
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
76 Chs

Full Moon.

The days passed as our daily routine of training and fighting was starting to showcase it's firsts benefits, at least in my own case.

Not only was my body becoming thougher and more resilient, but my speed and dexterity too. Although when Rucule trained me seriously I was unable to follow his movements nor able to withstand even a small slap, I was able to keep up with his laxed form as he trained me.

It was during these days that I used my own scouter, which was another red lensed one, and scanned Rucule. The little kid was the second strongest among us with 319 units of power. Behind Seleri who reigned above us all.

When I showcased Rucule his power, the lass seemed happy as it seems like his power increased from the last time he scanned himself.

Although with the amount of beating he received from Seleri, it wasn't surprising. More than once I saw him crying alone in pain after a heavy beating from the little baby, and this was always because Rucule accessed to my demands of him using his whole power when fighting me and putting me to sleep for good.

Thankfully he wasn't resentful of me and saw this as a good trait for a Saiyan. Thus I was always there to bring him food when he was crying and hear whatever he might wish to say after he cried out.

I couldn't begin to imagine what he might be feeling, after all he was still just a kid that was responsible of the well being of four babies in a foreign world. In my own opinion, he was doing more than good his current job, as until now none of the kids fell ill nor they were passing hunger.

What's more, I was able to see Rucule's figure disappearing through the night sometimes as I saw with my scouter how he got rid of individuals that seemed to lurk around our position.

None of them were noticeable in terms of ki, with the most powerful barely reaching 28 units, yet Rucule has slained more than 20 until now and I was fearing that some kind of retaliation or bigger group would be sent to see what was going on.

If they brought one of those figures with more strength than Seleri, then it would be the end of us.

Still, I tried to let that matter not interfere with my own progress, as after a few days I was able to raise my power level to 95 units. 6 units of ki in a short amount of time was extremely good in overall terms, as it was near a 8% increase. And that while just being a baby.

Thus, I continued to train with Rucule under the watchful gaze of Seleri as the little kid showcased me how to expell energy out of my body in ki blast forms.

"... And when you feel that funny sensation on your finger, that's when you should let it out..." The kid explained while pointing his index finger and letting out a yellowish ki blast escape from his finger in direction to the air.


"Papa said that the more skillful warriors could control those booms after they left their bodies, I don't know how they do it but it would be too cool if I can do the same!" The kid exclaimed with starts on his eyes.

"Umu" I simply assented to his words while I picture myself doing the same. Nonetheless I also raised my hand and followed his steps.

'He didn't mentioned the pressure, damnit.' I cursed in my head while feeling my finger about to burst itself from the sheer pressure that requires using such technique.

Still, not losing my focus I tried to gather a little more as I felt my finger slowly getting hotter and hotter until it become almost unbearable.

And it was in that moment that I let it out the energy out of my finger and saw a white ki blast shooting away in the sky as it's hot temperature made my whole hand sweat.


The blast of the explosion made my hair move wildly as a sense of accomplishment encroached my being. They were baby steps, but seeing the results of the training was a much needed impulse of motivation.

More so when I have to think about the beings I'll have to face in the future of dragon ball.

"That was great Bann! Good work!" I hear Rucule exclaiming while a sincere smile adorned his face.

I let out a chuckle while I approached him and patted on his shoulder in a way of thanking him.




A blinding light forced myself to cover my eyes as an extreme gust of wind accompanied by a heavy blast shocked my body.

Alarmed by the amount of energy I felt, I looked over around to seek the origin of it, only to see Seleri pointing her finger to the sky too.

She then looked over me and let out her tongue while another ki blast started to form on her finger to moments later let it out.


The sheer energy behind such a simple attack was astounding. Yet it was a reminder that stronger kids where around me, and seeing how quickly Seleri picked up Rucule's teaching, was enough to made me understand I need it to redouble my efforts in order to reach them.

'But reaching them won't be enough.' I told to my self while I looked over Rucule who was also looking at Seleri.

"...You're so strong Seleri..." I heard him mutter while I sensed some fear on his voice.

He then seemed to sense my gaze as he looked back at me and heard me mumbling my broken orations "...tainin mo..." I said to him while getting on my fighting posture.

Although I was aware of the exceptional benefits of the zenkai boost, I was in a precarious position as if I were to fell Ill or injured badly, there wasn't any way to ensure a safety recover.

Although we had the technology and the foundations of it in the onboard computers of the attack pods, we needed to built the tools, facilities and the technology itself first and foremost.

And with the amount of things required for a healing pod, I was sure that I wouldn't be able to use it's benefits in a long time.

Thus, I could only rely on the boosts that the fights with Rucule could bring me. That and the ki training.


It wouldn't be until a few hours that we finally stopped and went hunting the local fauna, a mix between a cow and the felines of the world of Avatar, the movie. A strange animal but with really tasty meat.

As we made our way back to the crater, we heard Rucule speaking while I smiled as his recounts of the things he did in Planet Vegeta. The others kids seemed too heard him attentive as they eat to their fill content.

It was already night, and the moon's and stars started to encroach the entire canvas of the night sky.

Seeing that the surrounding was for the first time not dimmly illuminated, I turned over and looked at the moon out of impulse and sheer reflex. Yet when I noticed it being full, the last remaining shred of conscience let out an exclamation 'Shit.'

I stayed rotted on my position while looking at the moon, as I feel my heartbeats increasing and my breath quickening. An immense feel of rage, violence and savagery started to take hold of my rationality as I felt liberated.

It seemed that I wasn't the only one who felt liberated, as four more giants figures of monkeys appeared around me, and with blind lust for destruction, they opened their mouth and lay waste to the surrounding land.

The world trembled as the might of the Saiyan descendent during the moonlight.


Grornar and Arkaz were two boyz, or normal orkz from a newly created tribe called 'Wertarlig Fizt' who were currently following a large army after they heard their call from their warlord.

Although both were pretty much comfortable fighting off against humans near their cave, when the two of them heard of big and strong enemies, both couldn't help each other and in a matter of minutes were running back to their tribe.

There they heard the words from their warlord and his nobz, a group of big and powerful orkz, about five different beasts that reassemble monkeys, destroying the southern mountains and killing various other orkz.

With the promise of strong enemies and more importantly, tasty meat, his warlord didn't need to say much else before the first orkz went running away in search of these so called giant monkeys.

Thus, while mobilizing his tribe, the warlord Urzug marched south to meet the allegedly calamity with barely concealed excitement.

"Hey Arkaz, do yer really fink 'der are big monkeys strong enough like da boss said?" Grornar asked while caressing his bald green skull.

Smacking the head of the Ork, Arkaz said to him while clenching his axe "Uv kourse Grornar, are ya a grotz or someth'n ta ask for such a dumb fing? when did 'da boss failed ta promise a WAAGH!"

At the mention of WAAGH! Various other orkz around started to scream "WAAGH!" as they raised their speed and run forward.

Something that quickly spread through the marching band as they run like lunatics in direction of the south.

With their quick speed, they soon reached a barren land where they started to feel the ground trembling each second as the sound of explosions resounded everywhere.

At the forefront of the army was the nine feet tall Urzug wearing his battle armor while wielding his sewered sword in one hand and his mechanical hand raised in the air " I AM URZUG FROM 'DA WERTALIG CLAN, KOME AND FACE ME YER ZTUPID MONKEYZ!"

His deep and harsh voice resounded throughout the plains, for a moment diminishing the sound of explosions.

Yet the next moment, the morning seemed to dawn as a light approached them, without giving time to the Boyz to react, an gigantic explosion engulfed the Ork warband as thousands were sent flying around while hundreds were vaporized from the explosion.

Seeing this, those who were able to remain on their feet screamed "WAAAAAGH!" With all their might as they launched themselves forward.

Shrouded in a dark mist were two gigantic red eyes looking over them. With a roughly height around 120 feet's, the figure walked forward and every ork was able to see their foe.

Cladded in a black armor with brown pauldrons and gaulents, was a black furred monkey with a mouth filled with sharp fangs looking at the green ants in front of him with clear rage.

Seeing their colossal enemy, the orkz shouted in craziness and excitement as they flooded towards their enemy position.

Seeing the swarm the oozaru gathered energy around its mouth once again and with it, illuminated the wasteland once again as he sent the blast towards the warband, vaporizing hundreds and killing thousands from the extreme blast that pulverized their organs and brains.

Seeing his boyz being killed like flies, Urzug roared and charged forward with his sword on hand. If he survived this battle, his name would bring more and more orkz under his banner and with that, he'll wage WAAGH to the humans.

As more of his orkz were flattened to the ground as the oozaru stomped it's feet's, fists and tail around. Urzug jumped towards the oozaru head as he eyed to blind the beast.

Yet before he could react, the oozaru looked over the big Ork jumping mid air in front of him and in a quick motion, gathered energy on its eyes while blasting it towards the Ork warlord.

Urzug received the full brunt of the attack as he was shoot away from the colosal figure, his chest was completely vaporized as only his head, waist and limbs fell around the battlefield.

Seeing their warlord slain, the orkz nobz screamed as they retreated from the battlefield with whoever might heard them.

Arkaz and Grornar watched with awe and reverence at the giant monkey as it killed hundreds upon hundreds of their brethren with each attack. Yet the continue blast from the oozaru mouth was the thing that stayed rooted on their mind.

Both orkz looked at each other and then in a moment of understanding, both launched at the same time towards the oozaru. Seemingly wanting to die fighting rather than retreat.

As they made their way through the craters and corpse-filled terrain, they approached the leg of the oozaru as it was focused on killing the retreating figures with mouth blasts, giving enough time for both orkz to raise their axes and slash at the oozaru's legs.

As it felt the sharp pain of the attacks, the oozaru stopped his attack and looked downwards the two orkz who screamed something unintelligible for him. Angered by their antics and the pain, the oozaru grabbed both of them with it's hands and with a swift motion, crushed them on its fists.

Hearing them shouting in pain and seeing the blood flowing from their orkish mouths, the oozaru grinned at their sight and with a growling laugh tossed them aside. With his focus now on following the trail of the green monsters that dared to attack him.

When the two orkz landed on the ground, both of them were unable to even utter a groan as their bones, organs and muscles were crushed under the almighty strength of the oozaru.

Yet on their ugly faces a smile could be seen adorning it, as they slowly felt their vision darkening while their ears picked the thunderous roar of the oozaru and it's continuing rampage.

On their minds, the mighty figure was forever imprinted as they went unconscious from their wounds. Only Gorko and Morko sure of their fate.

This is today's chapter, next one is a time skip chapter!

by the way, we haven't reached the 50 power stones goals for a bonus chapter.

SrDevoxerocreators' thoughts