
Seimeigakure: The Hidden Village of Life

With no other choice, I founded the Hidden Village of Life and became the first Seimeikage. The other Great Ninja Villages: Envy! Tsunade: I thought I was a pioneer in medicine, now I know I still have a lot to learn. Orochimaru: My experiments make me look like a novice playing with a vinegar volcano compared to him. Jiraya: Why didn't I know a place like this existed?! -------------------------------------------------- I do not own Naruto or any other universe that will appear except the MC. The cover has been generated by an AI after many attempts based on my drawing. If you like Naruto fanfics, check out my previous work: "A ninja who is always hungry".

Cadenadeaventuras · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
130 Chs

No chakra

The idea of having a sealing expert was quite appealing to me, as I assume all villages would want one in this world. It's a pity that the Land of Whirlpools was already raided and burned down a long time ago from what Ameyuri told me, so I can't bring two or three families to my village.

But in my case, I thought that since I don't use chakra, I could ask the expert to place a seal on my body to store chakra in a similar way to how Tsunade does with her Yin Seal. This way, when I need to use something simple that requires chakra, like sealing scrolls, I can do it under the premise of "recharging" the reserves from time to time. It's not perfect, but it would suffice.

You can't imagine Ameyuri's expression when I told her I don't use chakra. She immediately grabbed my wrist, and I saw a blue energy emanate from her fingers and sink into my body. It must be the well-known chakra, but why does it seem like she's examining my spiritual roots as if she were an immortal cultivator? Strange.

As expected, Ameyuri looked at me wide-eyed before confirming my suspicions. I don't have chakra pathways because my body ultimately belongs to the One Piece universe, where no one uses or inherits this energy.

I explained my sealing idea to her, but she said it was unlikely to work.

"Without chakra pathways, how could you store and use it?"

I have to admit she has a point.

But she also said that maybe there was some trick or secret known only to experts, so I would have to find one to confirm it.

"Isn't this where Pakura was ambushed?" she asked, remembering the location.

"Yes, hold my hand tightly, and get ready to see the village."

"Is it so close to Kirigakure?" Ameyuri was surprised because if someone had established a village so close to one of the Five Great Shinobi Countries, they should have been discovered in a matter of hours before they even started building.

Nevertheless, she took Enel's hand, and before she could ask what to do next, she felt herself propelled into the sky and ended up standing on a cloud.

"...What the hell was that?"

"Welcome to the Sky Island of Seimeigakure," I declared while making a theatrical gesture with my free arm.

"Are you serious?" She stepped on the cloud several times to check if she was dreaming and looked at the vegetation growing in an impossible place if the education she received was correct. "I've known you for just a day, and you already sent me to heaven, literally."

"Come on, I'll leave my things and introduce you to everyone."

"How big is the population, including me?"

"Four people, and half of them are ninjas," I told her succinctly.

"A village of four people?"

"We also have some cloud foxes; they are very hardworking and adorable creatures."

"I see," Ameyuri sighed, suddenly understanding some things. "Now I understand why you said you didn't have a trade route. Apart from that old fart from Iwagakure, I don't know anyone who can fly. And I doubt I have the energy to reach such a high place."

"Yes, this is a true hidden village."

"Will you give me my new headband now?" she asked.

Since I hadn't expected to find her, I couldn't give her the new headband until we got back home. Should I carry a spare headband with me from now on?

"After I introduce you to everyone," I whistled, and shortly afterward, I saw a small shadow launch towards me.

"Mr. Enel!" Haku looked at me happily.

"Did you behave while I was away?"

"Mmm!" she nodded. "I can feel chakra now!"


"Yes," Pakura arrived a bit later because she's still cautious about where she steps. "It seems her chakra pathways unlocked without anyone's intervention, which is why she can instinctively use Ice Release. I just explained what chakra is, and she could feel it in no time." She sighed, impressed. "She's very talented."

"Haku is amazing," I rubbed her head as she liked while placing the bag on the ground. "Here's most of the things you asked for."

"Who is she, Mr. Enel?" Haku was so excited to see me that she didn't notice the kunoichi next to me until now.

"Ameyuri Ringo?" Pakura recognized one of the famous swordsmen from Kirigakure and looked at me in surprise. "Why did you bring her here?"

"Do you want the long version or the short one?" I asked.

"The short one."

"She tried to kill me and ended up becoming my wife."

Pakura and Haku's minds went into a Windows error state.

Isn't that going from one extreme to another?

"Don't go so fast; you still owe me the wedding, the ring, the food, and the whole package," Ameyuri protested in a low voice, feeling strange that I introduced her as my wife so happily.

"Are we going to have a wedding?" Haku asked suddenly, filled with excitement.

"Just... how?!" Pakura was still in limbo. Was I too concise?

Nah, if she wanted to know the details, she would have asked for the long version.

"At some point, yes," I replied to Haku. "For now, what you need to know is that she has joined the village. Can I count on you to store everything I've brought while I show her around?"

If it were someone else, I would let Haku or Pakura do it, but this is my future wife, and I have to do the tour myself.

Haku nodded, and to my surprise, she whistled in the exact same way I did. The cloud foxes came and took the bag with supplies while Haku gave them instructions.

"Wow, I didn't expect Haku to connect so well with the cloud foxes."

"When she's not training or studying, she spends her day playing with them," Pakura commented while still looking at Ameyuri in amazement. "I think she's inadvertently training them."

"I didn't expect you to join the village either, Pakura," Ameyuri said, recognizing a familiar face in this place.

"I didn't have another choice; it was either that or become a wandering renegade," Pakura sighed as she covered her eyes with her palm. "How did he manage to win your heart in less than a day?"

Pakura looked up and breathed in the fresh air, feeling refreshed and clear-headed.

"I guess... I just liked the taste of apples," she said, licking her lower lip, as if recalling a pleasant memory.

I just updated all the previous chapters with the new translation program. Give them a look and let me know if there is a big difference, it would be appreciated.

Cadenadeaventurascreators' thoughts