
Savitar, God of Speed

WARNING! THIS IS WISH FULFILLMENT AND MAY HAVE SOME STUPID PLOT HOLE BUT I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN JUST LEAVE OR DO A PROPER REVIEW. What If Izuku had another path that made him better and acquired the power of the speed forces?

Try_hard · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs

Chapter 47 - Toru Costume


Ochako smiled, her eyes sparking in joy moving closer to Izuku. This sparked tension in the air with his girlfriends. 

"You really mean it?! Is it really okay!?"

"Of course! It would be a great opportunity to get to know each other since we will be heroes in training from now on."

Izuku reassures her while smiling back at Ochako. He finds her odd enthusiasm in having a free meal but doesn't think too deeply.

'Plus it would be a great way to start forming our Hero Team.'

Izuku thought to himself. He didn't forget the other reason for becoming a hero.

"Not to mention, my mom would love to let you taste her cooking. So, do any of you want to go?"

"Are you kidding!? Of course we all wanna go!" 

Kaminari exclaimed.


Ochako cheered.

"Sign me up!" 

Sero pumped his fist.

"Hmm, may the Lord bless you and your family for your generosity,"

Said Ibara.

"I would be honored!" 

Iida bowed with everyone warily smiling at his stiff action.

"Oh yeah!"

 Mina cheered

"I'll finally get to eat at a fancy restaurant!"

"I'm with you sister!" 

Toru wrapped an arm around Mina's shoulders excited to see what her crush restaurant would be like.

"I need to call my parents first, kero."

Said Tsuyu as she took out her phone and called her parents.They talked for a few moments as Tsu explained the situation to her parents, who agreed to let her join her classmates.

After that, they talked for a few more moments before she ended the call and nodded at her classmates.

"I'll be going too, kero."

After that, pretty much everyone expressed their willingness to go, except for Shouto who silently walked towards the door, carrying her bag.

"Todoroki, you're not coming?" 

Asked Izuku but Shouto only stared at him for a moment before answering.

"I'm not here to make friends, you all go and do your useless 'outing', I don't care."

"Come on, it'll be fun."

Izuku insisted.

"I don't have time for fun."

He gave Izuku the cold shoulder before leaving them alone. Izuku inwardly sighed slightly disappointed that he was unable to invite everyone else.

"So when do we leave? I'm a bit excited."

Sato commented.

"Alright, I'll call our ride." 

Momo smiled and took out her phone and called her driver.

 "....Um, yes Alfred-san? Can you ask the others to drive our limo here in school? Three of them at least, yes, just enough to fit at least twenty people."

'Limo? Three? Damn, She's rich!'

Everyone thought but her odd bounciness 

"Hold on, let me just call Melissa." 

Said Izuku as he took out his phone, but was interrupted by the door suddenly opening.

""No need, I'm here."

Melissa smiled as she walked inside the 1-A classroom.

"Hey guys! Aunt Inko already texted me."


Kaminari stared at Melissa in a daze.

"She's an angel, she's even more beautiful in person..."



Kaminari screamed as Jiro stabbed him at the side with her earphone jacks.

"Stop being creepy." 

Said Jiro.

"She's already my harem sister."


Kaminari blinked, taken aback from what she said , and stared at Melissa before shaking his head in disappointment.

'Damn my love ended before it even started but according to the bro code; you shan't covet your bro's wife...or lover.'


"Hello everyone, I'm Melissa Shield, A third year, both Support Course and Hero course. If you need help on your gear, then don't hesitate to come to our workshop, we're always open."

Melissa smiled and greeted everyone in the room.

"Oh right about that! Toru here needs a costume change since her old one is a bit inappropriate."

Izuku pointed towards Toru.

"Apparently, those folks who made her costume didn't inform about the DNA-based costume."

His words held poison being infuriated that someone dared to let someone be naked. Izuku thought whoever that company is, has some perverted mindset.

"What!? What kind is her costume and Who made your costume, Toru-san? Those people should be sued for doing something this careless!"

Melissa felt angered that some company let her 

"Uhmm...well it was just fair of boots and gloves…"

"Wait what's DNA-Based Costume? Am I missing something??"

Kirishima tilted his head, unable to keep up with their conversation. He didn't get the chance to read about the option when requesting his costume.

"It's where they used a piece of hair to make the costume. That's why my costume doesn't melt that easily when I use my quirk."

Mina explained having a costume resistance with her acid. She was fortunate that her costume designer wasn't a pervert.

"I heard about it. That's why Mt.Lady Costume doesn't just rip when she grows."

Ojiro added, recalling their giantess heroine.

"Don't worry, Toru! Come by tomorrow and Let me handle your costume!"

Melissa pumped to create new items for her friends while Toru smiled, recalling Izuku words about being able to see her face again.

"I-Is it possible for the costume to erase my quirk temporarily?"

"Well, as long as you don't have a physical Mutation like additional limbs then yeah I can."

She was quickly hugged by Toru, surprising her but smiled.

"Thank you, thank you!"

"Hehehe thank me later once I've finished making your costume. Just tell me anything that you specifically wanted along the way."

"Alright fam," 

Camie clapped her hands.

"Let's go to the gates and wait for our ride. I'm excited to eat in Izuku's restaurant again. Let me tell you this, everything there is simply delish."

"I'll text my mom that all of you are going," 

Said Izuku as he texted his mother before pocketing his phone and smiled at his friends.

"Alright guys, who are ready to go?"


Soon enough everyone felt overwhelmed riding a high-class Limousine and the people inside with Izuku we're his girlfriends, Mina, Tsuyu, Ochako and Toru.

Ochako was drooling at the expensive vehicle while Mina was chatting with Momo and Ochako. Toru on the other hand was disgusted with Melissa about her Costume.

"Wait here this makes things Easier."

Izuku proceeded to take out his watch and summon Gideon, surprising everyone.

"Woah, what's this high-tech thingy?"

Mina asked Izuku to get closer to inspect the hologram.

["Greetings I am Gideon, Artificial Intelligent and personal assistant of Izuku."]

"So cool! I've only seen this in movies and T.V shows!"

Ochako exclaimed, fascinated by the hovering miniature woman at Izuku watch.

"How did you get something like his Midoriya-chan?"

Tsuyu curiously asked.

"Well I made her when I was 12."

They were taken by surprise by what he said. It was illogical to think that a 12 year old would have the money and intellect to make an advanced AI but Izuku wasn't a normal man and had the protagonist plot by his side.

Not to mention that he made a miniature particle accelerator and arc reactor using files of scraps which is much more unbelievable than making Artificial Intelligence.

"How is that possible when you're 12, kero!?"

"Hard to say, I'm just smart I guess but anyway, Gideon please scan Toru and give me a 3d display."

He pointed his watch toward Toru before he scanned her body then made a 3d print of her. 

"Now, can you tell me any key design?"

Izumi asked her to ponder for a moment what she wanted before something clicked for her.

"Have you watched the Ghost in the Shell Remake? I want something similar to Mokoto since she is so cool and able to turn invisible like me!"

"Alright, Gideon, can you download a design print of this character?"

Few seconds later, multiple selections appear and swiping the hologram would show a different design. Everything we're a skin-tight military outfit that was for espionage.

"I think this will be perfect for you, Toru!"

Mina selected quite the sexy spandex making Toru blush but decided to go for it. 

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah, I think it's really cool and makes me stand out more."

"Alright, then I'll save the data and send it to you later, Mel."

"Understood but Toru I need to come by tomorrow to give me some of your hair."

"I will!"

Tour said excitedly to see herself wearing the costume and finally avoid feeling cool from being stark naked. After a few minutes went by, Tsuyu thought deeply before deciding to speak her mind.

"I've been wondering how you guys met with Midoriya-chana and how you guys are doing with the Harem thing?