
Entry 1

In a black void, I stare at the shiny ball in front of me.

"Why?" I ask, not delusional enough to believe a shiny ball that took me into a void and offers me 3 wishes and a choice of worlds.

I also know that it probably has enough strength to fuck me sideways, but I'll ignore that since I don't think this excuse of a God would even think of that.

"Waaaa, so scary... I'm trying to be nice..why is the first person I try to show kindness to such a scary woman..." The crybaby wailed as I wondered if it's trying to be retarded.

I am Katrina, daughter of a world-wide mafia boss, Russian. I didn't like writing these things when I was a kid but pops made me, saying something about not constantly living in a world where I have to kill to survive, which is pretty hypocritical when he's the one who raised me in that type of world.

I guess it just grew on me, that or this is a way for me to escape the cruel reality that I'm just fucked up as a whole, maybe both.

I think for a while before realizing, to my growing annoyance, that I'm getting fed up.

"Enough, can you make me a goddess or something?" I say nonchalantly, seeing that I could probably extort its own life if I tried.

"yes! I can do whatever you want! Just pick what type of goddess you want to be!" It said, in a way too happy voice.

"Make me the goddess of...Hold on, I have not figured this out yet. Skip that, give me the power to have all powers and abilities without any weakness." I said, already knowing where I wanted to go.

"What the noodle stirring Doberman!?"...what?

"Ok. Yeah. I can do that. Definitely won't be banished to !@%&^ for a few hundred omniverse cycles with my uncle, but hey, kindness takes sacrifice." Disgusting, but ok.

"Give me suggestions for my other two wishes," I said, having no idea what I could do that couldn't be done with my first wish.

"But these are your wishes???"


"I don't know either! ... you literally have all abilities and powers without a single weakness..."

"That is why I asked you."

"Just make a wish that doesn't involve a power or ability."

"I have the ability to do that. Just give me my wishes for later."

"why would I give you the wishes!?"

"Because I said so."

It didn't say anything but 2 golden lights flew out from the bigger white light and went into my chest.

"Ok, where do you want to go..." It said defeatedly, probably because it's going to spend time with its uncle and got extorted by me.

"Not yet. I will use the power of my first wish first." I already knew where I was going, and I've basically mastered the history of the earth. Although it will be a different omniverse, the history before the 1900s is the exact same, it's just that the reasons behind the things that happen are different.

I swiftly gave myself Omnipotence, Omnikinesis, Omnifarious, Omnilock, and Omnilingualism. I am now as strong as the god of marvel, but I could be beaten since I would eventually gain some sort of emotional attachment to something. It wouldn't go down that way though since the one above all is the most chill dude.

I also gave my mind the ability to not get further corrupted, since I am who I am now and don't want to change that. I will still be me in the future without corruption, but I won't be me if I take out what I am. Some wacky shit right there.

"Now send me to earth in the Marvel Cinematic Universe when the marvel universe is created by the big bang." I never understood how people differentiated between comic and cinematic since they both start with C.

I didn't think further than that since my vision stopped working.




I opened my eyes to darkness. I wondered if I got screwed over by the light, before trying to jump with my literally infinite strength. I looked around and saw what the beginning of earth was like in real life. A giant hell hole.

The whole planet is basically hot to the point where it cannot sustain life, not even the first microbe.

I looked at what was covering me and it was actually almost completely liquid lava. I'm pretty sure it's lava. Is lava only classified as lava if it originates from a volcano? I don't know, but this is what the deepest layer of land will be made of when it dries.

I could see the visible clouds of water vapor in the sky as it floats into the atmosphere, getting ready to rain down but get evaporated before it reaches the surface again.

I'm going to skip around 13 billion years since over half of that is me being the only being on earth, and a small portion of it is animals too simple to understand anything I say or gesture.

I'm not going into the future since that always seems to mess things up, different timeline or not.

I'm pretty smart to add the whole 'no corruption' thing or I would definitely go insane. I teleported to some nearby planets but they are at the same stage as earth. Where is Galactus at right now? I wanna see how fast I can beat his ass.




It's only been a few years, but I just realized that since I haven't written down my appearance, you guys have no idea what I look like.

I'm around 5'11, I have a mesomorph build, with proportioned and defined muscles, my boobs are firm, perky, and around 30GG, I don't really know. My hair is dirty blonde, reaches my lower back, and in a low ponytail, braided with indestructible black rubber bands I made from warping reality.

I have a short nose stopping with a small bump, thin eyebrows that are constantly furrowed, glaring purple eyes that ran in the family after my great-grandpops got surgery, thin lips in a natural frown, and ending it all is a sharp jaw I can and may use to bash your face in.

I made some indestructible clothes after I came here. All black skin-tight tank top under a leather jacket with tactical pants and boots, white socks since why not. I made it so I can show off my abs to the girls.

Right, I'm a lesbian. Pops had to go away for a while when I told him as soon as I figured it out, since lying to people that trust you is how you get screwed halfway to Sunday. He came back after a few days, with snot and tears running down his face, screaming 'I'm so sorry' and 'I'll be gay for you' and some other weird yet still supporting shit.




It is currently, 1938. I skipped the other periods since dinosaurs and just evolving mammals are pretty stupid, and the people before and even a little bit after this is stupid too but it is still the official start of the Marvel Cinematic timeline.

I chewed the sweet-tasting gum that hasn't lost its flavor or chewiness since 12 billion years ago, as I thought about how everyone in the 1930s is either depressed and listens to the national anthem daily or has an addiction to drugs, is an in debt artist, or an unofficial prostitute, which basically means that the woman can get pregnant and the man will not be charged, which he really shouldn't. That won't work from where I'm from, since women who don't get a job even for doing what they are already doing should be protected from the consequences of what their doing for no other reason than them having a vagina.

I watched the high school kids go to their own classes, looking down when they see me and rushing ahead when they pass. I don't know why since all I did was knee the pedophile's dick, but I'm not complaining.

I swallowed the built-up saliva in my mouth as I got off the wall I was leaning against when I saw a scrawny blonde boy and a fit black-haired boy go into the art class. I picked up my school bag and followed after them.

I went to the back seat in the corner, the one who sat in it already switched when I came here, and listened to the conversation in hushed whispers going on right in front of me.

"did you hear? The war is happening again, for a year already!" The fit boy said to the blonde.

"What!? I thought it was a time of peace right now?" The blonde boy said in a loud whisper that the teacher heard but ignored.

I snorted at the prospect that this guy was going to be the leader of the Avengers at some point. They both looked at me, wanting to see why someone was laughing at them for thinking of peace, probably. I started talking in my heavy Russian accent, not wanting to speak without it.

"Do you really believe the news and history lessons? Time of peace is nothing but the bullshit countries use to hide the projects they have in the dark."

They looked at me, most likely thinking about why the scary Russian girl is talking to them about countries being shady and why peace is bullshit.

"And how do you know that?" The fit boy said before the blonde boy could half yell about America being just and fair.

"School taught history doesn't make sense, one second they would be killing hundreds of each other's men, and the next they would be sending birthday gifts. It is because no one wants to look bad in front of the public, so they make lies and excuses about how both countries terminating the peace contract. I know what happens, one man breaks the rule, and two countries follow after."

They both stare at me before the blonde boy says randomly, "well I'm going to prove that America doesn't do that! Ill joins the army and show you proof!"

The fit kid pauses before saying, "alright, but I have to go with you. We'll need you to get some muscles though."

"you do not have to preach to me. I will be in the war as well." I don't want to miss this, the biggest fights I've been in have only been some city gang wars.

The blonde kid stares at me for a while.

"You're a woman aren't you?"

I pause, before realizing that it's the 1930s.

"you are correct. I may have to disable a few high ranking officials."