her, and she will become happy once again…

But she cries… I suppose hug doesn't work with me.

Or maybe no amount of hug can cure you of the sadness that goes with being forsaken. Being forsaken mean being forgotten by the god, and if they forgot about you, you cannot live again. You will be doomed to exist, condemned to erred in the void… for as long as the God are alive. 

And that our fate… the fate of heretic that as dared to give up the gift given by the god… but, do I really deserve this…

'You filthy mongrel, you don't even deserve to be alive! You should be ashamed of yourself to even breath!' a memory quickly passes my mind. 

Ah… right… I almost forgot… I deserve this… I deserve to suffer, it the only thing that I deserve.

I was distracted from my thought by the sound of whimper.

''I was not even worthy of the light…the light as forsaken me.'' She said in tear. I… didn't know what to do… what should I do? I don't have fire, I can't bring her joy. I can't bring her nothing but more sorrow… maybe if I talk to her about fire it would work? No, she can't even hear about it.

Suddenly, I could see a new pair of arms hugging me, they were one from Muncher… he was also crying…

Why is he hugging me? I'm not the right person to hug, it doesn't work on me apparently…

Before I could answer this question, another pair of arms was hugging me, this time, it was from it was from Jolly Voice.

What… why her too? And she's also crying. I could also see Sulking who was clearly hesitating to join us, before giving in and hugging me. He was also crying, they were all crying… all except me.

Are… are they all hugging me? Why would they do that? I don't think I'm more comfortable than the other? It doesn't even work on me? Why are they acting so desperate right now? Ah! Right, they are desperate, forgot about that.

But why are they hugging me? Actually, let just ask.

''Why are you all hugging me? Hug doesn't work on me, I just try.''

''…*sobs* because *sob* you're the only one who seem *sob* to be calm.'' Responded Jolly Voice while sobbing.

Ah? What is this reasoning? Because I'm calm? We're forsaken, nothing matters anymore, evidently, I will stay calm, I suppose the real question will be why are they not calm. There nothing to worry about anyway.

''So then, why you're not calm?'' 

''…what? But… we're forsaken, we have no future hope, the Gods as no hope for us, they abandoned us! We're left to rot for eternity in the Limbo!''

…oh, right… I will never see any flame again! I can't let this happen! NO MISTER!!! The sun burning me is not enough! It doesn't matter that the god said we were forsaken! I will see something burning once again!

''EVERYBODY! GET UP!'' I screamed while standing up.

''What! What happen!? Are we not forsaken anymore?!'' Asked Air-Headed in quick succession, probably by surprise.

''No! But is that going to stop us!?''

''Eh… y…'' Jolly try to say

''The answer is no!'' I completely cut him. ''The God as only forsaken us because they were not convinced that we were really devoted to them! Just smiling at them was evidently not enough! The god are fair and merciful, but that doesn't mean that they will forgive us simply because we got burn! That was more of a recompense anyway.''

''But didn't you just say that…'' She was once again interrupted, but this with Sulking putting his hand on her mouth to make her shut up.

''…Then… what are we supposed to do?'' Asked Sulking.

''I don't know.'' I said proudly. ''But what I do know is that were not gonna be forgiven if we simply stood the and cry!'' 

''…'' They were all looking at me with a confused face.

''LET MARCHE FORWARD!!! RAAAAAAAHHHH!!!'' I cry loudly before running in a random direction.

''… well… I suppose he is right… standing there will do nothing for us'' say Sulking before running in my direction.

Muncher simply also started to run on my way while taking Jolly hand to guide her. Jolly was surprised at first but decide to also run.

''Eh. Eh? EH!! WAIT! Don't forget about me!'' Air-Headed started to run in panic to rejoin us.

At the end, all the was left in this Limbo was the infinite white, and the laughter of children.