
Seimeigakure: The Hidden Village of Life

With no other choice, I founded the Hidden Village of Life and became the first Seimeikage. The other Great Ninja Villages: Envy! Tsunade: I thought I was a pioneer in medicine, now I know I still have a lot to learn. Orochimaru: My experiments make me look like a novice playing with a vinegar volcano compared to him. Jiraya: Why didn't I know a place like this existed?! -------------------------------------------------- I do not own Naruto or any other universe that will appear except the MC. The cover has been generated by an AI after many attempts based on my drawing. If you like Naruto fanfics, check out my previous work: "A ninja who is always hungry".

Cadenadeaventuras · Anime e quadrinhos
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131 Chs

Assault on Konoha

My thoughts were interrupted the moment Orochimaru appeared behind Sarutobi, and the people in the stands began to fall asleep, reminding me that, indeed, the important part was beginning now.

Ameyuri and Pakura had disappeared at some point, carrying out their part of the plan, while Anko, Tsunade, and the others gathered to form a secure group.

"How long, sensei," Orochimaru said as he removed his mask, making his grand entrance.

"Orochimaru!" Sarutobi's expression darkened. "What have you done to the Kazekage?"

"What's happening?" A couldn't help asking as he got into a defensive stance. I stood up, causing Orochimaru to pay attention just long enough to make it clear that I don't care about what he's doing.

"I think things are going to get complicated," I said as I turned around, showing little interest or surprise in the events. "It seems that Konoha has internal matters to resolve. Not my problem," I expressed my stance.

The Raikage recognized Orochimaru and seemed regretful as he distanced himself from the student-teacher duo to follow me, surely lamenting not being able to take advantage of whatever is about to happen for the benefit of Kumogakure.

By the time he manages to send information to his village, everything will have calmed down, and Konoha will be on high alert.

"Don't you want to seize a piece of the pie with this chaos?" he asked, tempting me to act once we were far enough away.

"Who says I'm not doing that now?" I replied.

He's bewildered for a second before looking at my people and realizing that some are missing. He laughs as he pats me on the shoulder.

"So, you knew something was going to happen," he declares, unable to completely hide the surprise in his eyes.

"I suspected something was wrong the moment Sunagakure sent out its unstable jinchuriki, so I made contingency plans just in case," I clarified with a convenient and believable lie. "It's always useful to have them."

"What if I help you?" the Raikage asked, feeling his fists itching. "For a share of the loot, you know."

"Hmm," I pretended to ponder for a moment before nodding. "How about this? I'll give you five SMILES in exchange for Sarutobi Asuma's head."

An exaggerated price as far as I'm concerned since his abilities are not that high, and his identity carries more weight.

"Six and two pairs of eyes," the Raikage bargained, trying to scrape some additional benefits.

He didn't even care or ask why I wanted him dead; he was just an easy target for him, and he was already counting his gains.

"The SMILES or the eyes, you decide."

"Deal!" The Raikage grinned wildly as he covered himself with his lightning armor and disappeared to locate his victim.

This is great; I don't even have to dirty my hands to eliminate Asuma. No wonder it's so common to assign missions to ninjas; it's so convenient!

"Hmm?" I turn around to see that Gaara has not been removed from the sand yet and take the Den Den Mushi to make a call.

"Lord Enel?" Haku answers from his own Den Den Mushi.

"Haku, do you remember the phrase about the kick I taught you?" After hearing the confirmation, I added, "Well, I think it's time for you to use it unless you want Konoha to be dyed red."

It's not that we care about what happens to the village, but the death of the high-ranking officials will already cause a big problem. If Konoha's damages are too significant, they'll be bothering Tsunade to return to the village.

She's not coming back; she made that very clear.

"I don't think it's necessary, Lord Enel."

"Why is that?"

"The Nine-Tails jinchuriki, along with his team, just charged against him and provoked him to get him out of the village by order of a Konoha jonin with white hair," Haku explains. "Gaara's brothers have followed him, and I really don't know what to do. I feel ignored," he said with a aggrieved voice.

A row of question marks above my head jumped into view.

Is the plot somehow correcting itself, or is the chakra reincarnated in Naruto forcing him to act without being aware of it?

"Well, just regroup with the others and remember to be vigilant for tricks from the shadows."

"Understood," he affirmed before hanging up.

He put away the Den Den Mushi, and I began actively searching with my Mantra as I moved quickly through the village, trying to locate Danzo and his Roots.

I can feel Pakura in the Hokage's office, storing a bunch of documents and scrolls. I knew she wouldn't settle for just the Seal Scroll!

Ameyuri already eliminated Koharu and is setting up the scene to frame the culprit towards Sunagakure, so I don't think it will be long before she goes after Homura.

Where the hell is Danzo?

I was able to find some of his hidden men, but I can't read their minds.

Aha! There's a hidden base in the mountain of the Hokages' faces, and the entrance is in... Tobirama's nose?

Isn't Danzo supposed to have great respect for his master?

Wait, maybe it's a subtle way of getting revenge for the Hokage's choice back then. Although, it's a bit childish...

...Inside Tobirama's rock head...

"Danzo-sama, Orochimaru's attack has begun," reported an emotionless masked man. "Our men are ready to collect useful bodies from the clans and blame Sunagakure for their disappearance."

"I see," Danzo nodded, seated in the dim light of a candle on the table. "Keep me informed of everything and remember to pay attention to the Uzumaki women. If possible, take advantage of the chaos to bring them here."

"Yes!" The man jumped to vanish into the darkness, leaving Danzo alone in the room.

"Let's see how you get out of this, Saru," Danzo taunted internally with satisfaction. "If you die, I'll be the next Hokage. If you don't die, you'll have to resign for this mistake and let me be the Hokage!"

No matter the outcome, you won't be able to yell at my face that you're the Hokage to shut me up!

The candle flame fluctuated, and Danzo opened his eyes, looking around cautiously. Not finding anything, he sighed, attributing the blame to his unusual nerves for finally managing to oust his old friend from the seat that should have belonged to him.

Moreover, this room was old and built by his cunning master, so the erosion of time could have caused some small holes.

Contrary to what others might believe, the reason he liked to have a candle always near when sitting in the dark was how sensitive they are to drafts.

If there's a change, the flame reacts even before he does.

"What should be the first thing to do when I become Hokage?" he pondered. He had so many plans in his mind after years of dreaming of the position that he simply couldn't decide in the short term which one to start with.

The candle flame fluctuated again, but this time Danzo didn't pay it much attention as he got lost in his thoughts, a rare luxury he almost never had in recent years.

So, he wasn't aware of the tall man behind him who had heard his orders and gave him a cruel smile in the pure style of Solo Leveling.

After that day's incident, no one ever saw Shimura Danzo again.

...A few minutes later...

Enel came out with a strange arm wrapped in cloth and stored it in a universal capsule, happy to get the strange arm to study.

Puru Puru Puru. Puru Puru Puru. Kachak!

"Here, Enel, what's happening?" he asked, puzzled by the sudden call.

"Dad!" Fu's teary voice came, and she told him what had just happened.

As he listened, Enel's expression darkened more and more, and if it weren't for his self-control, the Den Den Mushi would have been incinerated. He took a deep breath and asked the most important question.

"Who was it?" he asked calmly to Fu through the Den Den Mushi. "Who is responsible for Mikoto's death?!"


Who did it?

Make your theories ladies and gentlemen!


Cadenadeaventurascreators' thoughts