
Sable Snow: Post Feared Pack Book 2

Snow is son of Turk and Mazelina. He is a quiet male with a rose gold tinted fur wolf. And he keeps hearing someone begging for his help. His dreams are filled of a female who has been brutalized beyond his imagination. He leaves his pack and family to find her. Sable does not trust human males. She only trusts their wolf, because their wolf can’t hurt her the way the human part does. So, when the wolf from her dreams finally finds her, she trust it, but not the male in the human form. Snow will have to find a way to convince Sable he isn’t going to hurt her, and Sable will have to trust him to keep her safe from her pack Alpha and the rogues he hired to take and hurt her. Along the way, she will discover a truth about her past that will confuse her world even more.

Patricia_Levy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


When Sable woke, she was met with a sight of a human male with long white hair and a lethal body reading a book. He had a light tan and had big hands that held the book gently. His face had a bit of stubble, but was well formed with dark eyes. She was only a little scared, but mostly awed. She had never seen someone like him, never seen hair so white it was like snow. She wanted to see how soft it was, but couldn't make her mouth work properly.

She only let out a groan which made him look at her, those dark eyes searching her green ones for something. She stilled, unsure of him and his next actions. But then he gave her a small smile and set the book aside. When he stood and walked to the stove where something was cooking, she watched his graceful movements and the muscles flex in his back. She couldn't tear her eyes away from him.

Snow, his mother said was his name. It was a perfect name. Beautiful and deadly. Pure white like his hair and silent like him as he walked slowly over to her with a bowl of steaming food. Graceful and clean just like his body. Cold, just like the way he fended off her captors, just like how he protected her anytime someone came near.

"This is just broth. If you want to try something with noodles, we can next time," he said softly, voice low and husky, just like in her head. He set the bowl on a table, then knelt beside the bed. "Can I help you sit up?"

"I'm not sure I can hold myself up for long," she said truthfully.

"Can I try something, then?" She nodded, watching as he found three pillows. He put two under her head, unsatisfied, he put the third one there as well until she felt the bottom ones lower on her back as if they reached a surface to lean on. She was just barely above her toes now. "Do you think you can hold the bowl?"

She flexed her fingers, hearing bones pop, but was able to move her hands closer together. She looked at him and he slowly set the bowl between them. Sable wrapped her fingers around it, feeling heat and comfort. "I do not think I can feed myself," she told him, after looking at the spoon.

He reached for the utensil and carefully put it to her mouth. She took the offer and sighed in bliss at the liquid heat running down her throat and warming everywhere it touched. She took another bite and another, loving the way it gave her just a little strength, the way it eased the muscles in her body.

"I haven't had anything like this in a long time!"

Snow smiled at her. "I'm glad you like it."

She was able to eat a few more bites before her stomach protested. Snow seemed satisfied with the amount and went back to the kitchen. Sable licked her lips and began to lay her legs out flat on the bed, smiling at her progress. She was healing, she thought. Snow was helping her. He wasn't going to hurt her. He was different from her captors.

"How about a bath?" he asked her.

Snow waited patiently as one expression after another showed on her face. First it was fear, then anxiety and many other uncomfortable looks until she shyly nodded.

"I know you don't want me in there, but I need to make sure you are safe," he said softly, still staying near the stove, giving her space.

"Will anyone else be there?"

Snow bared his teeth. "They'll be blind and without hands if they so much as set foot in that bathroom!"

A small smile played on her lips and Snow blinked, both shocked and pleased at her response to his outburst. "You won't leave?"

"Not if I don't have to." Finally, she nodded. Snow relaxed. "Let me get the water started. Call me if you need anything, okay?" Sable nodded again, and he went into the bathroom. He ran hot water and a minty soap, waiting until it was full before returning. He picked Sable up carefully and carried her to the water. "I can keep the blankets around you?" he offered.

She shook her head, nose scrunched in disgust. Setting her on the floor, he unwrapped the blankets and lifted her into the hot water. Instantly, her body relaxed. He sat her against the end, keeping his hands close in case she slipped under, but she stayed above the surface. He grabbed the blankets and put them in a pile in the corner, then sat on the toilet, letting her relax.

He noticed within minutes how the filth was coming away from her skin, revealing softness beneath. She was pale, but that was due to the lack of sunshine. He wanted to help her wash, but waited for her to give permission. He didn't want to frighten her at all.

"Will all this wash down the drain?" she asked, looking at the water which was turning dark brown.

"Yes. Do you want new water?" She nodded hesitantly. He went to the drain and let the water flow down, adding fresh . He saw Sable's eyes watch him, watch the water, glance at the handles which control how hot or cold the water was, then at the bathroom itself.

"Will I be able to wear clothes?"

Snow chuckled. "Is that supposed to be a tough question?" She smiled at him, small but genuine. "Once I get you back out to the bed, I'll see what Aurora has to wear. You're about the size of her daughter, Lilly."

"Aren't there windows?"

"I can cover them for privacy, Sable. Besides, no one is around. They're at the main den."

"Where is the main den?"

"I'll show you once you're done. And when you think you're ready, we can go into it. I'll show you around. You can to to the nursery where the pups are."

Her eyes brightened. "I love pups!"

Snow smiled at her. "They'll be glad to have a new wolf to mess with. They're wild little creatures!"

Sable shrugged and she let him wash her down with a clothe, then scrub her hair until the mahogany strands shone. Fifteen minutes later, she allowed him to lift her out and dry her off, then carry her to the bed. He proceeded to cover the windows and find clothes. Snow found some leggings and a shirt and helped her dress. He coaxed her to eat again before going outside.

They sat in the grass, Sable allowing Snow to sit behind her for support as she took in all the beauty. There was a huge mountain in front of them, just outside the forest. To which Snow pointed and said, "That's main den."

Her eyes went wide. She definitely wanted to see how they lived in such a place, wanted to see how it was built. But she wasn't ready for so many wolves to surround her. She was just getting comfortable with Snow, just getting comfortable with his human form. She didn't want anyone else yet.

They sat outside until Sable was dozing off, and Snow carried her inside and to bed. She instantly snuggled into the blankets and sighed with peace. Snow, unable to keep the smile off his face, shifted into his wolf and laid at the entrance to the house, taking a nap as well.