
Scarlett Wayne ( His obsession)

My mum abandoned me with my dad when i was just a child, now I'm being followed by a sick stalker. my friend and my Dad is all i have, but now my life is about to take a drastic twist full of; Regret, pain, betrayal and obsession.

Ria2345 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

chapter 2: Stalker

Point of view from Scarlett

It was 6:30 when the alarm at my bedside went off. I awakened Lizzy, and after our shower and breakfast of coffee and scrambled eggs, we were welcomed by the delightful aroma.

My father greeted Lizzy and I, "Good morning ladies, hope you slept well, sorry I came home late, didn't want to wake you girls up." Lizzy greeted back and expressed her gratitude for the delicious meal.

After a hasty breakfast, Lizzy drove us to school. I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was stalking us—or more specifically, me—because Lizzy never paid attention.

We arrived at school, went to my locker to get a few things since classes weren't in session today, and started setting up for the graduation. The school hall was colorful and lovely, and as I was chatting with Lizzy, I felt like a man in a hood was staring at me. I felt uneasy, and his stares scared the living crap out of me.I could just make out his hazel eyes.

He was following me as I ran to the bathroom after exiting the hallway. My heart was beating rapidly as I hurriedly locked the door and heard footsteps outside. I feared that the door would suddenly fall open.

After the footsteps stopped, I sat behind the closed doors. I got up and put my ears against the door to hear if anyone was still there. After almost 30 seconds had passed with no sound, I was about to unlock the door when a loud bang almost knocked me out of fear.

"Scar, are you there? Are you okay? I just saw you quickly exit the hall. Is everything okay?" 

Liz asked, "Girl, you scared the living daylights out of me, am okay, am fine, are you alone out there?, do you see anyone," with such worry in her voice. I asked, "Are you still safe?" I wondered if Liz wasn't being used as a pawn to lure me in and shoot me or kidnap me.

I opened the door when she said, "Am alone, you're scaring the living daylights out of me with these questions. Can you just open the door so I can be sure that you're okay?" Seeing only Lizzy made me feel secure, so we strolled back to the hall.I told her everything in the hall.

Lizzy just chuckled since she believed I had made a huge deal out of nothing.

"He was a transfer kid who was usually spooky and on the hood; no one has ever seen his face, not even the teachers, so I presume you never saw him". Liz recalled that I was perplexed and wondered, "OMG, where am I?" I truly feel like a new student at the institution.

"You can relax Scarlett Wayne ,Lol, your reaction is so awful, get your act together lady, I already warned him to quit lurking about you, or else i'm reporting him to the school authority,"

"That's pretty shocking, that he's been here for more than a year." I said

The time has come for speech practice, so get moving, ladies. Nate called (our class president).

Point of view of the author

Scar was anxious because she detested giving lengthy speeches or being in front of a crowd, so Liz and she got up and headed to the hall to begin practicing their speeches.

The vice principal, Mrs. Grace Wilson, spoke to each of them individually. She gave a brief pep talk about their college and university options in an effort to inspire them. Mrs. Wilson was always a woman who sought to uplift others. During Scar's first grade, she always tried to make her feel better by making jokes with her. She was there for her before Elizabeth Patterson arrived.

She told the students that Mr. Mark Grishaber, the principal of Williams Howard Taft High School in Chicago, had lost one of his relatives and might not be able to attend the graduation, which was scheduled for two days later.

She called each student to give their speech, deciding that she would be in charge of the school's activities until he returned.

Scarlett's Point of View

I watched as Hayley, the high school queen, said her speech so perfectly, she was also a spoilt brat, slept with almost half the popular guy at school, her mom was the vice principal, I could swear if she had been adopted because her character was nothing like her mom's, her dad owed a multiple bars and clubs in Chicago, he also had an importation car company,

She drove to school in a variety of vehicles.

She was always like a doll; I wonder why all the men fell for her snobbish demeanor and her obsession with slim clothes. I was thinking about Hayley Wilson when I noticed someone glancing at me. I assumed it was the stalker, whose name I later learned was Ralph Ivan, but when I turned to face the person, to my greatest surprise, it was Ian Logan. I won't deny that I once had a crush on Ian, and I may still do, but I just started to lose interest in him.He was dating Hayley. He has big brown eyes, shiny light pink lips, and black hair that is styled in a way that allows some of it to fall toward his face. He also has pierced ears on his left side, leaving a small shiny gold earring. He was extremely attractive, like a god.

Liz interrupted my train of thought and said, "Scar, it's your turn, Mrs. Wilson has called you, go say your speech lady."

"Liz, I caught Ian staring at me, he was stealing a glance," I added girlishly.

"Wow, very glad for you lady, heard he broke up with Hayley two weeks ago, for some random strange female no one knew about" Although I made a few blunders, I swiftly and anxiously ended my speech after Liz asked whether she was serious.

I hurriedly went back to where I had been sitting with Liz because she wanted the full story. Mind you, I had never been on a date or had a boyfriend in the five years prior.

Liz provided me additional information, but I was interested in the new female. Like every other girl who has a crush on him, I started to wonder.

We purchased our lunches at the school canteen and sat down where Liz and I would typically eat lunch. Today was out of the ordinary; everyone kept looking at me, and my every motion aroused their curiosity.

"Is there anything on my face, Liz?" "Do I appear to be a freak? Why is everyone staring at me?"

"There's nothing on your face, Scar, just as curious as you are, as am I, why the hell are you starring," Liz said.

While those thoughts were going through my head, my phone beeped, as did Liz's. Curious, we both unlocked our phones to check the message.

Liz opened her eyes in shock as I almost screamed at the top of my lungs. Fear gripped me, and my eyes welled up. What I saw shocked me; it was a text written in red Unknown, "this is going to be the last.....