
Saga of Slime and Devil

[This is a reupload of a Fanfic also on FFN, Ao3, and Scribblehub] After years of her persistent lack of faith, God, or as Tanya Degurechaff calls him, Being X, finally decides to let her die so he can banish her to the deepest pit of hell he has. However, something goes wrong, and a system which overrides even his will takes her soul, reincarnating her in a world far beyond his domain and with beings far beyond his power. Despite his best attempts, ultimately leading to his own demise almost immediately afterwards, Tanya Degurechaff is reborn into a world far different than her own. With nowhere to go, and unsure of what path to take, the Devil, now Demon must traverse a world with magic far beyond her last life's scope, and with all sense of logic completely up in the air. Demon Lords? True Dragons? Primordial Demons? Heck there's even a slime leading a bunch of monsters! However with the addition of a former businessman turned little girl forged by war and refined through magic, its logic is about to right back up in the air. The White Silver is dead, the Noir Argent is born (I put 'male lead' since lets be honest, Tanya acts more like a guy than a girl, don't question it)

SwissChocolatess · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter 8 - Devil's Disciple

The magic circle below Weiss began glowing, shining a blinding light at him, as he raised his arms to cover his eyes while holding tightly to his rifle as he prepared for the worst.

'An enemy attack?! In the middle of HQ? No, what kind of attack creates a magical circle on the floor?! Let alone one so big. That type of thing feels like it'd fit more with the legends of old with the powerful wizards and witches of the past, not anything doable with modern computation technology.'

As the light faded, he lowered his arm to see himself surrounded by a shadowy black mist. Only a dim light existed, just enough to create an outline of the smoke around him, though no source for the light could be seen anywhere.

He raised his rifle and pointed at the darkness that surrounded him on all sides. An enemy could attack anywhere, though he still didn't even know what he was facing. Was he still even in the tent? He couldn't tell. Whatever spell was cast on him, he was unprepared and unfamiliar with its effects. He had every disadvantage. In short, it was probably over for him, but he would go down fighting till his last breath, taking any and all enemies with him to the afterlife.

After just a few seconds which dragged on to feel like years, two silvery white lights shone through the mist, eyes peering through the darkness. These weren't the eyes of a predator, or rather, not one that was on the hunt, not for him at least.

Weiss had a feeling that those eyes were set on a different prey, one currently out of its reach, but thankfully that didn't seem to be him.

As the pale silver collided with Weiss' vision, a whisper of a voice, yet that which echoed through the void all around made itself known.

"Major Matheus Johan Weiss." The voice was soft, the tone having a soothing presence. And yet, Weiss knew that he couldn't let his guard down, for whatever this entity was, it radiated power, far more than what a thousand of him would be able to achieve in a millennium.

"I've actually recently been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, actually, but yes that is my name." Weiss remarked as he remained tense, staring down whatever this entity was.

The being had no silhouette in the shadows, merely two eyes and an all-encompassing voice of a thousand shadows. The tone of the voice made it hard to guess the gender of the entity in front of him, though he had a suspicion as to the voice being feminine.

Whatever the case may be, it was impossible to isolate the sound of any one voice over the thousands of others. And though the voice echoed out in a chilling tone, it was still understandable clear as day.

The eyes, meanwhile, simply moved up and down in a nod, as it echoed once again, "Ah, my apologies." Weiss could even feel the humble behavior from the being, despite its power. "Let me extend congratulations, Lieutenant Colonel, but I will say your weapon has no use here. I'm speaking to you through the depths of your mind, nothing here is real regardless."

Weiss, realizing almost instinctively that their words were true, finally lowered his weapon as he looked around at the misty void he was in now, "So this is what my mind looks like? I thought it would be a bit more cozy to be in, not this…void though."

"Not exactly, we're in the deepest parts of your mind that your consciousness normally cannot reach. It is only through here that I can manifest myself to speak with you," The voice responded as Weiss' confusion only grew.

"If I may ask, just what are you exactly? One second I'm in my tent about to move out with my unit and the next I'm… here."

"Currently you're in a rift between worlds. For but a few nanoseconds, you reside in a space between worlds as your body and soul are forcibly brought from one realm to another."

"I'm… a bit confused. I didn't think it was possible but your explanation left me with more questions than I had solved," Weiss responded with a shake of his head.

The eyes once more nodded, orbiting around him, "That is understandable. It can be hard to comprehend for some. All you need to know is that I am an ally. Those who have dragged you into their world intend to use you as a weapon. You are fortunate as fate would have it that another ally has sought to sabotage their efforts in a way that works to your advantage."

"As a weapon? What kind of magic does this world have?" Weiss asked in confusion.

"Far more than your world could manifest. You see when you open your eyes in this new world, they will try to bind you. This attempt will have been sabotaged, but with their head mage joining in the attempt, that sabotage will not be enough on its own. I will give you the edge you need to protect yourself and the power you need to escape."

Weiss, as he had always been taught, was skeptical of a plan that seemed to benefit him so clearly. A few years of serving a Devil-like Commander tended to do that after all. "Just what do you want out of this? Surely you don't do this for nothing."

The voice sighed as its eyes looked upwards, "Under other circumstances, I may have requested something of you, but I do not need to now. I know whether I ask you to or not, you will do what I need you to. Your freedom will benefit me in the end, I assure you."

Weiss still didn't seem fully confident. "If I can ask again, just what are you?"

"I am older than time itself, I exist to play a game of chess against another who does not know I exist in the way that I do. I play this same game over and over and over again. Each voice you hear is another time our game has ended in a draw. This time the game is different. The board has flipped, the pieces have more moves, but it remains to be seen if this works in my favor or in theirs."

Weiss asked, "What happens if you win?"

"Then I can finally rest," the voices responded with exhaustion clearly present in every single one.

"And if you lose?"

"Then I fear there will be no worlds left standing."

Weiss seemed to have some vague understanding of this ever-incomprehensible situation, with his arms folded across his chest he asked, "And you believe you can win this time?"

"It's now or never. I doubt I'll get an opportunity like this again. Regardless, you have your own survival to worry about. Being a summoned otherworlder, you will already be reborn with a few weaker skills, but I will send you with a much stronger one as well."

"A skill?"

"It is a bit hard to explain, but you'll understand it well enough quickly. Your body has already developed a few skills thanks to your proficiency in Computation Magic, but I will help your body develop a Unique Skill with much more power, [Accelerator]."

Weiss seemed confused but went along with it regardless, "And what does this 'Accelerator' skill do?"

"It allows you to increase the speed of just about anything ranging from yourself to bullets. I'm sure you can already imagine what effects this can have if used right."

Weiss nodded, "I think I understand now. So what happens now?"

"In a few seconds, time will resume for you and you will find yourself in a room with mages that seek to enslave you. You will not remember this conversation or me exactly, but you will remember instinctively the information I've told you. When you've escaped their summoning chamber, you will fly south until you reach a great forest. Do not worry about which direction is south, you will know when the time comes."

"I'm still not completely certain if I can trust you, or if I've just gone insane from years on the front lines, but if you turn out to be telling the truth then I owe you my thanks."

"You are welcome. Good luck."


The glowing subsided as the ritual was complete. Standing before the numerous mages of the Kingdom of Falmuth was a man donned in a similar outfit and equipment as the mage they had summoned before.

They knew the power the last mage had, so they weren't taking any chances with this one. Every mage was needed to cast a binding spell on his soul so another situation like before could be avoided.

As they cast the spell quickly before the otherworlder could react something unexpected happened.

The spell failed.

The more accurate term would be that it was sabotaged, but with all the focus being on casting the spell, the question of who did it was still up in the air. Whether it was some outside force or a few of the Falmuth mages was still up in the air, but whatever the cause, it meant this otherworlder now had a window, though small, to escape.

And he used it.

With naught but a moment to understand the danger he was in, the mage reacted, a glowing field appearing around him before he became a blur. Only a scant few in the chamber managed to process the speed of the mage, before the blur slammed into the stone roof of the summoning chamber, leaving dust to billow about the room. And when the particulates slowly fell to the ground, clearing everyone's vision, the mage was missing, leaving behind only a crumbling roof.

The mages looked on in dismay and shock, they had prepared for an otherworlder to fight like a few had in the past, but they had never prepared for one to flee so quickly.

Under normal circumstances, an otherworlder would have to run through the halls of the castle to escape, but with the force and speed that the mage was able to fly out of the castle, there wasn't much they could do to chase him down.

All they could do was send out alerts to the corners of the kingdom and hope they find him before he disappeared forever.

Weiss had no intention of being caught, however. Blasting southward by instinct he knew exactly what to do. He wasn't sure how he knew, let alone why, but the fact remained he felt in his guts that this was the path that led to his survival and freedom.

He had a suspicion, one that this world was of magic and fantasy, the type of stuff you'd only hear in legends or fairy tales, maybe a few ancient history books at most if you looked deep enough.

The magic that had been used to summon him was far beyond his understanding, yet his mage equipment still seemed to be centuries ahead of the crude magical staffs that the mages seemed to be using.

The answer for why they could cast such powerful spells with such rudimentary casting tools was obvious to Weiss, that being the sheer amount of mana in the air. His world had only a small amount of magic that only a very small amount of people could use. This world, by comparison, seemed to have an incomprehensibly large amount of magic.

He himself seemed to have gained a lot of magic as well, not to mention these 'skills' which granted him power that he previously lacked. Most of his skills seemed to allow him to replicate his spells from his old world, providing an additional layer of strength to it. Despite this, the skill '[Accelerator]' stood out as 'unique'.

Using it, he was quickly able to accelerate his own speed to fly faster than he ever had before. He believed he could use this on other things such as bullets or perhaps even someone's heart, but that all needed to be tested at a later date, for now, he needed to find a forest.

He wasn't sure why he needed to find a forest so badly, but his instincts told him it was his safest bet. After a few more moments he increased his speed even further, ramping up speed until he noticed a circular puff of clouds behind him as the ground became merely a blur.

It was only thanks to his formulas and increased magical strength that his absurd speed didn't rip him apart, but eventually, his speed allowed him to reach what appeared to be a vast stretch of forest in record time. Attempting to slow down he realized his skill wasn't particularly good at deceleration, forcing him to use his own magic to do so, ending up miles deep into the forest by the time he actually stopped.

Descending down quickly, he quickly hid amongst the trees and bushes as he let out a large sigh. Flying so fast was unsurprisingly draining considering how unused he was to flying at such speeds. His mage equipment had taken some damage as well, though it was minimal and even he could fix it if he found the right tools.

The question on his mind now was ultimately just what to do next. He knew to come to the forest to escape the nation that had just tried to enslave him, sure, but what now?

He didn't know anything about this world that he was in other than knowing for certain that it wasn't his old world. Though why he was so sure of this he had no clue.

'A good plan would probably be to find out where I am. Maybe if I go towards the edge of the forest I'll be able to find my way to a country that isn't the one that summoned me. But what country summoned me? I don't even know. Whatever the case I should probably start moving. I'm too tired to fly, so I'll walk for a bit at least.'

Weiss, gathering his thoughts, began to move about the forest, making sure to hide his magical presence as best he could, unsure of what spells might be able to track him like in his original world.

The forest continued to go on and on for what felt like miles, though as a soldier it was really nothing for him. Besides, since he was brought to this world he felt like he had more energy than he was used to, and walking this far was not only a lot faster but took a lot less energy. It was good for him, but he knew it didn't make him any less lost.

After walking for what seemed to be half the day he heard a noise from the distance. Feeling the ground lightly shake and hearing rumbling from a direction ahead of him, he immediately recognized the noise, though felt a slight bit of confusion in hearing it here.

'Panzers? Here? I thought this was a medieval world, but it seems I was wrong. Is this not another world? Either way, I should be cautious, even if this is my world I don't know what country those tanks belong to. I could be in Rus territory for all I know.'

Inching toward the sound of Panzers, he lay hidden in the foliage as he looked on to see a road paved ahead of him. Looking on, he noticed what appeared to be numerous Panzer IVs, or rather modified Panzer IVs rolling down said road as he looked on in confusion.

At first, he assumed himself to be in the Empire, but then he noticed the flags waved by the Panzers and dropped his assumptions. There were two flags seemingly flown by the group, one which seemed to have a golden dragon with rays of blue emanating from it and the other seemed to be a mimicry of the Empire's flag but with gold and blue colors and with the two-headed dragon being replaced by the same one seen on the first flag.

'That's definitely based on the Empire's flag. Perhaps I'm not the only one brought to this world. It's possible someone from the Empire is around here somewhere.'

As he continued to look on he noticed creatures following the tanks. Pig-like men with a thin layer of black fur or hair covering their bodies, all with large tusks coming out of their mouths. Whatever these creatures were, they weren't human.

'Just where the hell am I?! No doubt this is another world now, but if they aren't human who knows how they'd react to one. I can't assume they're friendly yet, but if I can find whoever is from the Empire, perhaps they can help me.'

"May I ask what you're looking for?" A feminine voice suddenly appeared behind him as he rolled onto his back and looked up in shock.

Standing before him was a woman of beautiful natural features with cascading green hair and bright cerulean blue eyes. Her dress was accentuated with shades of pastel green and blue, and had vines surrounding her, seemingly extending from the ground.

Despite the woman's beauty, there was a presence of authority and power behind her gentle appearance.

Knowing he had to answer, he quickly got himself off of the ground, no longer hidden by the bushes and trees, "My apologies, I hadn't noticed you there, you startled me a bit. My apologies if I'm trespassing or anything, I believe I'm a bit lost. My name is Matheus Johan Weiss."

The woman looked on with a slight confusion and curiosity, but continued nonetheless, "My name is Treyni, I am a dryad and among the caretakers of the forest."

"A dryad huh? Definitely some fantasy world…" Weiss muttered silently, mostly to himself though it was still overheard by Treyni.

"Fantasy world?"

"Oh, sorry. You see, I don't think I come from this world. I was dragged here by a bunch of mages and I blasted my way out of them trying to bind me as a weapon or something. I flew in one direction until I ended up here, so my apologies if I'm somewhere I shouldn't be."

Treyni nodded, "I seem to have a better understanding of your circumstances. You appear to be an otherworlder. Quite a lucky one in order to have escaped so easily. You seemed curious about the Panzers, may I ask why?"

Weiss scratched the back of his head and explained, "You see in my world we had all sorts of technology like that. Those Panzers seem a bit different than the ones in my world, but there's no doubt there's a lot of similarities."

Treyni looked down at his neck, specifically at the shining red jewel placed around it, "In that case, that must be a computation jewel, yes?"

"So you're familiar with it?"

"There is an otherworlder here who co-rules the nation you're currently within the borders of. Though she isn't public with her otherworldly status, I deduced it a long time ago." Treyni's gaze turned towards the road as the Panzers continued to roll down it, pointing to them, she explained, "She is the one who helped introduce those Panzers into this country as well as created computation jewels for the lizardmen and others. If you are looking for someone from your world, I believe I can bring you to her."

Weiss was shocked to hear about another from his world so soon, but after seeing the strange Panzers from before, it really wasn't all too surprising for him, "If you don't mind that would be greatly appreciated."

Treyni made a polite bow and gestured to her side, "If you would follow me then, I believe she is currently residing within Fortress Veldora."

"Fortress Veldora?" Weiss asked.

Treyni smiled and nodded, "It's the main base of operations for the Military and the Tempest Research Institute. The Chancellor that we're going to see spends a lot of her time there."

"I see. Then lead the way, ma'am."


"Just what is this, Milim?" Rimuru asked as she looked up at the behemoth of spare metal strapped onto one of Tanya's recent bulldozers.

This wasn't the first time Milim had made some absurd contraption, and while she had luckily learned some basic metalworking and engineering enough to no longer need to use as many of the TRI's engineers, she still had a tendency to pull away engineers for her strange projects.

It had become a habit now for Milim to show off her 'inventions' to either Rimuru or Tanya, often going for whoever she found first. Unfortunately for Rimuru now, Tanya was working on her own projects, leaving Rimuru to deal with whatever carnage came out of Milim's antics this time.

What Milim was standing on now was a bulldozer that she had painted a shade of magenta-pink and had the Orcs weld sheets of thick metal to the top of, creating what was effectively a crude armored vehicle.

Why she didn't just strap a bulldozer front to her already armored Milimkampfwagen was beyond Rimuru, but nevertheless the dragonoid seemed quite proud of her current invention, "I call it the Milimdozer! It's like a bulldozer but it has a bunch of armor on it so nobody can even think of destroying it!"

Rimuru looked on without surprise or impressment. Using [Great Sage] to analyze it showed flaws in its actual practicality in any sort of combat compared to the tanks Tanya had already implemented, but there was credit due to the engineers who built it as it was actually fairly well made for such a strange design.

The main flaw ultimately was, "How are you supposed to get into it? I don't see an entrance, let alone an exit."

Milim folded her arms and raised one finger as she explained, "Oh that's easy! You see first I… I uh…." Milim turned and looked down at the top of her 'Milimdozer', flying around inspecting every inch as she finished up back on top of it and muttered, "Uhh… I'll see you later!"

Milim quickly hopped down, beginning to push her invention away from Rimuru and into the fortress and cave behind her.

Rimuru sighed and shook his head, 'That girl's certainly a handful. Better to let her keep working on those projects. In the end, it bothers Tanya and her crazy band of researchers more than it disturbs the citizens and myself. Best if we keep her carnage restricted to where it can best be limited.'

«Notice: Treyni the Dryad is approaching.»

'Hm? What could she want?'

Rimuru's gaze turned towards the thick forest to his left as he saw Treyni stride out with an unfamiliar man in toe. With all the equipment he had on him, Rimuru wouldn't've been too surprised if he was in some way affiliated with Tanya's research, though nothing in his memory could tell him who this man was.

«You have not met this individual before.»

'Thanks for double-checking for me. I wasn't entirely sure. It is possible that he's among the humans Tanya's been recruiting that immigrated from nearby nations though.'

«Considering how many of Tanya's researchers spend all of their time within the cave, there is a high probability that there are several you have never seen personally.»

'Yeah… Some of those guys are way too committed to their research.'

Treyni bowed as she approached, asking, "Greetings Rimuru, I assume the Chancellor is deep in her research again?"

Rimuru sighed and shook her head, "Who knows what she gets up to in there. Now she's making construction equipment and I only give her a short time before she invents airplanes. I'll have to talk to her about the Magitrain project at some point soon. But if you're looking for her, yeah she's in there. What do you need?"

Treyni gestured her hand toward the man behind her as she explained, "This man here is an otherworlder and I believe him to be from the same world as her."

"I'm surprised you know she's an otherworlder," Rimuru commented with a slight surprise.

"We see all within the forest, I've been aware you and her are otherworlders since nearly the very beginning."

Rimuru folded his arms, "I see… Either way, it's surprising that an otherworlder would just show up in our country."

"He flew over here from the country that summoned him. I believe him to likely be from the Kingdom of Falmuth, having escaped the binding spell that would've enslaved him."

Weiss, intimidated by Rimuru's presence even despite his young and frankly unthreatening appearance, saluted, introducing himself, "I am Lieutenant Corporal Matheus Johan Weiss of the Imperial 203rd Aerial Mage Battalion. Though from the way Miss Treyni phrased it, I take it you're not from my world yourself."

Rimuru shook his head, though he seemed somewhat shocked to hear his introduction regardless, "Yeah, while I am an otherworlder, I come from a different world than yours. No magic in my world at all."

'Great Sage?'

«Confirmed: The battalion referenced by this individual matches the one referenced by Tanya in previous conversations as well as in the name of the '203rd Aerial Dragonewt Battalion'»

"I see. Well, I suppose it's good to know I'm not the only one handling being sent to a new world, though you seem to have yourself handled," Weiss commented as he lowered his hand.

"You could say that. Either way, I'll inform Tanya you're coming, and if you don't mind I'll tag along."

As the three now headed inside the elaborate cave system, Rimuru sent a Thought Communication to Tanya, { Tanya, we got a visitor for you. I recommend you clear out the lab, it's best if this meeting is private. }

Tanya sounded confused, asking { Visitor? Did Gazel come to check up on the TRI again or something? }

{ No, we found an otherworlder who stumbled into our territory. We believe him to be from your world, or more specifically I speculate he's from your country. }

{ The Empire? } Tanya asked.

{ Most likely. }

{ I'll send the researchers out on break for thirty minutes, bring them in. }

They continued walking as they began to see the researchers walking down the pathways of the cave, most conversing amongst small groups about various topics. Some simply joked around and others discussed theoretical topics and engineering problems. Overall it was quite amazing to see the diversity of people enlisted by the TRI.

As they approached the entrance to the main lab the last two to step out were Kaijin and Vesta having a friendly conversation. It was good to see them having made up, but there was a bigger focus for now.

Treyni held open the door and stepped to the side as Rimuru walked in first, followed by Weiss. Stepping inside Weiss saw what appeared to be a teenage girl with hair as black as the night sky done up in a messy ponytail. The girl faced away as Weiss felt there was something familiar about it.

As the girl turned around, Weiss felt his breath get stuck in his face at the appearance of the figure in front of him. A figure who should have been dead. A figure that still haunted his dreams from time to time. While the hair color was black and red instead of a shining gold, and her eyes were demonic in nature, with black where there should've been white and a blood-red iris, the resemblance and the very aura around her was enough to convince Weiss that who he was facing was the same person he knew of.

And yet, the time for being in shock was but a mere moment, before instinct kicked in and Weiss barely brought his shield up before a blade of pure energy collided with it, nearly shattering it in the process.

And Weiss only observed as the figure slowly dematerialized her blade before returning to a normal stance. Out of the corner of his eye, Weiss could see Rimuru with a gaping mouth, but his own went into a smile, mirrored by the figure beginning to chuckle.

"It's good to see that your skills have gotten sharper, Weiss." That grin, oh how much he feared and missed Tanya's signature grin.

"I half expected it to have gotten rusty, not this good."

"Your training is to thank, Colonel." Weiss bowed. "Though I still feel like I could improve more."

"My rank in the Empire no longer applies here. I died in the Empire anyways. I'm the Chancellor of the Imperial Tempest Federation now, after all."

Weiss saluted and smiled, "Congratulations on the position, Chancellor Tanya. May I ask what's with the… appearance?"

Tanya shrugged, "So many people called me a demon it seems I've turned into one." Weiss looked on with confusion and shock as Tanya sighed and patted his shoulder, "Probably best if you don't worry about it too much."

"I'm honestly just surprised to see you again at all."

"Well, reincarnation has a twisted sense of humor after all." Tanya's brows scrunched together. "By comparison, you were summoned, not reincarnated. I will say that it's convenient that someone from my own battalion was summoned here, but it's also very problematic."

"Problematic how?" Weiss asked.

"When people are summoned or reincarnated, they gain a lot of power from the process. The more power they had before, the more power they gain. If people from our world are summoned, especially mages, that would mean they're summoning otherworlders with far more power than before. Either way, there's not much we can do about it at the moment. For now, Weiss, how would you like to serve under me again?"

Weiss once more saluted, "It would be an honor, Ma'am!"

Tanya smirked, "Good. I'll give you an official position here soon. Take off the mage equipment, I want to have the researchers reverse engineer it so we can make our own if you don't mind."

"Of course not, Ma'am." Weiss quickly began to take off his mage gear and coat, now only wearing his more professional uniform as he left his gear and rifle on the table.

Tanya picked up his computation jewel and looked at it with intrigue, "Well maintained; good job." Tanya then clenched her hand, crushing the jewel within her grasp.

Weiss looked on with a startled shock as she explained, "We'll get you a better one. Best to remove any potential influences from unwanted presences just in case."

"I see…"

"I'll have Gabiru fetch you a room here soon." Tanya then turned to the other figure in the room. "Is there anything else you may need Rimuru?"

Rimuru, who had been bored of listening to the reunion and was instead focusing on the chamber, jolted in place.

"Nothing really." He shrugged, rubbing his hair with his hand sheepishly.

"Just surprised that this place has come this far after all. I'm surprised you still found ways to expand it further." He said, grabbing the handle of a door he was sure that didn't exist previously.

As he opened it, he looked around with confusion as he only saw the stone wall of the cave behind it. With an audible "huh?" he turned to Tanya who sighed and shook her head.

"Don't worry about the door, it's for a friend of mine."

"A friend? Do I know this friend?" Rimuru questioned with confusion.

Tanya shook her head, "Probably not, but I'll introduce you sooner or later."

Treyni clapped her hands as her eyes lit up, "Oh! Is it that friend?!"

Tanya sighed, "Yes, Treyni, it's that friend."

Treyni's mood was significantly raised as she had a wide smile on her face as she effectively radiated joy. Though Rimuru was confused, he decided to leave it at that for now. He doubted he wanted to know anyways, as he should find out about it sooner or later.


(AN: As some may have noticed, this upload comes a few days earlier than usual. This is because I am changing the upload schedule for Slime and Devil from every 7 days to every five. May end up reverting it back to saturdays, we'll see how things work)

Thanks to various editors and helpers on the Discord who helped with things like plot decisions, grammatical errors, and other aspects of the chapter:

Ra2griz, Terraman60

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I have also created a second Discord to function as a hub for all Isekai Fanfics. If you wish to join to look for more fanfics about isekai anime/manga, feel free to join. Fellow writers of isekai fanfics are also encouraged to join.
