
Saga of Slime and Devil

[This is a reupload of a Fanfic also on FFN, Ao3, and Scribblehub] After years of her persistent lack of faith, God, or as Tanya Degurechaff calls him, Being X, finally decides to let her die so he can banish her to the deepest pit of hell he has. However, something goes wrong, and a system which overrides even his will takes her soul, reincarnating her in a world far beyond his domain and with beings far beyond his power. Despite his best attempts, ultimately leading to his own demise almost immediately afterwards, Tanya Degurechaff is reborn into a world far different than her own. With nowhere to go, and unsure of what path to take, the Devil, now Demon must traverse a world with magic far beyond her last life's scope, and with all sense of logic completely up in the air. Demon Lords? True Dragons? Primordial Demons? Heck there's even a slime leading a bunch of monsters! However with the addition of a former businessman turned little girl forged by war and refined through magic, its logic is about to right back up in the air. The White Silver is dead, the Noir Argent is born (I put 'male lead' since lets be honest, Tanya acts more like a guy than a girl, don't question it)

SwissChocolatess · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter 9 - Central Powers

Far within the General Staff headquarters of Tempest, at the head of a long wooden table, was Tanya. The building she was in served as a Central Command, even though the fact that despite the ratification of the Constitution, the army's organization was one that was yet to be fully enacted.

In fact, the organizations planned by the Department of Defense existed in name only, as the actual army was nothing more than unstructured groups led loosely by Tanya and Benimaru.

Normally, this wouldn't be an issue for a smaller force. In fact, it would be beneficial to have modularity for such a force to ensure that they can have maximum force projection. For the current scenario, with all the troops and equipment in their hands, it would be woefully inadequate.

It was for this reason that Tanya had gathered everyone to the table for an important meeting. There was a serious need to decide on the structure of the army, and allow it to be self-sufficient without a need for her direct orders.

The extra large meeting room, on the second floor of the building, had just about everyone with even slight military importance, ranging from ruling figures in the nation itself like Tanya and Rimuru as the joint Commanders-In-Chief, to lesser yet still important figures like Gabiru as the head of the 203rd.

The more important figures sat closer to Tanya with Rimuru to her right and Benimaru to her left. Hakurou sat to the left of Benimaru, followed by Doug and then Otto. Next to Rimuru to his right was Weiss, then Gabiru and Stella.

Ranga and Eiga sat in the room as well, right behind their respective masters, along with numerous other officers of lower rankings, less here to give their opinions and more as de facto observers to hear of the impending changes.

Confirming the attendance of everyone, Tanya finally began, "It's become pretty obvious that some serious restructuring is needed for the Army to begin full operations with maximum efficiency. While our current organization has worked well enough for what we've needed it for, the fact remains that it would serve us much better to set clear guidelines on how the Ministry of Defense should operate."

There was a slight murmuring of agreement among the attendees along with their collective nods as Tanya waved her hand, creating a projection with her Illusion skill to visualize her explanations.

Appearing above the table was a shield with the symbol of Veldora within it. The symbol had formerly been the main part of Tempest's former flag, however, had since been delegated to a military banner instead with the shield and dragon becoming the official symbol of the Ministry of Defense.

A line then began to extend from the shield downwards, branching off into three new symbols below the shield and dragon. The first symbol was similar to the Iron Cross but with small spikes at each end of the cross with lighter and darker shades of gold coloring instead of the usual white and black. The symbol was then labeled as the 'Tempestian Armed Forces'.

The next symbol to appear was similar to the Type 95 Computation Jewel but with three crosses, a pair of wings, and the outline of the Jewel's casing being a gear rather than a regular circle. This was then labeled as the 'Tempestian Mage Corps'.

The last symbol to appear was a blue shield with the same golden cross of the army on it with the exception of the darker outlinings. Connected to the shield was a pair of wings extending from the sides. This was lastly labeled as the 'Tempestian Air Force'.

Continuing, Tanya explained, "The Ministry of Defense, headed by Benimaru, will now comprise of three, technically four, subgroups. The first of these is the Tempestian Armed Forces, consisting of all of Tempest's ground armies from the Goblin Riders to the Direwolves and Blade Tigers. Hakurou shall be promoted to Field Marshal and be placed at the head of the Armed Forces."

Hakurou made a polite bow in his seat, "Thank you, Chancellor Tanya. I hope to live up to your expectations."

Tanya waved her hand dismissively, "You don't need to be modest, Hakurou. Moving on, next is the Tempestian Mage Corps. As the name suggests, this will consist of all of our mages. With the technology we've recently reverse-engineered, we're no longer restricted to just Dragonewts for un-mounted flight. The Tempestian Mage Corps will be headed by Matheus Johan Weiss who will be promoted to Field Marshal."

Weiss saluted in his seat, "I shall prove myself to you once more, Ma'am!"

Tanya shook her head, "It's not me you need to prove yourself to, it's everyone else. Remember you're a newcomer here, show them why I picked you."

"Understood." Weiss said with a nod.

Tanya turned to Gabiru who sat next to Weiss, "Gabiru, you will be promoted to Adjutant General of the Tempestian Mage Corps which in this situation means you're a glorified assistant to Weiss. Weiss is one of the best mages I ever trained, you'd do well to learn from his example."

Gabiru stood suddenly and saluted, "Y-Yes Ma'am!"

Tanya sighed, simply relieved that the duty of handling Gabiru's nonsense could be passed on to Weiss. She'd have to apologize to him later for that, but for now, she had other organizational problems to solve.

Carrying on, she explained, "Lastly will be the Tempestian Air Force. While currently comprising mostly of Tempest's Draconic forces, soon enough the TRI will start producing some aerial vessels for combat. Unfortunately in their current state, they're way too magically inefficient for any practical use. Regardless, Doug will be placed in charge of the Air Force with Stella as his Adjutant General."

Doug nodded, "I'll do my best to keep my sister in line."

"She's a competent enough leader when she needs to be, so my worries aren't in her combat ability. It's what she does out of combat that you should watch for." Tanya commented as Doug nodded along.

"Why are you talking about me like I'm not here!" Stella shouted as she pouted with her arms folded stubbornly.

To Tanya, Stella was best compared to Milim, though at least Milim's tomfoolery was a cover-up for her actual intelligence. Stella was effectively a loose canon, but one of the most powerful cannons Tempest had regardless. Doug was fortunately the opposite, well organized and a brilliant leader, but not quite as strong in terms of sheer firepower as his more chaotic sister.

Tanya ignored Stella's comment and continued once again, "Eiga, in addition to your positions as both Head Guard to the Chancellor and Assistant Chancellor, you'll be granted the role 'Adjutant Chancellor' which is a bureaucratic way of saying you can serve as an army commander when and where needed at my discretion. It's a pretty loose role in terms of its distinctions, but it does what it needs to do. Ranga will receive a similar role but I'll need to discuss that with Rimuru later."

Tanya waved her hand as the projection at the front of the table disappeared, "I'll meet with all the Field Marshals separately at later dates to discuss further organization of their separate groups. For the time being simply keep to current formations with some slight changes where needed."

Before Tanya could wrap up the meeting and move on to other affairs a knock was heard at the door. Before anyone could answer, Treyni stepped in with a polite bow as she took a step inside, a worried expression on her face.

Rimuru was the first to take notice of Treyni's concern as he asked, "What's wrong, Treyni?"

Treyni brought her hands together and announced, "It's an emergency! Charybdis is about to be revived!"

The room was immediately brought into a state of silent panic with only a handful remaining calm. Rimuru, for his sake, was simply confused, "Chary-what now?"

Tanya folded her arms and rolled her eyes, "Charybdis. In short, a problem."

"How do you know what it is?" Rimuru questioned.

"I've done a lot of research during my time in the human nations. I made certain I knew of every significant threat documented to have come from this forest. Aside from Veldora, Charybdis was probably the biggest." Tanya explained, causing Rimuru to join the rest of the room in their panic.

Rimuru folded his own arms in thought, "I see… If it's the biggest, that means it's stronger than the Orc Lord. We should be prepared. How long until it's revived?"

As Rimuru's gaze now turned to Treyni, she proclaimed, "We have a bit over a week to prepare, I believe."

Tanya sat back as she considered their options, "A week, huh? Charybdis was sealed away, right? Is it that his seal has degraded over the last few hundred years?"

"We believe so, yes. Its seal had been naturally degrading for some time, but it was impossible to know with much notice when it would finally break. We're lucky we were able to get a heads up at all." Treyni pointed out as she looked now at Tanya who had her hand placed at her chin.

Curious, Tanya inquired, "Do you think we can stall its awakening? Adding a bit more magical power to whatever's keeping it sealed could give us a bit more time if nothing else."

Treyni looked up and thought for a moment before making a slight nod, "I believe with enough magical power it could be done. If I gather all of my sisters, we should be able to prolong it as long as physically possible. That will give us at least a bit over a month, but unfortunately not much more than that."

Tanya made a wide smirk and nodded at the dryad, "Perfect, gather everyone you need. Just ask and you'll have anything I can give you." Tanya then stood up, slamming her hand on the table in front of her, "Everyone else, listen up! In just over a month, we shall engage this flying shark and blast it to kingdom come!"

With a manic grin on her face, she continued.

"I want all anti-air and aerial assets prepared by then and mobilized. Ground forces shall focus on evacuation for the civilians. Call for a conference with our allies and tell them to get their own anti-air units. Begin preparations to host a massive army as well!"

She began laughing.

"We'll take the fight to it and bring it back to earth! Whatever goes up, must come down after all!"

"Yes Ma'am!" Everyone in the room quickly stood up at once with the exception of Rimuru who stumbled out of his chair upon realizing what everyone else was doing.

As everyone began to funnel out of the room, Milim, who had sat at the back watching as she ate from a small pile of cookies, continued chewing as she grumbled, "Coudsn't Is juch blash it myshelf?"

Tanya sighed, "First, stop chewing before you start talking. Secondly, we can't just rely on you to take out our threats." Milim pouted as she folded her arms. With a heavy sigh, Tanya continued, "The TRI has a new weapon that they've been wanting to test out. Its magicule usage is so inefficient that they don't really have anyone to test it with. If you behave until the fight, I'll let you use it to fight Charybdis instead of using your whole might against him."

Milim made a happy nod and skipped out of the room with the pile of cookies in her arms. Meanwhile, Eiga smugly grinned next to Ranga, "C'mon unicorn, Charybdis is all the more reason to get back to training."

"Oh? I thought you stopped training because you were scared." Ranga retorted as his head leaned down to face Eiga.

Eiga shrugged, "I had more important business to attend to than beating around Mr cumulonimbus all day."

Ranga turned several sizes larger, reaching his natural full size as he leaned down to Eiga in her human form with a grin, "Wanna say that again, kitty-cat?" He teased.

Eiga made a sarcastic grin, "Oh wow! Your full size is almost as big as your ego! Are you going to cuddle me to death with that big fluffy mane, or do you have any practical abilities?"

Eiga's hands roughly ruffled Ranga's mane, much to his mild annoyance as he began walking by, visibly flustered, "Hurry it up, toothpick."

Tanya turned to her right as the two animals left, seeing Rimuru visibly deflate into a ball of blue slime, bouncing onto the table, "It's gonna be a real long month. Anyway, I'll have Shuna and Shion prepare a room in the main government building for this conference. I'll let you handle the specifics of it."

Rimuru bounced away out of the room, leaving the entire floor empty aside from Tanya and Weiss.

"It's quite busy and chaotic for you in your new life, isn't it, Chancellor?" Weiss commented.

Tanya folded her arms, "You get used to it. I'd argue the front line was way more busy and chaotic than this life could hope to compare to. You can also drop the 'Chancellor' title outside of formal events, it's a waste of time and I don't care for it."

Weiss chucked, "I suppose you're right. You know, I always suspected you'd get into politics after the war, regardless of if we won or lost. I suppose it's no surprise that you're Chancellor of all people."

"To say I hadn't considered it myself would be a lie, but all I've wanted is a comfortable life. This world's too primitive for my liking, however. Once this nation is secured in a stable position I'll be able to kick back and bring about its modernization."

"That's quite a goal, Tanya." Weiss noted.

Tanya let out a long sigh, "Unfortunately it is. We'll get there eventually. Whenever heaven comes knocking because of it, we'll be well prepared."

"You lost me."

"I'll tell you about the Tenma wars later, this world's got a lot of chaos going for it. For now, I want you to train with the new gear I've had the TRI make for you. It'll take some getting used to, not to mention you need some training with that Unique Skill of yours. I want you in full fighting condition in a month." Tanya commanded as another grin appeared on her face, "Don't worry, I have a crash course all ready for you and the rest of the new 203rd…"

Weiss sighed as he couldn't hide the slight pain on his face, "Another month of hell I see… I do hope some of the dragonewts come out alive."

"I won't be making any promises," Tanya remarked, a smug smile still on her face.


Well within the main capitol building, Tanya stood before a large round circle with the crest of Tempest, a dragon meant to symbolize Veldora, ingrained in the center. The table was of expert craftsmanship and it was amazing just how quickly the entire room had been put together.

On the back wall opposite the door to the room were five banners, one for each nation attending the conference. On the left were the two 'northern' nations, Dwargon and Blumund, and on the right were the two 'southern' nations, both led by Demon Lords, Eurazania and Milim's Domain, and lastly in the center was the banner of Tempest with its golden Draconic symbol and blue radiating lines mimicking the Imperial Japanese Army flag.

When insisting on attending the meeting, Tanya had effectively forced Milim to give a name and flag to the de-facto nation she had ruled for a long while. The region had been simply called 'Milim's domain' for so long that it lacked any proper identification. Milim, having no care for governing as shown by the fact she was still in Tempest after multiple months, never saw the need to change this fact.

In the end, even Tanya could tell that it wasn't that important, but there was a silent agreement between her and Rimuru that they should at least try to get Milim to conform to some level of officiality.

Milim was quick to be bribed into making a flag design and official name for her country, and with a bit of help from Shuna, she designed a pink and purple flag with an eight-pointed star and a few horizontal lines. For an official name, Milim quickly came up with 'Draconic Dominion' which, lack of originality aside, was good enough for Tanya.

Now considered an official part of the meeting and representing an actual nation, albeit one that didn't yet know it now had a name and flag, its banner now stood at the back of the room next to Eurazania's.

As Tanya stood inspecting the room, she turned to see the blue ball of slime that was Rimuru hopping onto the table and looking around with satisfaction, "They did a good job setting this all up. The representatives have all arrived, so I believe we're ready to start if you are." Rimuru looked up at Tanya before noticing that each seat at the circular table had an aluminum can. "What's with the cans?"

Tanya opened a crate under the table as cold mist exited it. Pulling out another can she cracked it open as Rimuru could hear the 'psssh' sound coming from it, "It's soda. Thought I'd share the TRI's latest drink invention with our guests."

Rimuru didn't seem impressed at this invention, "We're hosting one of the most important meetings in this nation's history and you've decided to start advertising soda. Should we really be introducing such unhealthy drinks into this world?"

"We've realized that by adding a small amount of Hipokute herbs into it, it completely negates any unhealthy side effects soda has. We're looking into how such an effect could also be added to things like fast food and sweets," Tanya explained.

"I suppose if it's healthy… I'll have them bring everyone in."

Rimuru bounces away, leaving the room for a few minutes before returning as he opens the door for the other leaders to step inside. The first to enter was Gazel Dwargo, King of the Armed Nation of Dwargon. The King of Dwarves towered above practically everyone else in the room, donned in full armor with a computation orb hung around his neck.

Next was Drum von Blumund, the ruler of the Kingdom of Blumund. He was a short and jolly-looking man with a puffy mustache and round nose that made him look comparable to Mario from the video games of Rimuru's past life.

Following him was the Beastmaster of Eurazania, the Demon Lord Carrion, followed shortly afterward by the ruler of the newly named Draconic Dominion, Milim Nava who skipped in gleefully.

The last to enter was Treyni to serve as a sort of representative of the forest itself as well as having more knowledge on Charybdis' current status than anyone else.

As they gathered in the room, Tanya and Rimuru sat next to each other at the opposite end of the door. Sitting to the left of Tanya were the two Demon Lords Milim and Carrion, and sitting to the right of Rimuru were the two other leaders Gazel and Drum. Lastly was Treyni who sat across from Rimuru and Tanya, separating the Demon Lords from the human and dwarven rulers.

Tanya was quick to start the meeting off, "I welcome all of you on behalf of the Imperial Tempest Federation to the Capital City of Tempestia. I would've liked to have such a conference under better circumstances, but I'm sure you're all well aware of why Tempest has called you here today."

Tanya raises an arm as her Illusion Master spell creates a projection of Charybdis, manifested from various artist depictions of the beast over the last few millennia.

As the leaders of all the nations gaze at this projection, Rimuru takes over, "In one month this beast will be revived and free to unleash carnage upon the world once again. Its power is immense and we need help to take it down before it can harm anyone."

Gazel nodded and noted, "Charybdis is no simple threat. It is not like a Demon Lord which can be negotiated with. It is a beast that seeks only destruction, we need to come up with a strategy before taking it head-on."

Carrion with his arms folded as he leaned back in his chair added, "If I remember correctly it's got some powerful self-regeneration. We'll need a hell of a lot of firepower to take it down before it can heal itself."

"That's exactly what Tempest can provide." Tanya stated, continuing, "I have a spell that I believe can destroy Charybdis, but it takes quite some time to charge. Charybdis not only needs to be weakened, but he needs to be stopped from flying too far as while I can move as I'm casting the spell, I cannot move fast enough to keep up with a beast like it."

Rimuru thought back to her memories of Tanya's skills and spells, unsure of what she was referring to.

«Notice: The Individual Tanya Tempest is likely lying, with a probability of 87.36291 percent.»

'Ah, so the spell is bullshit. Just what's her plan here then?'

"I believe Charybdis summons a bunch of these flying Megalodons to fight with it. You'll need people to help take those out while the rest focus on keeping Charybdis preoccupied. As such I'll provide my Three Beastketeers along with my strongest warriors to provide support on the ground to take down those flying sharks!"

Gazel nodded along, listening intently, "Dwargon shall provide its Pegasus Knights to aid against Charybdis in the skies."

The King of Blumund, Drum, seemed to be a master at hiding his true emotions as he continued to listen and nod along as well, now adding "Blumund cannot provide much, but it will call upon all the adventurers it can to help take down this beast."

"And I will get to shoot it!" Milim proudly proclaimed with a satisfied grin.

Tanya smiles and waves her hand, dismissing the illusion appearing on the table, "I believe this is a perfect opportunity to set the groundwork for something greater."

Gazel turned, intrigued, "What do you have in mind?"

All the participants looked toward Tanya with curiosity. Even Rimuru, who hadn't yet been informed of Tanya's plan, seemed curious as to what she was getting at. "I believe we can turn this group of nations here into an alliance of five. An alliance where an attack on one is an attack on all." Tanya waved her hand as she added, "Of course, I understand why a nation like the Beast Kingdom would be hesitant to align with a nation like Blumund, but that's not all there is."

Tanya leaned in towards the table, opening the soda can in front of her with a grin on her face, "Go ahead and open the cans in front of you like I just did. Inside each of them is a drink recently produced by Tempest. It's non-alcoholic and the Hipokute herbs within them make it a perfectly healthy drink."

One by one the people around the table began to drink their sodas as each one had an expression of surprise.

Milim seemed the most excited at this new drink, chugging it all before quickly looking at Tanya, "It's so good! Give me more!"

Tanya sighed as she pulled out another soda can, having already anticipated this happening. Within seconds Milim quickly flew over to her seat with a spin as she held up the soda proudly before quickly pulling it back down and opening it again.

As the can opened a pillar of foam erupted from the can, spraying Milim all over the face as she became frozen in shock.

Tanya sighed and pulled out another one, "Oh right, don't shake it."

Milim carefully inched closer to Tanya, slowly and meticulously taking it from her hands and tip-toeing back to her seat before opening the can and beginning to drink it at a much slower pace.

Carrion wiped some of the spilled drink off his face and smiled, "Not quite as good as alcohol, but I certainly see the appeal."

Gazel meanwhile was far more eager to drink, though he was still outdone by Milim, "Magnificent! And this has no alcohol! Your inventions never cease to amaze, Tanya."

Drum, meanwhile, simply made hums of satisfaction along with a few light nods as he took the occasional slight sip of the drink.

"I get that this drink is good, but what's it got to do with your point?" Carrion asked, getting back on track.

"You see, this is just the first of Tempest's marvelous inventions. Among them are many others as you'll soon see I'm sure. You see this alliance I propose isn't just one grounded in swords and steel, but in trade and commerce as well." Tanya's hand once more waved, showing a projection of all the nations currently represented in the room, "This alliance will create open borders for merchants and traders traveling between these countries. In a way, one could argue that the economies of five become the economy of one."

The illusion began to move as food, clothing, and various other items were shown traveling between nations freely as Tanya continued her explanation, "Goods from all over the region would freely move throughout it, all without tariffs or fees between member states. Of course, we can work out the specifics of all this once Charybdis has been dealt with, but it certainly gives you a reason to care for protecting every nation, doesn't it?"

Carrion took another sip of the soda in his hands, "I suppose I can understand in that case. But I agree that it's best we leave discussions of this trade group for after Charybdis has been handled. For now, I believe I can support this alliance, if at least for a temporary measure, but what shall it be called?"

Gazel took the first sip of a second soda can as he thought for a moment, "Well we have the Council of the West and the Eastern Empire, so how about the Central Powers?"

"I don't think-" Rimuru began.

"That settles it then." Tanya interrupted.

"Tanya, wai-"

"The five nations here, Tempest, Blumund, Dwargon, Eurazania, and the Draconic Dominion shall be known as the Central Powers to fight off the threat of Charybdis!"

Rimuru felt like he was being intentionally ignored as he sighed, putting aside the meaning of the name in his past life as he chose to go with it anyway.

From now on, Tempest would be the driving force of the Central Powers.


Finding Blanc wasn't the hardest thing to do. When comparing it to trying to hunt down Noir, it was effectively a walk in the park. Blanc had no real reason to hide, she was strong enough to contend well enough on her own, and there were only a few who could challenge her properly. Unfortunately for her, Guy fell into that category.

Guy walked along the white, tiled flooring of her home, gazing up at the tall white pillars stretching into the sky, all fitting of the white primordial. Despite its beauty, it was not what he was here for. He had questions he needed answers to, and with Noir impossible to find, Blanc was his next best choice.

Blanc sat quietly on a throne of luxury, donned in a lime-green dress with pale yellow gloves with hair white as snow and eyes a deep fiery red that now looked up toward Guy, clearly unsurprised with his visit.

"It seems you've been expecting me," Guy muttered as Blanc leaned back against her throne.

"Perhaps I have, perhaps I haven't. It all depends on why you're here." She responded with a firm tone in her voice.

"I believe you know why I'm here." Guy responded as he folded his arms.

Blanc rolled her eyes and waved her hand, creating a white cloud that showed the material world above. The cloud showed a demon with black hair with a red stripe and eyes of similar color. Looking back at Guy now she asked, "Is that what you're here for?"

"It seems you've figured it out already," Guy responded with a smirk on his face.

Blanc shrugged, "I assumed you'd be coming the second she proclaimed herself a Demon Lord. Noir already came looking for me a while ago, don't know where he is now so don't bother asking."

"And what did you tell him?" Guy asked.

"The same thing I'm telling you, I don't know anything. This girl's as much an anomaly to you as she is to me."

Guy sighed, "I suppose I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. But do you know what her existence implies?"

"I know what I think it implies, but tell me, what do you think it means?" Blanc asked as she stared intently at the demon in front of her.

"I believe it means that long ago there was another Primordial. For lack of a better term, let's call this one 'Silver'. At some point long ago before we were even aware of each other's existence, this primordial split into two, thus creating White and Black."

Blanc sighed, "Had you said that to me a while ago I probably would've attacked you right there for your idiocy. But… I can't deny that theory completely anymore. But if this 'silver' family vanished, why would it produce a new demon now? Or rather, it seems it tried to, considering she ended up in Noir's family, even if just barely."

"That is what I've been trying to figure out. I had hoped you had some more clues, but it seems I've been mistaken."

"There is one lead…" Blanc commented.


"Deep within the darkest depths of hell on the edge of the void, you can find her. There you'll find the entrance to the home of a being of unclear origins. I don't believe her to be exactly demonic in nature, but if this 'silver' primordial still exists, I believe your best bet is her."

Guy placed a hand on his chin before nodding, "I suppose it remains to be seen whether this being will provide anything useful to me, but if nothing else, perhaps it'll help sate my curiosity about the Storm Dragon's new ally."

"Good luck, I suppose. Not that I really care if you find out or not. I'll keep watching the demon here, I'd rather not risk myself going so deep into hell."

"Have fun then," Guy muttered, turning around and leaving the white void that Blanc had made for herself. Though his visit was mostly uneventful, it had turned up one last end to check, one that might finally explain everything.


Thanks to various editors and helpers on the Discord who helped with things like plot decisions, grammatical errors, and other aspects of the chapter:

Dtrackt and Terraman60

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