
Sasuke no Mikoto

Au story that follows Sasuke two years after the war

DragonKingZuko · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 3

Orochimaru HIDEOUT
No words were spoken the room filled with the hum of the machinery over the years they've both grown used to the sounds. After the shock of catching sight of the mark and seeing Sasuke lost in thought as he stares at his palm Karin takes a moment to focus on Sasuke's chakra to see if the mark had any change on it. Using the Mind's Eye of the Kagura Karin couldn't help the gasp that escaped her causing Sasuke to snap his head in her direction with a questioning gaze.

"What is it," said Sasuke wondering what caused Karin's reaction to seeing the mark

"I just took a moment to re-scan your chakra the fluctuations in your chakra seem to have stabilized which would explain the mark appearing now and should help speed up the process of getting your arm to feel like you never lost it to begin with"

Hearing Karin's diagnosis Sasuke nods "I see is that all?"

Shaking her head Karin continues explaining to Sasuke what she discovered "The feel of Your chakra also seems to be different not drastically but enough that people might have a hard time recognizing it at first but besides that, it also seems to be flowing smoother and not as Dark as before but with the same density if not more"

"Didn't you say my chakra wasn't as dark after the war?" said Sasuke Remembering her words during the brief time he spent here when he started his travels.

"Well it's even lighter than back then if I had to provide an example I'd say during our Team Taka days your chakra was like a moonless sky with no stars just an expanse of darkness after the war it was like the moon and stars returned to the night sky illuminating it"

Thinking over Karin's words Sasuke couldn't help the pang of regret he felt although he didn't regret killing Danzo he did regret hurting Karin to do so, Feeling her expecting gaze he put that aside for now "And what does my chakra feel like now"

Putting a finger to her chin and taking a moment to think about it "Hmm it's hard to word the feeling" Perking up and snapping her fingers "I got it your chakra currently feels like the calm before a storm while it's calm it could be quite soothing actually but that's you relaxed I assume when angered or during a fight it'll feel like being caught in a Thunderstorm at night"

Sasuke snorts " Awfully poetic but I think I understand" Remembering his thought from a moment ago and thinking he's put this off long enough he keeps hurting her even if she won't admit it and it not being his intention.

"Karin I know I apologized to you in the past for my actions during the Danzo situation but I'd like to apologize again for my actions" looking into her eyes so she could see he meant it.

Hearing his words and also seeing the look on his face Karin could feel his remorse" I've told you already I forgive you" caressing Sasuke's cheek

Feeling her hand on his cheek this is what he meant he continues to hurt her even if not intentionally and he hasn't exactly helped the scenario since he did something similar earlier today he has two options here he could try to return her feelings and see where that takes them which may cause her even more pain or he could talk to her and explain to her why he can't be the one to love her as she deserves after the life she had reaching up to grab her hand "Karin you know we can't do this right".

"Why not Sasuke you obviously care about me to a certain extent and we could take it slow," Karin said making her case

"I've hurt you and abused your powers how could I possibly be the one to give you the love you deserve I've scarred you, Karin"
Hearing the part about him abusing her powers she pulled her hand out of his grasp before pulling up her sleeves" Yes you've hurt me but you also saved my life I was glad to use my powers to help you Besides take a good look Sasuke those scars you talking about no longer exist"

Seeing her arms bare of scars his Sharingan flared to life after confirming it was not a Genjutsu he couldn't help but wonder "How"

Letting her sleeves fall back to normal, she said " I visited Uzushiogakure after you left on your journey I was curious about learning more about my clan and see if there was anything to help me better understand my abilities one of the scrolls I recovered taught me a way to heal the scars left from the healing bite Uzu gave me the chance to start over Sasuke Why can't this be ours" giving Sasuke a searching gaze.

"We can't just forget our past Karin or at least I can't you'll always be a part of my life a member of this pseudo-family I've built" The words just not as my wife are left unsaid "You're an amazing girl and I'm sure you'll meet someone who'll love you like you deserve"

Fighting back the tears not wanting Sasuke to see her cry anymore and resigning to the fact that he won't change his mind" I just imagined us together since the day you walked back into my life but I guess you're right as long as I have team Taka and Orochimaru that's enough for now but do you think there's someone out there for me?" with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Of course, there is like I said you are an amazing girl who'll probably make a good mom one day,"

"Maybe someday but speaking of being a parent you'd make a good girl dad if this is how you talk a girl through heartbreak and I could see your son being a mini you and tryna emulate you" teasing Sasuke poking his rib before breaking out into a laugh seeing the look on his face

"Anyways thanks for being honest with me at least now I know it's not because you think I'm a terrible person or disgusted you but you should get going Orochimaru is waiting I rather he not show up here complaining I'm hogging his precious student"

"You're right I should see what info he has on this Zetsu situation " making his way towards the exit of the room
Karin watched Sasuke reach the doorway as he was bout to leave she couldn't help but call his name "Sasuke one more thing".

Turning to hear what else Karin had to add the reply he had died on his lips as she grabbed his shirt and pressed her lips against his in a kiss that lasted until she pulled away "Sorry couldn't let you go without at least getting that" in a whisper as she let go of his shirt and distanced herself 

Knowing what she was referring to that the moment was needed, she couldn't move on without Sasuke allowing her the closure she needed on her love for him and with that he hoped she could truly be happy going forward" I'll come see you before I leave after my talk with Orochimaru" taking his leave.

Once she was sure he was gone she finally let the tears she's been holding back free and finally let go of her hopes of being Sasuke's wife one day.