
Saiyan Journey To Power

Being Dropped In DXD As A Saiyan could have been a lot worse, to be honest, now I only need to figure out how to live my new life while making the best of it. Also, fucking Rizevim is in contact with Barbatos from DC. I am completely and utterly f#cked, aren't I? No, Ophis don't eat those six glowing stones, wait... why do you have seven? Oh, Come on, now a Devil Fruit. For crying out loud, Hajime stop dropkicking devils off a cliff after you knock them out. Screw This, I am out Warning Dark

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Why Am I Here Chp 2


"Why am I here," I whisper to myself flying above some of the trees slowly as I look around me

I am in between a couple of mountains surrounding this forest and in the distance, I can barely make out a waterfall.

I head over to the waterfall as that is the only place where I can probably get some drinking water in order to survive in this forest

As soon as I arrive at it, I fall to my knees as I feel pretty tired already from flying

I got to the waterfall and drink the water from it as it goes into my mouth and I drink the water greedily

I go back to the side of the river and sit down as I try to think more about my situation

I am a Saiyan, that much is obvious with the power boost that I got from getting angry and frustrated. Plus, the tail, is a dead giveaway

I frown as I wonder about how I look now

I go towards, the river and see my new body

"Uh, not bad..." I say while looking at myself in the water although, I can't quite make out the face the black spiky hair is another indication of what I am now

I wait a bit and finally see my face

"I don't even look like myself anymore," I say while noticing the differences immediately

I look as if I have European and Asian descent but my new European side looks to be more prominent

I sit back and think more about this and sigh

I want to go back home, but I am not sure if I will be able to for quite sometime

Especially, since I sincerely doubt that whoever sent me here would turn me into a Saiyan for nothing

I frown as I think more about that

Who turned me into a Saiyan, I am pretty sure that I should have died when the unusually strong earthquake hit and the rubble fell on me, I hope my family is alright though

My family, I can remember nearly everything about my family except for one thing, their last names aside from my great-grandparent's last names, I can't recall any of my grandparent's last names, or my parent's last names, while I remember my sisters last name as both got married but not their maiden name

This brings me to the next problem

I can't remember my name at all, I can recall stuff that I went through in school and everything like that but not my name

Is that the price for becoming a Saiyan or something? Not knowing my name

It honestly, pisses me off for some reason, so much so that my KI bursts out of me due to my anger

Someone stole my name

Something that I considered mine and mine alone dammit

Why my name?

I feel as if I am missing something and what I am missing is my name

My anger surges through the roof before it begins to die down as I forced myself to stay calm

The only thing that remains is cold anger towards the one who did this to me

I look around feeling lost as the reality of losing my name hits me

A tear falls down as the reality of the situation finally hits home

Home, somewhere, I will probably never go back to

My stomach growls in hunger and I am already annoyed at how much food I am going to have to be eating

I sigh as I force myself to go look at the river to find some fishes

While I may not know much at all about surviving in a forest, I did watch some fishing videos for fun

"Can I eat them raw," I wondered out loud as I flew over the water and snatched some of the bigger fishes from the lake and put them on the side after smashing their heads in

"I have nothing to cut them with, dammit, maybe a rock," I say to myself while I think about how to cook them as I don't want to eat them raw

I grab a rock and with some force begin to break it into pieces until I had a decent enough rock that looked sharp enough

I place the sharp rock a bit below the stomach and I quickly cut its stomach open with my strength

Even a Saiyan child is stronger than an average human

I finish gutting the fishes and remember one crucial detail

I don't have a fire

"KI please don't fail me now," I say while putting some small sticks together to start the fire

Soon I concentrate my KI as best as I can and point my finger toward the stick and a small ball of KI the size of a marble appears in front of my finger and I focus on shooting it and it goes right to the sticks making a hole in the ground, but I ignore that as I go to the sticks as they have embers on them and I begin to blow air into them while putting some tinder on them

Soon I have a fire

I put some bigger pieces of wood on top of the fire and grab some sticks to place the fish over the fire

I sit back as I wait for my fishes to cook

I sigh as I think about what to do next

I look at the sky and see that it's turning dark and I remember the Great Ape form and I would love to master it while I am still weak but I have no idea about what will happen to the surrounding area and if it will bring attention to me

Curiously I fly into the air and look around a bit above the mountains to see nothing but more forest for miles on end and more mountains

"Well, at least I have some room for it," I say to myself as I slowly hover to the ground as my stomach growls in hunger