
Search for the Three Drops of Blood

Sumico Kammal Lowie – a young, beautiful, and talented girl in linguistics. When she was born, there was a psychic saying that she’ll lead her happy, joyful and exultant life when she’s grown up later on. In the age of twenty three years old, she’s worked as a CEO’s secretary in one of the biggest companies producing and selling stationery sets. The CEO is her boyfriend as well as her future husband. However, when the day of their marriage is drawing and drawing to a close, Sumico finds out that her future husband is cheating on her with her elder sister. In the middle of her quandary whether to put her relationship to a complete end or not, Sumico bumps into Virando Augustin Kuandy – the CEO of The Persephone Hotel; actually he isn’t an ordinary human, who’s searching for three drops of blood from a virgin woman who loves him and whom he loves in the humans-realm.

ATua · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

8. A Warm, Cozy, Protecting Hug

Sumico arrived at Mercury Apartment, the apartment where Pete Jupiter Huangwira stayed when he wasn't staying together with his parents in Huangwira big mansion in Bogor. Sumico went upstairs to the thirtieth floor with the elevator. Shortly afterwards, Sumico had arrived in front of Pete Jupiter's apartment.

Because they'd been dating for more than four years, Sumico had memorized the password to open the door of her boyfriend's apartment. Sumico entered the password so that she could enter her boyfriend's apartment.

Sumico paused his steps for a little while. Sighing, groaning and moaning of a man and a woman was clearly audible inside the apartment. Sumico became jumpier and jumpier. Her heartbeats became faster and faster. However, her curiosity was much deeper and bigger than her nervousness. Thus, she decided to step closer and closer to the source of the sighing, groaning and moaning.

Sumico arrived by the door of her boyfriend's bedroom which forgot to be locked. What she saw inside really cut and cleft her soul, heart and mind into two broken parts. She felt extraordinarily painful, but it wasn't bleeding at all.

"Faster, Pete Darling… Aaahh… Deeper, Pete Darling…" sighed Wenny Kammal Lowie without any clothes, with her entirely nude body, shaking to and fro underneath Pete Jupiter's body.

"Aaahh… Wenny Baby… You're so intoxicating… You're really capable in sending me satisfaction, pleasure as well as intoxication. You're perfect, Wenny Baby…"

Pete Jupiter, also with his entirely nude, a little bit skinny, and perspired body, moved to and fro on Wenny Kammal Lowie's body faster and faster. He carried on pumping and pumping to chase after his climax which had been drawing to a close.

"Can that shit Sumico give you this kind of satisfaction, pleasure as well as intoxication?" sighed Wenny Kammal within her breathless and exhausted condition.

"Don't talk about her anymore then! What a shit and rubbish woman! She never even lets me touch her all these times with her excuse to wait until the first night of our marriage! Shit! What a lousy woman she is!" groaned and moaned Pete Jupiter continuously, together with his continuously shaking body.

"Then here I am to replace her, to do the duties she can't do, to give you your rights which she doesn't want to give…" sighed Wenny Kammal breathlessly. Her hands had been travelling and exploring throughout Pete Jupiter's nude and quite skinny perspired body.

"Thanks, My Queen… You're much more capable compared with that rubbish lousy Sumico… Aaahh… Aaahh…"

Sighing was repeatedly and continuously audible throughout the bedroom as well as the apartment. Groaning and moaning kept on coloring the lust as well as desire of the two naked people fighting and wrestling on their hot bed, carrying on chasing after their courageous, outrageous and shameless climax.

Tears started to flow down from Sumico's edge of eyes. She couldn't go on watching that outrageous as well as shameless scene anymore. With her heart pumping more abnormally than usual, with her blood flowing more quickly than usual throughout her veins, she decided to run away and leave the apartment. She kept on running and running with all her misery, anger, sadness, sorrow and disappointment.

Sumico arrived at the lobby of Mercury Apartment. Wiping off her tears, she called another taxi. Ten minutes later, another taxi stopped in front of Mercury Apartment. Sumico told the taxi driver her address.

The taxi driver nodded his head. The taxi was subsequently driven off. Sumico arrived at home at a quarter to nine. Without having her dinner, she planned to instantly dash into her bedroom.

"Just arriving home? No dinner first?" asked Mrs. Yulia Kammal to her daughter, slightly frowning her forehead.

"I'm still full, Mom…" replied Sumico, pausing her steps for a little while.

"You've had dinner already?" asked Mr. Andreas Camilo to his daughter.

"Yes, Dad… A few moments ago… Together with some of my colleagues…" Sumico looked really exhausted.

"Okay then… You're exhausted already… Go to have your rest then…" said Mr. Andreas Camilo, caressing his daughter's head lovingly.

"Anyway, Dad, Mom… Where's Wenny?" asked Sumico with her somewhat knowing as well as mysterious smirk.

"She said she'll be staying overnight in Meriana's house. They'll be having barbecue tonight. You know… That Meriana, who used to be in the same campus with your sister… Remember?" answered Mrs. Yulia Kammal.

"Ahah… I've remembered her… Okay then… I'm tired already, Dad, Mom… Go to bed first… Good night, Mom, Dad…" said Sumico to her dad and mom before heading to her own bedroom.

Arriving at her bedroom, having closed the door of her bedroom, Sumico's tears began to flow down again.

"Sister Wenny… Now, I begin to think whether you're really my sister or not. I begin to doubt that we're really family or not. Why can you have such a heart to do this to me? Why can you have such a heart to betray me, to stab me right behind my back? I've never expected that you can do this to me, Wenny…" mumbled Sumico to herself.

Sumico's tears had been overflowing and overflowing. She carried on gently beating her chest in order to neutralize the pain as well as sorrow over there. She continued mumbling to herself,

"Brother Pete… I've never expected that you can do this to me. You betray me; you stab me right behind my back; you've got your dirty affair together with my own sister just because I don't let you touch me before the first night of our marriage. Does that mean all you want from me is merely a body intercourse? Does that mean all you hope and expect from our relationship all these times is merely my virginity and originality? Did Sister Wenny also hand in her virginity as well as purity to you to make you stay beside her until now?"

Sumico's tried to wipe off her tears. Crying just because of the two shameless people having betrayed her, really made Sumico feel useless as well as priceless. She wanted to quell her tears and crying. Nevertheless, her tears didn't want to cooperate and was still overflowing and overflowing.

"What should I do now? What should I do now? Do I have to forthrightly reveal their betrayal behind my back all these times? Do I have to pretend as though everything didn't occur, then I'll put this relationship to an end and I'll leave Brother Pete? Oh… Oh… I don't even have any evidence with me showing that they've got their dirty affair. Oh… I've really got no idea what I should no next. What should I do? What should I do?" Sumico's sad, angry and disappointed utterances still went on and went on.

Sumico was really down in the mouth; her face was really like a wet weekend; she was immensely cut up about the betrayal from her boyfriend and her sister. She thought she'd found her love euphoria and serendipity. However, all she faced right now was the quietus as well as the apocalypse of the love, faithfulness, and belief.

Being immensely exhausted mumbling to herself and crying without any satisfactory solutions, involuntarily and unknowingly even to herself, Sumico gradually dozed off into her slumber. She just dozed off, still wearing her office uniform and outfits, without taking any bath.

The night was getting later and later. Not knowing how long Sumico had been dozing off within her slumber.

Out of a sudden, out of the blue, really unexpectedly and astonishingly, Sumico started to feel a kind of caress and cuddle on her head, hair, down to her face, lips and chin. That caress and cuddle was intensely warm, cozy as well as comfortable. Still lying on her bed, Sumico slightly moved her body because she was somewhat tickled due to that warm caress as well as cuddle on her head and face.

Sumico slightly opened her eyes for a little while, to check whether there was somebody inside her bedroom or not. Of course she saw nobody around her in her bedroom. It was absolutely impossible somebody could enter her house, could get into her bedroom. All the doors and windows had been finely locked. Seeing nobody around her inside her bedroom, Sumico decided to close her eyes and continue her slumber.

Out of the blue, out of a sudden again, this time Sumico started to feel a kind of comfortable, protecting as well as intensely warm hug. She also began to smell the familiar honey mint masculine scent. Sumico wanted to open her eyes, to perceive the circumstance around her again, to know who was actually hugging her at this moment. Nevertheless, her eyes were so heavy and so tired to be opened again.

Giving up within her fatigue as well as exhaustion, Sumico decided to simply enjoy herself being within the warm, protecting, consoling, cozy as well as comfortable embrace.

The night was getting later and later. Sumico found herself sleeping more and more soundly.