
Sailing: Lightning Dragon Slayer, Build The Fairy Tail Emperor

After taking on the pirates, Su Yu awakened the Fairy Tail system and gained access to the fully leveled Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic, which enabled him to create the Fairy Tail Guild. By completing guild upgrade commissions, members can earn rewards and unlock new characters such as Fairy Queen Erza and Demon Mirajan. As the guild grows in level, powerful figures like Kaido of the Beasts, Hawkeye Mihawk, Marshal Sengoku, and Whitebeard take notice and seek to form alliances. The members of Fairy Tail, including Erza, Mirajane, Nami, Juvia, Robin, Vivi, Wendy, and Irene, are all skilled fighters, but also enjoy a playful side and often ask Su Yu about his romantic interests. https://wap.faloo.com/1301788.html

Alex081904 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Chapter 24 The people of Alabasta celebrated the rain with joy, while Crocodile, who may have opposed it, was furious.

The power of love is immeasurable. When Juvia saw Su Yu kissing another woman right in front of her, she felt betrayed.

Her emotions erupted, and she expanded the rain cloud to cover the entire Alabasta.

This caused a lot of excitement and energy throughout the area.


King Cobra of Alabasta was sitting weakly on his throne, looking exhausted.

Although he had worked hard to rule and was loved by his people, he had been unable to bring rain to the kingdom, except for occasional showers in the capital city of Alabasta.

At first, people believed that it was a special gift from the heavens to reward the good governance of their king.

However, rumors began to spread that King Cobra was using illegal methods to obtain rain, and his beloved daughter was still missing after risking her life for the kingdom.

The king felt helpless, but he knew that rain was the only thing that could change the situation.

"My lord, the rain... the rain is finally coming!"

Pell, the commander of royal guard, shouted with excitement.

"Is it only raining in Alabasta again?" King Cobra's eyes lacked any sign of joy.

"This time, Lord Cobra, it's different," Pell said, gesturing helplessly. "Master Cobra, it's not just Albana, the kingdom's capital, but also Yuba, Alma, and Cattleya. Enormous cumulonimbus clouds have formed and almost covered the entire kingdom!" Pell reported.


King Cobra, who was previously weak and tired, widened his eyes in amazement and stumbled out of the hall.

When he saw the cumulonimbus cloud that spread all the way to the horizon, unprecedented joy and excitement filled his entire being.

"Lord Cobra, I have good news! Good news!" Chaka exclaimed as he rushed in.

"Hahahaha. Chaka, it's too late to report the rain because everyone in the country has already seen it." Pell laughed.

"No, it's not raining outside. Captain Igaram and Kaloo have returned!" Chaka said.

"What about Vivi? Has Vivi also returned?" King Cobra was very excited.


Oasis Juba, the renowned oasis city of Alabasta. However, due to several years of severe drought, the oasis is gradually withering away at present.

"At last, it's raining! Koza, don't close your eyes. Even with the rain pouring down, can you still believe that Master Cobra stole everyone's rainwater?"

The skinny elderly man kneeled down in the rain, with tears streaming down his face.

"It's... raining! Are we really... wrong?" Koza, the young leader of the rebel army, murmured unconsciously.


After two years of drought, rain finally falls over the kingdom of Alabasta, causing great excitement and joy among its people.

Countless citizens rush out to enjoy the long-awaited heavy rain, expressing their happiness through shouts, laughter, and tears.

However, not everyone shares in this celebration, as some are still affected by the devastation caused by the prolonged drought.

Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai, looked at Robin with a composed expression and asked, "Is that the only thing you talk about?"

"By the way, he even asked me to join his group, but I declined," said Robin.

"Ha ha ha, good decision. The only way for you to achieve your goal in this country is by following me," said Crocodile with a smug smile.

Robin nodded slightly.

"Pfft, Fairy Tail? That's just some newbie who doesn't understand their place. Surrender to the Marines? I'd like to see them try and make me!"

Crocodile was standing in front of the windows holding a goblet, and had a sneer on his face.

But suddenly, his smile froze as he saw something unexpected. It was raining in Alabasta!

Crocodile was completely stunned as he watched the sudden rain.

The sound of the rain and the cheers of the people in the rainland sounded like a mockery to him.

"Our plan is now severely impacted by this unexpected rain!" Robin looked surprised and made a sarcastic comment.

"Who the hell did it!!!" Crocodile yelled furiously, his face turning dark with anger.

The heavy rain that just occurred dealt a devastating blow to Crocodile's plans for the past two to three years.

He felt a deep sense of pain and regret as he realized that he was back to where he started before the country's liberation.

All the efforts he put into the Alabasta Capture Plan and the Ancient Weapon Pluton Capture Plan were ruined, and he had no idea how long it would take to restart and execute these plans again.

"What is happening? I used my Sand-Sand Fruit ability to control the moisture in the sky over this country, but it's still raining. How is this possible?" Crocodile screamed in anger.

For three years, Alabasta suffered from drought, which was not caused by natural factors but by the actions of Crocodile.

He had the power of Logia Sand-Sand Fruit, which allowed him to extract water vapor from the atmosphere.

Alabasta is a desert country with limited rainfall, and Crocodile could easily absorb all the water vapor in the air.

However, despite his efforts to prevent it, the rain suddenly and unexpectedly arrived, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

"I don't know the exact method they used, but it's likely that Fairy Tail is responsible for this rain. It's a challenge from their leader Su Yu" Robin analyst

"Fairy Tail!!!"


Crocodile's grip on the goblet was so tight that it shattered, and the wine spilled onto the floor.

"Fine, since you're so eager to play, we'll give you a good game. Nico Robin, gathers all of our agents. I want Fairy Tail to suffer a painful defeat"