
Sasuke no Mikoto

Au story that follows Sasuke two years after the war

DragonKingZuko · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2

The room was silent with the departure of Indra, but the only thing Sasuke could focus on at the current moment was the pain in what was once a missing limb now restored. 'So this is the gift you were referring to, asshole could have warned me before doing whatever he did' thought Sasuke as he stood up he couldn't help but notice his hair was longer than he usually kept it excusing it as he hadn't had the time to maintain it properly due to his travel he proceeded back the way he came to check out the scrolls in the library. 

Remembering the path he came he easily found the library approaching the closest shelf he found a scroll bearing his clan symbol unfurling the scroll it read Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame with the necessary hand seals to cast the Jutsu. 
'Are these all Jutsu scrolls or do these hold clan history as well' thought Sasuke as he reached for the next scroll with his left hand he frowned at the discomfort and small pain in his arm.

"It's gonna take time getting used to having a left arm again I should get Karin to run a check-up on it" remembering how she sent him an angry letter for not visiting her the last time he went to Orochimaru for information.
With a decision to visit his old team, Sasuke started to seal up all the scrolls in the library after finishing in the library he made his way around the building sealing up anything else of interest before coming upon a sword and a half-moon Shakujo.

'This looks like the one Madara created I guess this is the one Indra possessed when he was alive' thought Sasuke as he picked up the staff and examined it before sealing both objects and noticing a set of robes that were high-collared, white-coloured kimono with a dark sash to hold it closed. The collar of the kimono was adorned with magatama there were black ribbons to tie up the loose-fitting sleeves if deemed necessary acknowledging the lack of clothes besides his current black pants, black shirt black cloak look and his poncho outfit sealed away. Sasuke smelled himself taking note he didn't exactly smell the best he sealed away the outfit before looking to see if this place had a place where you could wash yourself.

After heading back and heading to the last room he's yet to search he came across a room with a large bath after finding a faucet turning it on and having no water appear he decided to use a minor water jutsu to fill the bath and used a small fire jutsu to heat the water into an artificial hot spring of sorts. As he sat in the pool of water he couldn't help but feel nostalgic for the natural hot springs at the Uchiha Compound remembering before he started his dimensional travels Kakashi sent him a message notifying him that the reconstruction process was finished at the Compound.

'I guess it couldn't hurt to put an end to my travels and settle down in one place for a bit' After dressing himself in his poncho outfit he proceeded to make a portal to head to Orochimaru's current hideout.


As she walked down Karin couldn't help but frown looking over the reports on her clipboard 'I thought all the white Zetsu were rounded up and disposed of where are people getting Zetsu and what convinced people that by eating or injecting zetsu cells into their bloodstream would give them abilities rivalling Hashirama' entering her lab she flicks on the light before walking towards her desk when a large flux of chakra flooded her senses coming from behind her in her shock she launched her clipboard in the air turning quickly.

"Karin," said Sasuke noticing her in front of him as he exited the portal and caught the airborne clipboard

Recovering from her shock and not wanting Sasuke to know he caught her off guard pushed up her glasses and said "You should be more careful with where you portal in what if I didn't recognize your chakra and unleashed my Adamantine Sealing Chains thinking you were an enemy" crossing her arms.

"Right next time I'll appear outside the hideout" ignoring the fact she was caught off guard but a situation like that is possible in the future.

"It is nice to see you again and I like the hair although it wouldn't kill you to maintain it a bit if you plan on keeping it that long," Karin said with a light blush adjoining her features.

Running a hand through his hair he replied "I wasn't exactly planning to grow it out this long but I didn't have the means to cut it besides kunai or swords and I think a certain encounter sped up the process a bit"
Noticing that Sasuke was holding her clipboard and running a hand through his hair Karin yelled "Sasuke You have two hands again! And wait what encounter"

"That's actually the reason for my visit during my travels I encountered the spirit of my ancestor or past life I'm not too sure what to think of that situation but he did something that accelerated the growth of my hair and restored my arm although it's been giving me some discomfort" showing her the arm.
"you want me to check it out?" Seeing him nod Karin couldn't help the feeling of disappointment that he didn't come just to visit her but came just because he needed something

Putting down the clipboard on the desk Sasuke closed the distance between the two of them and caressed Karin's cheek" Hey don't look so down it is nice to see you again I mean I did choose to come here instead of Konoha after all"

"Sasuke I-"

"My my I thought I sensed a magnific chakra but to stumble across young love as well" Hearing Orochimaru's words Sasuke lowered his hand and took away from Karin to her disappointment causing her to glare at the snake sannin.

"Orochimaru," Said Sasuke acknowledging the presence of his former sensei

"Don't let me interrupt now I believe you were giving Sasuke an examination and my Sasuke I love the long hair taking after your sensei I see" said Orochimaru with a chuckle.

"As if I'd ever style my hair as feminine as yours," Said Sasuke with a scoff

"I wasn't aware it was feminine to maintain one's hair and youthful appearance"

"Could you two be quiet so I can focus and begin examining Sasuke's arm" Karin cut in not wanting to hear about beauty tips from Orochimaru of all people

"Yes yes I'll leave you two to your flirting although I'd appreciate it if you could send Sasuke my way when you're done so I can brief him on current situations" With that Orochimaru took his leave

"Right, so how about we get started and I can inform you on the little bit that I know so far about what Orochimaru needs to talk to you about" getting the necessary equipment ready and beginning the process of scanning the arm while also examining the chakra pathways using her sensing abilities.

"So what could you tell me about what Orochimaru wants with me after this" asked Sasuke over the sound of the lab equipment.

"There's been some trouble stirring up lately mostly due to a rumour that started in the underworld about consuming or injecting yourself with Zetsu cells turns you into pseudo-Hashirama"

Sasuke's Eyes widened " I thought all the Zetsu were disposed of how exactly would people even get their hands on them"

"That's what Orochimaru has been looking into I think he might have made a discovery in who's supplying the Zetsu or he's heard back from Suigetsu and Juugo," said Karin as she looked over some charts that printed out.

"Right I was wondering where those two were," said Sasuke noticing the lack of Suigetsu and Juugo since his arrival.

"Orochimaru sent them to meet with a contact who might know more about what's going on in the underworld" Continuing to read the report on Sasuke's arm" Based on what this says and what my sensory abilities are telling me there's nothing wrong with your arm beside your body needing time to adapt to it your chakra pathways in the arm aren't used to anything existing past a certain point but once those settle you should be good to go although I suggest taking it easy for awhile" disconnecting the equipment

Hearing Karin's diagnostic of his left arm Sasuke nods while taking a moment to flex and examine it noticing it's not giving as much discomfort as before however, he froze as he couldn't help but notice the moon marking that once graced his palm during the end of the war has returned.

Chapter End

I'm not too sure what direction I wanna go ship-wise for Sasuke although I have 3 maybe even 4 in mind I could choose from 
1. Sasuhina
2. Sasukarin
3. A truly rare one that would require more work than the other two is Sasuke x TenTen 
4. The one that would require the most work is Sasuke x Kurotsuchi