
Sailing: Lightning Dragon Slayer, Build The Fairy Tail Emperor

After taking on the pirates, Su Yu awakened the Fairy Tail system and gained access to the fully leveled Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic, which enabled him to create the Fairy Tail Guild. By completing guild upgrade commissions, members can earn rewards and unlock new characters such as Fairy Queen Erza and Demon Mirajan. As the guild grows in level, powerful figures like Kaido of the Beasts, Hawkeye Mihawk, Marshal Sengoku, and Whitebeard take notice and seek to form alliances. The members of Fairy Tail, including Erza, Mirajane, Nami, Juvia, Robin, Vivi, Wendy, and Irene, are all skilled fighters, but also enjoy a playful side and often ask Su Yu about his romantic interests. https://wap.faloo.com/1301788.html

Alex081904 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Chapter 4 Arlong And His Gang Are All Wiped Out! Nuclear Level

Thunder is considered the most powerful elemental force in the world, with the highest attack power.

In this world, individuals with the Thunder Fruit ability cannot be killed by electricity.

However, Su Yu's Lightning Dragon Slayer magic is different and can even defeat pure evil like Arlong.

Su Yu unleashed the strongest Dragon Slayer Thunder attack without any mercy, completely destroying Arlong with just a flick of his fingers.

It's unclear how long the silence lasted, but the sudden death of Arlong and the devastating power displayed by Su Yu left everyone in the room in shock.

They couldn't believe what they had just witnessed.

The murlocs who had been following Arlong were especially affected, as they had always looked up to him as their leader and savior.

Now that he was gone, they were left with nothing but fear and confusion.

It was a gruesome and violent end to a long-standing conflict, and it left a lasting impression on everyone who was present.


"Brother Arlong... My brother is dead!"

"Brother was killed by that human!"

"Ah... ah ah ah"

"Monster! That guy is a monster!"

"Run! Run away!"

With their backs against Arlong, the tyrannical murlocs immediately scattered like a tree falling, and fled in all directions.

"If I allow you to run away, it will bring shame to the reputation of Fairy Tail!"

Su Yu spoke in a casual manner while his fingers emitted a soft light.

"Lightning Bomb!!!"

Su Yu's fingertips released multiple small lightning bombs, causing loud and destructive explosions that shattered everything.

In no time, Arlong Paradise was reduced to ruins, and burnt murloc corpses were scattered everywhere.

"Humans, do you really want to kill us all?"

Kuroobi, a member of the murloc, managed to overcome his fear.

"You should have expected that this day would come if you used your power to prevent good things from happening and acted irresponsibly."

Su Yu spoke with indifference.

"Bastard, Murloc Karate, four thousand..."

he said before a golden light flashed.

Murloc Kuroobi was killed, and other murloc trembled in fear and jumped into the sea without daring to resist.

The remaining dozen or so surviving murlocs also fled into the sea, which is their natural habitat.

Murlocs firmly believe that no matter how powerful humans are, they cannot catch them in the sea.

This belief is deeply ingrained in their minds and is usually true.

However, today is different.

Su Yu placed one hand in the water.

"Electric fish and similar things are prohibited in my original world, but..."

chi chi!


A golden arch enveloped the sea area thousands of meters away, causing countless large and small sea fish to turn white and float to the surface.

More than a dozen murlocs who had tried to escape also perished.

This murloc group had ruled over and exploited the poor in this sea area for eight years, but now they are gone.

On the bow of the Fairy Tail, Nami gripped the rails with both hands and watched in amazement as the murlocs met their end.

Arlong and his oppressive regime had been defeated, and Bell-mère had been avenged.

The village was finally free from their tyranny.

At this moment, Nami's seven years of pain and suffering dissipated, and she felt a sense of relief and closure.

Nami, who had removed her tough exterior, broke down in tears like a child.

"It's okay, Miss Nami," Mira comforted her with a gentle embrace.

"Cry all you need to; it'll be okay."

Su Yu returned to the boat and delegated the post-operation tasks to Mirajan.

"Mira, I'll be gone for a while," he said calmly.

"But hasn't Nami's commission been completed?" Mirajan asked, confused.

"No, it's not done yet," Su Yu replied, shaking his head.

In his mind, Nami was already a part of Fairy Tail, and everyone in the guild was like family.

Even though Murloc Arlong and his gang had been defeated, the treacherous Marine colonel Mouse was still at large.

If anyone dared to harm Fairy Tail, they would face the consequences.

In the East Blue, at the Marine 166 branch, the colonel with mouse-like eyes laughed heartily as he surveyed the riches piled up in the vault.

He was satisfied with the outcome of his collaboration with the Murloc Arlong gang.

By working with them, he had bid farewell to his life of struggling to make ends meet on a meager salary and had become a wealthy man overnight.

Although he was aware that collaborating with pirates as a Marine was a serious crime that could lead to military court, he believed that the chances of getting caught were slim since he was far from the reach of higher authorities.


"What's the matter?" Colonel Mouse suppressed the fear in his heart and rushed out the door. Suddenly, he raised his head and saw a figure brighter than the sun standing in the sky, like a god coming to the dust.

"This place is rotten to the root, rotten to the point where it stinks. Since you can't see it from the Marine, let me help you!" Su Yu said coldly.

A quarter of an hour ago, he had already arrived here. The 166 branch had been thoroughly investigated. From Colonel Mouse to ordinary sailors, no one had been wronged. That being the case, Su Yu naturally didn't need to show any mercy.

The violent stream of lightning particles continuously gathered in his palm, eventually turning into a highly concentrated ball of lightning.

Thunder! ! !

"Wait...wait a minute...who the hell are you? This is Marine Base...you you you...what are you trying to do?" Colonel Mouse yelled in horror.

Su Yu didn't pay any attention to it. In a flash, the ball of thunder and lightning fell, destroying everything in its path. The entire Marine 166 branch was reduced to ruins, and Colonel Mouse's scream was drowned out by the thunder.

The people of the backcountry were shocked by the sudden disaster, but they didn't dare to ask any questions. They only knew that a terrible calamity had befallen them, and they were filled with fear and panic.

Su Yu disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only a devastated landscape and the memories of the people who had witnessed his wrath. From that day on, the people of East Blue knew that there was a new power rising in the world, a power that could bring destruction to those who opposed it.