
Ryker: The Woman Slayer

Ryker Fox is a loser who never had a girlfriend since birth. He was constantly turned down by the women he wanted to date. He was never a choice or an option. Ryker joked that he wished a lot of women would drool over him one day. And they said, be careful what you wish for. Because he just woke up one day his life changed. Not only that, but he also unlocks the ability to capture the hearts of women. Now, all the women who insulted him before will pay a severe price because he’s Ryker… the woman slayer.

shounengirl · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs



A mix of anticipation and unease filled Maddison's being as she cautiously embraced the idea of trying out contact lenses. Yet, she swiftly realized that handling those minuscule, fragile lenses posed a formidable challenge. Frustration threatened to engulf her, but Ryker refused to let her succumb.

"I understand it's daunting, Maddison," he whispered, his voice a soothing balm. "However, I'm by your side to always help you. Let's practice together until you master it."

With unwavering patience, Ryker walked Maddison through the intricate process, demonstrating how to delicately hold the lens and elucidating the precise technique for insertion and removal. With each endeavor, Maddison's self-assurance blossomed, nurtured by Ryker's unwavering encouragement.

Nevertheless, despite Ryker's unwavering guidance, Maddison found herself grappling with the endeavor. The anxiety of inadvertently causing harm to her precious eyes hindered her progress. It was at this juncture that Ryker proposed a more enduring resolution - ocular surgery.

Maddison's eyes widened in astonishment. "Eye surgery? Is such a measure truly needed?"

Ryker's tone resonated with unwavering conviction as he conveyed his thoughts, carefully choosing his words. "It's up to you and your parents, of course. Maddison, please understand that this is not about altering your appearance. It's about removing the physical obstacles that hinder you from perceiving your inherent beauty. If it aligns with your genuine desires, I believe it's worth contemplating."

After profound thinking, Maddison resolved to proceed with the surgical intervention. With Ryker faithfully by her side, they went on the path toward clearer vision, entrusting her well-being to the skilled hands of the ophthalmologist. With her parent's approval.

The anticipated day of the surgery happened, casting a veil of apprehension upon Ryker's countenance as he anxiously awaited news in the hospital's hushed waiting room. His heart fluttered with a blend of excitement and concern, the weight of responsibility tugging at his core. As the hours waned, he found himself caught in a whirlwind of introspection, grappling with doubts about the extent to which he had pushed Maddison's boundaries.

Finally, the surgeon emerged from the sterile confines of the operating theater, his visage adorned with a comforting smile. "The procedure unfolded with remarkable ease," he reassured Ryker, his voice imbued with professional assurance. "Maddison is currently in the recovery phase, and we anticipate a complete restoration of her vision within a few days."

Maddison and his parents look happy. A profound sense of relief washed over Ryker, coursing through his veins like a soothing balm. Expressing gratitude to the surgeon, he allowed his mind to wander into the realm of possibilities, envisioning a future where Maddison could finally perceive herself through the lens of his affection – a radiant, self-assured woman deserving of love and admiration.

The passage of time witnessed the transition from days to weeks once more, as Maddison's visual acuity refined. With each fleeting moment, her perception of the surrounding world attained heightened clarity, mirroring the newfound lucidity that resonated within the depths of her heart. She now beheld the innate splendor concealed within the minutiae—the intricate folds of a flower's delicate petals, the resplendent hues adorning a mesmerizing sunset, and the genuine compassion that radiated from Ryker's gaze.

Upon the removal of the protective bandages, Maddison blinked, her irises adapting to the unhindered panorama of her reflection in the mirror. An involuntary gasp escaped her lips, as her hands instinctively sought to ascertain the reality of her liberated eyes, now devoid of glasses or contact lenses.

In close proximity, Ryker remained by her side, his countenance aflame with anticipation. "Maddison, how are your eyes? How is your vision? How do you see yourself now? Does the image you see in the mirror make you happy?"

Maddison's mirrored counterpart gazed back at her, her eyes aglow with an intensified radiance. A soft, melodious laughter escaped her lips, infused with astonishment and elation. "Ryker... I am rendered speechless. My vision has acquired unclouded clarity, and... I find myself genuinely embracing a newfound sense of beauty."

Ryker's eyes brimmed with a shimmering cascade of tears, bearing witness not solely to the metamorphosis of Maddison's outward appearance, but also to the profound transformation within her self-perception. It was as if an invisible burden had been relinquished, enabling her to wholeheartedly embrace the full breadth of her inherent value and magnificence.

"You were always remarkable, Maddison," he whispered, his voice quivering with intensity. "But now, your true beauty is undeniable."

Maddison turned towards him, her eyes shimmering with gratitude. "Ryker, I owe you an immeasurable debt. You've guided me towards self-discovery and empowered me to confront my doubts head-on."

A gentle smile adorned Ryker's lips as he extended his hand, softly caressing Maddison's cheek. "Maddison, your worthiness of love and admiration has never wavered. I merely acted as a catalyst for you to recognize it within yourself. It is your own resilience and resolve that have led you to this moment."

Their eyes locked, and in that instance, the weight of their shared past engulfed them. The recollections of bygone days, the peaks and valleys, the anguish and triumphs—all coalesced in this profound instant of lucidity and empathy.

"Maddison, there is something I must confess," Ryker began, his voice quivering imperceptibly. "Throughout our friendship, my emotions for you have deepened. My care for you has always persisted, even when you rebuffed me. And now, witnessing your transformation into the extraordinary woman you've become, I can no longer suppress my feelings."

Maddison's breath hitched in her throat, her heart hammering in her chest. A torrent of emotions surged within her—a blend of astonishment, realization, and... a twinge of disappointment.

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