
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs


"Bann!" The sudden scream of my name woke me up from my sleep with wide opened eyes as I quickly sat up and looked in front of me.

There standing up outside my space pod was Rucule who looked fresh and energetical. Noticing the sun rays behind him faintly passing through the canopy of trees I realized it was already another dawn.

"How was your sleep? I hope well because we need to train again!" His thunderous voice reverberated through my skull as I feel another headache starting.

Yet I simply nodded my head and tried to stretch out my body while thinking of the last days.

After seeing Rucule murdering habitants from this planet, he started to train me and, to certain extent, Seleri. With his help, I was able to learn how to walk(again) and to maintain my own balance. Though the muscles weren't the problem, I had a rough time adapting to my new body and it's limitations.

For an entire week, we spent the day doing any sort of workout that Rucule came up with, be it from aerobics, to small workouts. Although I didn't gain strength nor something worthwhile to mention, I did got accustomed to my body and was finally able to get more things done by myself.

However, much to my disgust, Seleri and Ramela pick up how to flight. In the case of Seleri was after I started running around with Rucule and her not being able to follow up our pace, thus she stopped crawling and started following us everywhere while floating around.

While in Ramela's case, the little sister of Rucule learned after getting constantly bullied by Aprit. The two of them were the only ones that didn't move out from our crater until now, as Rucule, Seleri and I spent almost everyday outside exploring the surroundings and hunting the local fauna.

Rucule has been trying to make the two of them follow his orders with no avail, as both toddlers just keep playing with each other and flying around.

Though when I pointed out(literally) their actions, Rucule shrugged off and said that flying was actually a good training for them.

Nonetheless, after this week of adaptation, it was finally time, according to Rucule, to officially start our training.

"I picked up various boulders for you to see how strong you will become!" Rucule's voice boomed out as he lead the way outside the crater.

Although the terrain was really steep, we move out from the crater without any sort of effort and with Seleri on tow, we walked a couple hundred meters afar from the camp towards our training ground.

Or so did Rucule baptized the place.

Turning himself around, he approached me and with a smile he started explaining "Since now you can walk, I'm going to taught you how to punch hard!" As he said that, I was able to see a whitish aura encasing his fist while he grinned.

"Papa taught me that what matters the most for a Saiyan, is how strong his punch's pack. So all you need to do is to move your energy to your fist and punch it with all you have." And while saying that, he moved sideways and throwed his punch to the air.


A gust of wind followed his fists as the grass and plants move out of the way.

'What the hell they've given to these kids!? Jesus Christ!' I couldn't help but thought to myself after seeing the demonstration of strength.

Rucule wasn't even a kid that could go to the school and he was already this strong.

"See? Now is your turn, try it!" He exclaimed as he looked expectantly to me.

Yet I could only stare back at him, not even moving my fists. It wasn't that I didn't wanted to follow his lead, but I tried many times before to feel my ki. Yet I wasn't able until now to even feel anything.

Seeing my inaction, Rucule frowned and asked "What's wrong? You didn't heard me?"

I simply shook my head while raising my right fist to the front and with my left hand, pointed out that I wasn't able to even gather energy.

Seeing this, Rucule stared at my fist for a moment, then he moved his gaze towards my deadpanned face and frowned.

I wasn't even able to see anything until I feel it.

A punch to my face, followed by a kick on my chest as I was sent flying back towards the forest.

Seleri, who was also caught unaware looked frozen on the spot for a moment at my disappearing figure before she launched herself at Rucule with a raging face.

Not paying attention to her, Rucule launched himself towards me as he continue to rain punches and kicks to my body while screaming "IF YOU CAN'T USE YOUR ENERGY, I'LL MAKE YOUR BODY DO IT FOR YOUSELF! THAT'S HOW THE OTHERS LEARNED HEHE!"

Although I didn't know who he was referring to others, I could make myself an idea of who exactly. After all he was the only one among us all that trained with actual Saiyans before.

Nonetheless my mind was more occupied feeling the barrage of attacks launched by Rucule while the air escaped my lungs and my vision started tunneling in black.

A bitter taste on the back of my throat made my eyes tear up while a ringing sound started resounding more loud as the attacks continued.


Feeling the punches at my face, ribcages, and the continue kicks towards my legs and waist that made my flying body align itself to receive even more punches, I wasn't even able to think straight until Rucule stopped.

"Stop Seleri that hurts! I'm just trying to help Bann!" The screams from Rucule barely reached my ears as the darkness was slowly taking hold of my body.

Yet, before I closed my eyes, I felt a jolt going through my body while heat reached every corner and inch of my fibers. With a surprising speed and somewhat in a fuzzy state, I was able to see myself dodging a punch and returning back to Rucule, who looked a little bit surprised.

Yet the next moment a wide smile adorned his face as he screamed in excitement "IT WORKED!" And quickly he looked over Seleri as he blocked another punch and kick from the Saiyan girl "See Seleri? He's doing it now, so stop!"

Yet Seleri didn't minded his words and just continue trying to hit him while gust of winds followed each of her fist.

'What is this feeling?' I thought to myself everytime I moved my body, I felt like I was filled with strength and explosiveness.

Connecting my right fist towards Rucule, I saw his face surprised as he was sent away while crashing to the ground. I immediately jumped forward trying to follow him.

Seleri who was now without a target finally looked over me after seeing the shooting figure of Rucule, and with a faint smile she looked over me, then she flew quickly towards Rucule's position, seemingly wanting to continue with her attacks.

"That was a good punch Bann! Now its my turn!" I heard his voice rapidly approaching myself as he seemed to recover himself. Then in a flash I saw his figure approaching while leaping through the terrain, dodging Seleri's attacks and focusing on my own movements.

Not wanting to waste my chance, I tried to think carefully of my actions while some memories from my previous life started to surface from the deeps of my mind. Movements from Muay Thai started to appear and images of myself doing them took my attention.

Without wasting any chance I kicked at Rucule while at the same time I thought about the following movements and what did I wanted to reach.

'He's stronger, thougher and faster than me, I need to corner him alongside Seleri.' That was the course of action I decided, I couldn't hope to kick or punch him strong enough to stop him.

But I could at least put him in a bad position.

However, all my plans went to drain the moment my kick landed on his chin. As I felt like I hit a boulder. Immediately a numb feeling of pain encroached my being while a direct jab connected with my nose and with it, brought darkness.


It wouldn't be until a while that I was able to wake up from my unconsciousness. A deep searing headache assaulted my head while my eyes slowly opened amidst the extreme brightness.

Recountings from the previous battle started to surface my head while the pain on my limbs ensured me that it wasn't a dream.

'Why did that last kick was so painful?' I asked to myself while I compared to my first punch that landed on Rucule. There wasn't pain in that fist nor the one that followed it.

"You're awake!" Speaking of the devil, the little saiyan kid exclaimed as I saw him approaching towards my resting figure on the grass.

However to my surprise, the kid has two swollen eyes, a missing teeth and various bruises along his body. Seeing my wandering eyes at his figure, Rucule said "Hehehe, Seleri did it! She got even more mad after I punched you and you went to sleep. She punched and kicked me until she got bored of it and went to sleep too."

As he said the last part he pointed his finger to my side as I was able to see the sleeping figure of Seleri while she hugged her knees.

Her bruised knuckles were the only thing that gave away the savagery that such cute girl had on herself.

Looking back at Rucule, I pointed out at my face while making a punch. The kid seemed to think for a few moments what I wanted to say and shrugged of his shoulder as he started speaking "Anwais', see how you weren't able to kick me after I stopped playing around? That's the most important rule a Saiyan should follow, never fight someone stronger than you!"

Seeing his grinning face, made me want to punch the kid face as his ingenuity, though since I was unable to even talk, I left him continue with his blabbing.

"Now, since you were able to use your energy, you should be able to use now! Try it and then let's fly around!" Seeing him sitting in front of me while looking at me with expectant eyes, I nodded my head and closed my eyes while I remembered the feeling I felt during those moments.

It was like when one tensed his muscles, that heat and energy that irradiated was almost exactly to the feeling. Yet it was calm in someways.

As I recalled the feeling, I felt my heartbeat increasing while electric currents surged throughout my body. A humming sound started to reach my ears as I finally opened my eyes and was able to see an incredible sight.

A whitish aura encroached my body while I felt my senses sharpening, everything looked clearer and brighter, sounds from all over the place reached my ears as I was able to process them without trouble.

And the most important of all, I felt my body brimming with strength and energy.

Looking over the sight I became, Rucule seemed surprised and couldn't help but exclaim "Hey how did you did that!? Father tried to taught me that but I couldn't do it!" With a pout he looked over my figure.

Shrugging off I showcased an smile as I jumped on my feet and started throwing punches and kicks to the air.



As I continue trying my movements I felt Rucule starting at me while remaining silent. Looking over him we both shared looks and then he said "Where did you learn to move like that? Can you teach me?"

As he finished saying that, he got on his feet while seemed eager to try. I nodded my head at him in affirmation though I signaled him with my hand about flying.

'I want to learn how to fly after all.' that was my priority, if it's was a training on itself, then I need it to grasp before even thinking about other stuff.

"Oh yes! I forgot about that, this is how I do..." Thus, during the rest of the day Rucule taught me the basics of flying.

And with flying, came more training under him in the form of fighting in the air and heavy lifting of boulders. By the end of the day if I didn't passed out before, I would ate a bountiful meal in the form of roasted meat and the powder that was given to us to feed. While before sleeping I would try to meditate and control my ki.

Although it was hard and laborious, thankfully the sequence of training, eating and sleeping came a welcomed habit.

I was finally after all on my way to the power.

Last chapter with his kinda of slice of life thing, tell me if you like it.

And I wanted to say that I will take each Sunday off, this was supposed to be Saturdays chapter but I feel sleep while writing.

I already wrote this week chapter's also, so what about if I make you all reach a goal so I can release more chapters each time we reach them? what do you say?

First goal 50 power stones and a bonus chapter!

Let's see if you can reach this.

SrDevoxerocreators' thoughts