
Second Chance: A New life

After a shocking betrayal by his "friends" the MC is summoned to a new world but this one is strange unlike what he thought would happen thanks to anime. As he adventures through out this world who knows will what will happen next as he finds his place in this world of magic and swords. No matter what happens though he remembers that this is his "Second Chance; at a new life."

Akira_Yuki1 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 | The Bridge And 10 Wishes

"Wait you actually want me to go to your party" I say in shock.

"Yeah if I didn't I wouldn't have asked you. So what do you say?" says the guy in front of me smiling.

"umm... yeah sure where and when?"

"the old bridge at 10 tonight... oh and also were something cool." he says with his thumbs up as he walks away.

"ok then see you there." I say

* * *

"OK so he said they would be at the old bridge, are they under it?" I say as I start to look over the bridge in to a ravine.

As I turn around I here foot steps running through the forest towards me when he gets to me he shoves me over the edge of the bridge. "what the hell?" I say as I barely grab the bridge railing in time. "Hey are you going to help me up or just stand there?" I say to the guy who just shoved me over the bridge, just than the kid who invited me here walks out of the tree shadows snickering.

"Oh is the Shadow master a bit stuck?" He teases as I start to slip.

"Please man help me!" I say desperately.

"why should I?" say the guy as he starts grinding my hand that hadn't slipped off the bar with his foot. "woops" he says as I start to fall.

As I fall to the bottom of the ravine a green light surrounds me and as I start to black out a warm breeze envelops my body. When I feel the wind fully cover me I loose control and all feeling. After about a minute I snap open my eyes and I see something like space than all of a sudden I here a mechanical monotone voice say something in another language. "What the hell is going on?"

"language calibration complete... All requirements met 10 wishes granted to host... All requirements met system earned and ready to lvl up..."

"10 wishes? a system? wait where's the ground the ravine the bridge?" I say confused.

"10 wishes will expire in 10 minutes if not used." says the voice.

"well no harm can be done now since I'm dead. Gamers mind I guess."

"wish granted. Host has acquired gamers mind. Effects: host has an Imunity from psychological attacks and resistance towards psychic magic. 9 wishes remaining. "

"ha cool quick regeneration then."

"Wish granted. Host has been granted quick healing. Effect: By the use of mana or qi host can regenerate even severed limbs and organs. 8 wishes remaining."

"Cool the ability to increase my mana capacity and mana regeneration."

"Wish granted. Host can now lvl up mana regeneration rate, Host can now increase mana limit with wisdom stat. 7 wishes remaining. "

"Oooo the ability to speak and understand all creatures at or above average Human intelligence."

"Wish granted. Linguist - effect: ability to understand all creatures with a intelligence stat above average Intel of 8. 6 wishes remaining"

"Part wolf."

"Wish granted. Host is now 10% Wolf (Hosts species changed to beastman). 5 wishes remaining."

"ok 5 more umm."

"Time limit has been reached. So that the host does not loose there wishes they will get 1 every 10 lvls. Now will display system status."

{Name: Shadow

Race: Beastman (10% Earth wolf)

Gender: Male

Titles: Survivor

Level: 15

Mana: 10/10

Status: Healing

Hit Points: 10/60

Dexterity: 5 (1)

intelligence: 10 (2)

Wisdom: 5

Luck: 5 (3)

Temperature resistance: 10


{Wolf senses lvl: 1

Gamers Mind lvl: Max

Mana regen lvl: 1 - 5 m/m (Mana per minute)

linguists: Max; Passive

Fast healing lvl: 1 - 5 HP/M

Ice, Fire, lightning, and Dark type magic aptitude

Mapping lvl: 1 - can make a mental map of his soundings in a 10 meter radius

Inventory lvl: 1 - can hold 50 items

Check In lvl: 1 - one a day you can check in to any place you are but the rarer the place the better the Items earned

"wow and I got a Inventory and Mapping ability. Sick."

"New body will be ready soon... Good luck on your second chance."

1. Dexterity is Speed he can run 10 kilometers per hour in his new body

2. 10 is average stat for species in all places except luck and wisdom

3. Luck can only be leveled up every 5 levels by a system quest his performance will determine how many levels up it goes.

enhanced durability or flexibility?

Akira_Yuki1creators' thoughts