
Saiyan Journey To Power

Being Dropped In DXD As A Saiyan could have been a lot worse, to be honest, now I only need to figure out how to live my new life while making the best of it. Also, fucking Rizevim is in contact with Barbatos from DC. I am completely and utterly f#cked, aren't I? No, Ophis don't eat those six glowing stones, wait... why do you have seven? Oh, Come on, now a Devil Fruit. For crying out loud, Hajime stop dropkicking devils off a cliff after you knock them out. Screw This, I am out Warning Dark

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Monster Meat Chp 22


"A labyrinth huh," I say looking at the ground as Hajime eats some beef jerky that I brought with me

"Yeah," He says after swallowing

"How did you get your magic?" I ask him somewhat curious about it since he did mention that he got magic once he came to this world

"When my classmates and I were brought here from Earth. The people there said that we were blessed by the god Ehit in order to defeat the demons," He says and I pay close attention to him and frown

This god Ehit

(To be powerful enough to be able to bring a group of people over from another dimension is no feat that I can look over. Damn it all, if this god is powerful enough to do that, I will have to be careful here) I realize Ehit's power may surpass mine at the moment

At the moment

"Most of my classmates got some very awesome classes or jobs. While I was given the Synergist one it focuses on crafting and blacksmithing," He says bit embarrassed as I look at him like he is an idiot after I heard that

"Are serious right now?" I ask him while he looks surprised

"Y-yeah it's not very useful...ow," I cut him off after I bonk him in the head 'gently'

"Idiot why haven't you tried to abuse it yet," I tell him a bit frustrated at him

If playing RPG taught me anything is that crafting your own stuff is overpowered as all hell

"Abuse it, how..."

"You can quite possibly make swords, hammers, guns, tanks anything else that you can possibly think off," I tell him

"Oh," He says like an idiot

"Whatever, how does someone get a class or job if they are not summoned here?" I ask him

"Well, I don't know," He answers

"OK, going past that you said that there is a hundred floors here right. Weird, from what you said is that there were supposed to be monsters and..." I cut myself off as I realize where I am

"A pocket dimension or rather a series of pocket dimensions stacked upon one another. With what I am guessing is the entrance which is the location that I am sensing a bit on the top while the one lowers is the entrance to the next floor..."


"Yeah, it is something I learned as I can't use magic very well so I learned how to fight against it. Some of my lessons involved recognizing my environment in spatially sealed places if I were to be caught in such a place. It's not the same but it is close enough for me to figure out the rest by myself though," I tell him as I sense the power of some of the monsters on this floor and they are nothing to scoff at either as I sense that some of these are at least on the mid to high level of strength if I go by DXD terms and according to Hajime these monsters only keep getting stronger the 'deeper' we go

"You said that this labyrinth was created by a group who rebelled against Ehit. So they created this and a few other labyrinths to hide away. Something doesn't seem right about that," I tell him as I think about why would someone create 100 floors and each of them has labyrinths as well AND are filled with monsters

Even more so with spatial magic, this advanced

It is unbelievable

When I was trained by Nurahiyon the amount of energy required to create a stable pocket dimension is nothing to scoff at, especially if it is created on a whim, even more so for those pocket dimensions to allow life to flourish as it has on this labyrinth due to the monsters respawning, 'creating' life

If anything the guy who made this place is nothing short of a god of space and life in dxd terms even more so what powers this place

To continuously power a pocket dimension where life can exist and possibly even thrive in, where the life is either created or formed from matter either or is nothing short of incredible the latter even more so

This makes me even more worried about Ehit and his level of power

There are supposed to be at least 7 labyrinths for each of the betrayers which means there are at least 7 people who we strong enough to rebel against this god Ehit but not defeat him

I am going to have my work cut out for me

"Hey, Hajime have you thought about eating these monsters?" I ask him to which he looks a bit flustered before he shakes his head

"I was but the books I read said that their bodies are poisonous and when I remember that I looked at you and..." I cut him off

"OK," I tell him as I sigh at this

"I am going to eat some of these monsters," I said while sighing a bit for a couple of reasons

First, I am a Saiyan, Hajime described a rabbit, more than that it is able to use magic it should taste good or better than a normal rabbit

Second, I am hungry as my traversal through the dimensional gap was far more exhausting than I thought and I want to rely on my supplies as little as possible so saving some good food will be fine

"But," He began but I cut him off

"Remember, I am a Saiyan food poisoning won't affect me as much," I tell him as I stand up

"oh, that's, ok," He says meekly and I raise an eyebrow at that

"Oh, I remember who blasted you away as I saw one of the blasts coming towards you specifically?" I ask him as his eyes go wide

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IF FORGOT THAT," He screams out and begins to talk to himself and as I do my stomach growls

"Well, I am off to get my food," I tell him as I break through the ground and sense the nearest monster here

"So, that's the rabbit," I say as I focus some Ki on my eyes as I bring out a light sword that lights up the area around me

I just rush towards it and easily snap its neck and quickly bring out some utensils and begin to skin the rabbit and bring a pot which I fill out with water from a water container and set it on the ground

I create a sword that I thought of that condenses water in the air and purifies it to the point that it only leaves nutritious minerals in it for me to consume or use in any other way that I want

Being self-reliant is something that I learned the hard way

I set up to make some rabbit stew but the smell of the rabbit is kind off putting me off now

"Oh, that's why they taste so bad," I said as I quickly put the rabbit in the pot and begin to make some stew

The bodies of these monsters spoil really quickly after death which is why it is best to consume them after killing them

I wait a bit before it is cooked and I grab rabbit leg and eat it quickly I recoil at the taste and I feel it lands in my stomach and I eat the rest of the leg quickly before falling to my knees

I hold back my vomit as my body tries to hold it in

I look at the stew and focus on the energy that the bacteria gives off and I am in shock

I can feel the bacteria in the meat some of it survive being boiled in water and I can tell that the bacteria is around 1/5th as strong as a literal ant

Fire surges from my mouth as I kill off the bacteria in my mouth and cleanse it as I prefer the burnt aftermath than the flood gives

A trick I learned from my Oozaru form

I quickly eat the rest of the stew fitting the fucking stomach ache that I am experiencing and as I finish I hear a growl behind me and I sigh as I put everything away really fast and grab the wolf for Hajime to eat

I knock it out and bring it down as Hajime looks at me

"What?" He asks

"it's for you," I tell him as I quickly bring out everything I need before I ask Hajime to make the space bigger

"You are going to eat it raw and drink some of that before and after you do so," I tell him as I notice something about myself

As the stomach ache recedes, I can feel my strength not only returning, but I am also getting stronger as I kill and begin to butcher the

Not a lot to be honest, but enough for my Ki sense to notice it



"You won't die if the meat is roasted quick enough and with enough heat to kill off the bacteria really quickly," I tell him as he grabs the leg from the wolf I butchered and eats it while I butcher the rest and look at him eating it as he tries to hold it curiously

"Tastes like..." he begins before he begins to scream

"Fucking idiot," I say as I had warned him and him eating it despite knowing that people have died from eating monsters before grabbing a cup and filling it out with the healing water, and giving it to the idiot

My eyes widen as I see his muscles bulging out and hear the sounds of his body creaking and cracking and I give him some more healing water

I look at his eyes which have blood seeping out from them as I watch his eyes turn red

Soon he passes out and I give him a bit more water to help him out

I look at the crystal which is leaking a drop every few minutes and think of something

I bring out another sword, this one is to gather magical energy store it on a jewel on the hilt, and give it to whatever touches the pommel or handle

I put the blade on the ground and lean the sword so that the pommel touches the round crystal and gives it magical energy

Whatever this water is, it is capable of helping someone survive a full body change as painful as what Hajime went through as I can feel his power increase

I turn to the water as a drop fell into it

I count to 41 seconds and watch another drop next I count to 23 as another drop falls and it stays there

So instead of only every few minutes it now drops around every 23 seconds

"Nice," I say as I turn to look at the wolf meat and grab a leg and eat it raw to see how it tastes force it down my stomach as I roast whatever remains in my mouth as I quickly drink some of the water as my body begins to hurt but I don't suffer as much as Hajime did

I store the wolf meat in a big box and summon 4 sword which will freeze the rest of the meat

I smile as I feel my power increase again this time thought it is a bit more noticeable

"This is going to suck but it will be so worth it,"

(N/A for the record Jason doesn't know which world he is in or rather he doesn't know anything about it)