
Sasuke no Mikoto

Au story that follows Sasuke two years after the war

DragonKingZuko · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 1

While the people of the shinobi world enjoyed the time of peace not knowing how long peace would last this time. At this point, Sasuke after seeing what the shinobi world has to offer when not on a quest of revenge has taken to searching the dimensions he now has access to.


Sasuke touches down in a field overlooking a building that's seen better days 'What is this place all the other dimensions I've visited so far haven't shown any signs of intelligent life although this place does seem abandoned for years now' taking note of the condition of the building.

After a few moments of observing the surrounding areas and finding nothing that could tell him what this place was or who built it, he decided to check out the building but as he got closer he felt a pulse in his rinnegan and a throbbing pain from the stump of his missing arm letting out a hiss of discomfort before growling " what the hell is this place my missing arm hasn't behaved like this since I left the hospital".

After taking a minute to compose himself and let the pain subside he proceeded with caution 'Better safe than dead' he thought with a chuckle. Entering the building he found himself in a walkway covered in dust and mould walking quickly to avoid breathing in the stale air he found himself in a room with rows of bookshelves and what looked like reading areas 'Is this a library the scrolls are in good condition despite everything else showing signs of decay just as he was about to investigate a flash of white caught his eye turning quickly he notice the bottom of a white robe disappearing down a hallway "Hey wait" he yelled not getting an answer he proceeded to give chase.

Sprinting down the hall he catches a flash of white again as the person turns down another hall Getting annoyed that he's being led on a chase Sasuke focuses some lightning chakra into his leg to give himself a speed boost speeding a long hallway he finds himself in a room and takes a minute to look around he finally notices the person he's been chasing is now facing him the man had long brown hair cut short on top. Two locks wrapped in bandages framed on both sides of his face. His eyebrows were cut short a symbol of his nobility and possesses dark eyes.

"I was wondering when you'd catch up," the unknown man said with a smirk amused, Sasuke was not so amused that a stranger was taunting him "Who are you" he demanded the man's smirk fell before saying " The youth of this current age have no respect although I suppose I could forgive you for not recognizing the original seeing how you resemble the faker right now".

The original Sasuke thought to himself before his eyes widened realizing who was standing in front of him "So you're Ōtsutsuki Indra" The man finally revealed himself as Ōtsutsuki Indra the progenitor of the Uchiha clan the eldest son of the Sage of the Six Paths. " I assume from your lack of questions my father similarly appeared before you," Indra says seeing Sasuke nod he continues to speak "I've been waiting for you to stumble upon this realm since you first started dimension-hopping my reincarnate"

Hearing what Indra said about him waiting for him to stumble upon this place Sasuke is suspicious about what Indra could want and if he's still walking a dark path. "You've been waiting to meet me?" Sasuke asked seeing Indra nod yes he continued "What do you want from me". Indra picks up on Sasuke's suspicious due to the hostility seeping into his tone, "Calm down Sasuke you have a right to be suspicious after all you've been told about me but I mean you no harm" Seeing Sasuke relax a little he continued saying " I've come to ask you why are you wasting time"

Sasuke was angered that Indra thought his redemption journey was a waste of time and yelled "How dare you tell me going on a journey to help the world heal from all the damage I caused was a waste of time" Before he could continue though Indra replied "that wasn't what I was referring to by waste of time I mean why are you randomly dimension hopping wasting time and chakra"

"I'm not randomly dimension hopping I'm searching for evidence of Kaguya or any other Ōtsutsuki and seeing how I found you I wouldn't call it a waste of time unless that's what you call this conversation" Indra annoyed with Sasuke's counter to everything asked " Why haven't you started a family if you perish on this venture of searching for evidence Kaguya or you encounter an Ōtsutsuki our family line will end with you is that what you desire"

Sasuke hearing this frowns acknowledging that he's right if something happened to him the Uchiha clan would be no more "So what are you saying I should have impregnated someone than abandoned them to raise my child as I travelled the world?"

Indra nods "Back in my day women would understand that you had a job to do and would have been happy to raise the proof of your Union and patiently awaited your return"

Hearing this made Sasuke pause and think before shaking his head "While there may be women like that still in this day that's not exactly what I would want although I will consider pausing my journey, for now, To study those scrolls back in the other room" Indra hearing this informed "You may not be able to decipher all those scrolls due to them needing a byakugan to read them although I'm not sure if your rinnegan can read it, especially seeing how you've been struggling to adjust to it" Sasuke hearing his criticism ask " what would you know about my control over the rinnegan seeing as you lack the eye"

Indra smirks "while I may not possess the rinnegan the technique yours grants you such as amenotejikara are actually the abilities I unlocked when my mangekyo patterned change to these" Sasuke observed as Indra activated his Sharingan and showed his Mangekyō pattern that they seemed to share before his eyes widened as Indra's eyes continued to spin until the pattern became swirled lines originating from his pupils.

"You've been using too much chakra to open portals it's why your chakra reserves have been depleting faster than in combat you should take the time and master my chakra" Seeing Sasuke thinking over what he said he continues before he could be interrupted " The scrolls in the room with our clan crest you should take with you to study the ones requiring the byakugan would make a good gift should you desire to marry the Byakugan Princess"

"What do you mean what Byakugan Princess" Sasuke yelled. 'Is he talking about Hyuuga Hinata or some other byakugan user out there', Indra frowns " I know achieving strength was your goal and then it was correcting the error of your dark ways but have you never realized the heir to Ōtsutsuki Homura is your age?" Indra felt that his chakra was running low and continued before Sasuke could reply "My time in this realm is coming to an end before I return to the pure lands allow me to leave you with a gift my inheritor" Indra raises his hand towards Sasuke before there was a flash of light when the light cleared Indra was gone and Sasuke feeling a pain in his missing arm collapse to one knee.

The first Chapter complete for my first story

DragonKingZukocreators' thoughts