
Second Chance: A New life

After a shocking betrayal by his "friends" the MC is summoned to a new world but this one is strange unlike what he thought would happen thanks to anime. As he adventures through out this world who knows will what will happen next as he finds his place in this world of magic and swords. No matter what happens though he remembers that this is his "Second Chance; at a new life."

Akira_Yuki1 · Fantasia
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 | A dual Souled Summon

"My king are you sure this spell might not actually summon a hero." Said a female mage kneeling to the old man before her.

"I know but If this Continent is to survive we are going to need a strong soul to destroy the demon lord or at least suppress her." Said a middle age sitting in a chair.

"I understand that much my king but this spell hasn't been done in centuries we don't know the requirements nor the side effects of it without those requirements."

"That does not concern me. Just so long as we can summon a hero to protect this land I don't care for the consequences. We shall proceed with the Summoning as planned."

"Y-yes my king." Said the woman

"Good now than I must prepare my self for the ceremony, so leave."

"Oh... right my king." Said the woman.

*Some time later*

*Knock - Knock - Knock* "My King we are ready for you to start the summoning."

"Alright... I'll be there soon." He replied

"Father what's about to happen?" said a teenage girl behind the man.

"Oh Serra what are doing up this late?" He asked as it was already midnight and his daughter had to go to school the next day.

"I had herd you talking earlier about a ceremony of some kind and it peeked my interest."

"Well since if this does work or they die to soon we will need to retry the summon so I guess you could come for experience. Come on follow me." Said the old man as he started to walk toward the building where the summon was being held.

This building had been constructed away from the main building in fear of an explosion during the summoning.

"Alright lets start the requirement Ceremony." The old man said to the 8 wizards as well as the witch from earlier.

The king and the ten magic users stood around a ten pointed star. When all were in place one of the wizards started chanting a spell in an ancient language, soon afterwards the star started to glow and in each point was an reddish monster core and in the center was what looked like a beastman.

When the man stopped chanting the star stopped glowing and the images started to slowly fade. "10 platinum grade monster cores! For a beastman. Sir are you sure you want to proceed with the Summoning? It'll be very expensive my lord."

"The cost is for the spirit is very much so it must be strong or have a very high potential. It will be worth it I'm sure."

"Well it's astonishing that this spirit is a beastman yet is so powerful as it requires 11 monster cores" said a middle aged man.

"Hey remember this formation shows the strongest spirit currently in the spirit realm. On another note, this beastman also doesn't look like a demi-human from this country. Does any one here know what beast type this is?" the the king asked the people outside the magic circle, which held no luck.

"Hey you beast-woman come here!" said one of the wizards.

"Hey Sabastian you could try to be a bit nicer to the demi-human race." Said the woman from earlier.

"Oh shut it Olivia. I never asked for your opinion now did I? Anyways beast-woman do you recognize this beast species?"

"It looks like my husband…" said a female Demihuman under her breath.

"Sir." The female Demihuman said as she bowed to Sabastian. "By its form alone It looks like a wolf, so my best guess is that it could possibly be a shadow wolf beast but If it is that is is likely stronger than an elf ever could be than telling by the orb grade my guess is that it is an Elemental Shadow Wolf. When shadow wolfs awaken around the age of sixteen, they are Shadow elementals Because they are both light and dark, so they have a chance of using one or all of the elements and their deviants with perfect affinity. When they do awaken, they are more powerful than any enhanced magic fighters or could have stronger magic than most dark elven wizards. Back during the first kings rule he said that if a Shadow wolf were to come around, they would be the true rulers of the kingdom and must marry into the Royal family if said family wants to keep the throne for another thousand or so years without challenge for control. The tribe of Shadow Wolf Demihumans also reside on the very edge of our territory staying out of our country's politics."

"A… A Shadow Wolf!!" said the king thinking of how his wife was going to have another kid in a few days. "Anyways how does this summon work?"

"Well after we offer the Monster cores the summoned Demihuman will be born as soon as possible but if it becomes a twin the power will be divided between the two and the one with the most of the soul will have some memories from any past life they had. But other than that, the parents will have to rase it as a real child." Said Sabastian.

"Ok than let's start the summon"

"Yes, your majesty." Said Samantha.

"Yes, sir. Demihuman go and get the highest monster cores that are in the treasury at the moment and make sure they are the absolute best." Said Sabastian.

"Yes Sir." Said the female demihuman before walking off towards the treasury.

*A Few Minutes later*

"Sir I have the eleven monster cores all of them are Ancient rank to Overlord rank." She said as she held out the smallish smooth round orbs to Sabastian.

"Thank you very much" he said taking one for himself, "hand one to each person around the summoning circle and place the eleventh one in the middle."

"Once she handed one to each of the mages around the circle she placed the eleventh in the center and right after the orbs started floating.

Unknown to anybody there the mana core in the center had a ss-rank beast will encased within it.

Around the half way point was when things started to go wrong as one of the mages had fainted because of mana exhaustion which caused the beams trajectory to go off into the distance but it was successful none the less but the beam had hit an elf, in the outskirts of the kingdom, which was already pregnant with her own child when it hit her she was immediately given the soul as a child which undenounced to her gave her twins which for elves was a sign of good luck.

With at least 1 power stone I'll release another chapter

Akira_Yuki1creators' thoughts