
Selling Devil Fruits in the Marvel Universe

Reborn into the world of Marvel, and now bound by a Devil Fruit system, the style of the world started to change. Deadpool: "It's amazing! The Smooth-Smooth Fruit has restored me to my peak appearance!" Iron Man: "I have my eyes on the Weapon-Weapon Fruit, and no one can snatch it from me!" Thor: "Impossible! The thunder and lightning this person summons are even stronger than mine!" Captain America: "Thanos, if you dare, eat another punch from my Quake-Quake Fruit!" ___________________________________________________________ I didn’t create this; I’m just translating and editing it to make it more reader-friendly. Art used in cover: https://pinterest.com/pin/55732114132472236/

Isopuff · Anime e quadrinhos
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72 Chs

Chapter 072: Was the Wasp Suit Really That Easy to Get?

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It took Hank Pym several long seconds to fully snap out of his shock, but even after recovering, he couldn't quite hide his bewilderment.

"Hope, what on earth just happened? How did my daughter step out for a bit and come back as a magician?" Hank asked, utterly baffled as he stared at Hope.

"Hold on!" Without waiting for her reply, Hank suddenly connected the dots. "It's that strange fruit store you mentioned, isn't it?"

"Exactly! But it's not just any fruit store; it's called the Home of the Devil Fruits," Hope answered, a mysterious smile playing on her lips.

"Devil Fruit?" Hank looked utterly confused. "What on earth is that?"

"According to the store's guidebook, it's a 'secret treasure of the sea, the embodiment of the sea devil.' But in simpler terms, it's a miraculous fruit that gives you superpowers after eating it."

"Gives you superpowers?" Hank's expression was blank. For a scientific genius like him, what Hope just said sounded utterly absurd, downright laughable. However, the ironclad proof was right in front of him, leaving Hank with no choice but to believe.

"Yep, I ate the Liquid-Liquid Fruit, which gave me the ability to turn objects into liquid, like water," Hope explained further.

Suddenly, it all clicked for Hank. 'No wonder, when Hope passed her hand through the fridge, there had been those strange ripples—it turned out she was liquefying the fridge! Everything made sense now.'

"So, what do you think, Hank?" Hope crossed her arms, clearly pleased with herself for confusing her genius father.

"I feel old like I've lost touch with this world," Hank sighed deeply after a long pause.

'Devil Fruits? How could something like this exist in the world?' At that moment, Hank felt as though his entire understanding of the world had crumbled.

'However, Hope had a point. With her newfound ability to phase through solid objects, retrieving the Wasp Suit would be a breeze. All it would take was for her to approach the micro-vault where the suit was stored, and with a simple gesture, she could pull it out.'

Could Hope even get near the vault? Given Hank Pym's expertise, there was no doubt about it. Hope had already come this far; there was no way Hank would fail to get her inside the building.

Now that Hank had seen Hope's powers in action, he abandoned his original complex plan, which was risky and time-consuming, and turned his focus to crafting a new plan based on Hope's abilities.

As much as Hank hated the idea of his daughter facing danger, he had to admit that Hope was the best candidate for the mission. Moreover, with her current skills, the mission would be almost effortless.

And so, the father-daughter duo began their preparations.


It was past midnight.

The once-bustling city had fallen into silence, but Hope's figure emerged in a blind spot outside the Cross Technologies building, where no security cameras were in sight.

"Hank, I'm in position," Hope whispered, lightly tapping her earpiece to communicate with Hank Pym. At the same time, she tapped her glasses, switching her view to a scan mode that gave her a clear look through the walls. These weren't ordinary sunglasses but a pair equipped with X-ray vision.

"Okay! Give me thirty seconds," Hank's voice crackled through the earpiece.

At that moment, the ants Hank had pre-positioned began swarming through specific hallways, gathering in droves until they covered one of the security cameras entirely.

"Hope, go!" Hank finally gave the command.

"Got it!" Hope replied, activating the X-ray glasses to scan her surroundings. She then took a step forward and appeared to slam herself into the wall. As soon as she touched the wall, ripples spread across its surface, turning it into liquid as she phased through effortlessly.

She bypassed all the checkpoints and ignored the locked doors. She was like a ghost, silent and invisible.

Meanwhile, inside, the ants had already covered the cameras, ensuring Hope's movements wouldn't be detected by anyone monitoring the security feeds.

"Okay, I'm in!" Hope whispered excitedly, scanning her surroundings before asking, "What's next?"

"Go through the wall on your left!"

"Got it." Hope took a step left and phased through the wall once again.

"Keep moving forward!"

"Keep going."

"Turn right."


Following Hank's precise instructions, Hope moved through the building like she was on autopilot, quickly and safely navigating Cross Technologies' hallways until she reached the most secure area of the entire building: the Future Lab.

This is where the Wasp Suit was stored.

Standing in front of the micro-vault, Hope activated her X-ray glasses, and the image of the Wasp Suit, hidden inside a metal cylinder, appeared on her display.

"Finally found you!" she whispered, her eyes lighting up with excitement. Taking a deep breath, Hope extended her right hand toward the micro-vault. As soon as her fingers touched the cylinder, it rippled like liquid. Her hand passed through without any resistance, and she grasped the Wasp Suit. With a quick motion, she pulled it out.

Mission accomplished!

Staring at the tiny Wasp Suit in her hand, Hope couldn't help but feel a surge of exhilaration. The fact that she had accomplished what her father, Hank Pym, had long struggled to do so easily seemed almost unreal.

"Hank, I did it. I've got the suit!" Hope exclaimed into the earpiece, her excitement barely contained.

"YES!" Hank shouted in triumph.

"YES! YES! YES!" Even the typically calm and composed Hank Pym couldn't hold back his enthusiasm, clapping his hands in joy. They had done it! After all these years, they finally had the Wasp Suit back. 

But as much as Hank was celebrating, he quickly composed himself. He was an old pro at this, after all. "Hope, replace the suit with the fake one and get out of there!"

"On it!" Hope responded, ready to make her exit.


Next Chapter: The Imminent Crisis

Next Next Chapter: The Wasp's Early Emergence

Next Next Next Chapter: The Mini-Mini Fruit

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