
Chapter 4

The Soldiers quickly moved into position, Raptor taking point followed by Rick, Dan, Martin, Colt, Greyson, Zane, and Orion with the two pilots Ellie and Max. Moving towards the sound of gunfire and swords clashing they quickly got into cover by getting closer to the buildings, the civilians were running quickly to the center of the village.

They quickly walked by some buildings making their way to the battle, they quickly came a cross a two way road where the battle raged on both sides. "Colt take your fire team and head to the left side, I'll take my squad and the two pilots to secure the right side of the village. Now lets move before its too late." Colt nodded and signaled for his team to follow him.

Raptors team quickly made their way towards the battle, soon enough they got a view of the fighting. "Weapons free, make sure you watch your targets don't hit any civilians or friendly fighters."

First contact being a group of ten raiders dragging a family out from their home two kids and both parents, the mother being dragged into the middle of the road while the father was being beaten to death. The kids were being guarded by two of them while five of them beat the father and the rest were dragging the mother. The crying and screaming was one thing they all still remember from a civil war.

"Rick, Dan take out the ones dragging the mother, Martin and Ellie take out the ones guarding the kids, Max and I will take out the ones beating the father on my mark you take your shots." the soldiers nodded.

Aiming their weapons on their targets and waiting for the signal.


They quickly opened fire on their targets, their targets fell quickly and they moved on to their next targets. Soon enough they were all dead laying on the pavement.

They moved towards the family to check on them, the father was heavily injured while the mother had minor injuries and the children were unharmed. Dan being a field medic started treating his injuries nothing lethal.

"Lets get this family on their way, Ellie, Max help them get to the center of the village I don't think their going to be able to get their on their own. I'll take my fireteam to secure the area."

"Yes sir" Both of them quickly helped the family up and started taking them to the current safe zone in the village.


Colt and his fire team had quickly made their way into combat and had started engaging enemy combatants.

Colt, Greyson, Zane and Orion had already started getting their hands dirty, gunning down the enemies around them, Soon enough they had the attention of the attackers.

The attackers engaged the soldiers but soon enough they found themselves overwhelmed as their weaponry broke through their Aura like it wasn't even there and started taking heavy losses.

The fireteam were able to push the attackers back to the main gate but that's where they would be at a stalemate as the enemy on the other side of the gate had the advantage in numbers and advantage in terrain.

"Alright guys, we pushed them out of the village and out on the other side of the gate, now we just keep watch and open fire on any who try to get past us." The rest of the fireteam sat in defensive positions.

Some villagers who where still around and making their way to the safe zone of the village where surprised to their dedication in holding position to an enemy who were numerous and had more firepower.

Their advantage wouldn't last much as they were running out of ammo and would need to resupply soon enough, they prayed to God that some form of reinforcements would arrive to help them.


Raptor like Colt's fireteam pushed Ravens tribe back to the gate but were soon met with an enemy they knew nothing about.

She stood in front of her remaining forces and unsheathed her sword, Raptor was left dumbfounded as she had brought a gun to a sword fight. Well whatever she was going to do he wasn't going to wait around to find out what she would do, so he quickly opened fire with the rest of his fireteam following soon after.

The firing soon stops and the dust clears leaving nothing but dust behind and now it has their complete attention as they didn't even see her move, soon enough they spotted her coming out of a portal besides another female colleague of hers.

Well now the fireteam had seen it all, a woman who could make portals that's just great. "Well boys looks like we got our work cut out for us." This made the others laugh as they knew this wasn't going to go well for them.

They woman signaled her remaining forces to attack Raptors fireteam, which to no surprise had Raptors team quickly engage them, they quickly fell as the bullets pierced them with no problems.

"We're getting our asses out of this area before we get boxed in, Rick, Dan you give us covering fire and then we cover you" Rick and Dan nodded and proceeded to open fire.

Retreating to some makeshift barriers they proceeded to get into cover and open fire, "Alright, move quickly we got you guys covered now." Rick and Dan quickly retreated to a new position.

Running towards a new position while being shot at by the tribe. "Your covering fire sucks ass!" Rick screamed out to Raptor.

"If we make it out of here I'll take note of that and kick your ass!" Shooting another tribe member in the head and falling down with a hard thud.

"If you guys could shut the fuck up and focus on us not dying that would be great!" Dan screamed back at the both of them before getting hit by something to the ground.

Rick heard Dan fall down and quickly turned to look at him, and saw him on the ground trying to get up. Running up to him he quickly noticed the bleeding on his right leg.

"Shit, shit, shit, I can't get up! Fuck!" Rick was quickly panicking

"Shut the fuck up! I'm getting your ass out of here, now lets get the hell out of here, you owe me a drink when we get the fuck out of here before anything else happens!" picking up Dan and putting him in a fireman carry, he started running as fast as he could to his fireteams position.

Now they were in a bad position, running out of ammo and having injured, this is just their luck. Raptor was looking around to figure out where they could go, he quickly decides to go into a brick building down the road to the left and hold out there they wouldn't get far either way.

"Alright we're going to get into that brick building just down the road, we wont be able to get far with low ammo and injured. Lets show these bastard what we're made of, lets show them even if we are at a disadvantage we wont go without a fight." The others looked at him and nodded.

Running to the building and quickly analyzing their situation, Checking their ammo situation to see how many clips they had left. Seeing two entrances to the building,

"Alright, Martin and I will watch the front door, Rick get Dan in a good position to fight and watch the back door, this might as well be our last stand." They quickly looked for good positions for defense.

Raptor took position in the kitchen, taking cover behind the kitchen counter while Martin took cover by the hallway wall. Rick dragged Dan to a couch and flipped it over so Dan was able to see over it and fire, while he would take cover behind a desk.

Now they waited for the attackers to arrive on to the scene, they waited in their positions to what felt like hours for them. Soon enough they heard voices and aimed their weapons at the entrances.

The first enemy entered the building through the front and quickly realized he was screwed the second he entered. He got a bullet straight through his eyes, and soon enough the battle began, their enemies continuously tried entering the building but were constantly pushed back. Though the more they tried the more Raptors fireteam ran out of ammo, they were on their last legs with only pistols.

"Shit! I got one last mag for my pistol and then I'm out completely, what about you Martin?"

"I got 3 mags, here take one" Passing a mag to Raptor who quickly caught it and put it in his pouch.

"How are you guys holding up back there!" Raptor screamed out to Rick and Dan

"Well we're not dead if that's what you're asking about!" Rick responded back

"What's you ammo situation like!"

"I got one mag left, Same with Dan it looks like well be done for soon!"

"Well at least we took some of these bastards to hell with us!"

"Hahaha hell yea we did!" Rick responded with a hearty laughter

"Lets all give them one last hell of a battle before we die in this hell hole!" The others nodded and were ready to give their last breath in this building until they heard something outside.

The sound of a helicopters whirling blades and the sound of screaming and running as well as gunfire. Soon enough they looked outside to see and two Apache Helicopters flying over and firing on the enemies around them, they had easily crushed the enemy. They continued to fly over the village and shoot at the enemy forces who still remained after the others retreated.

After that they heard the sounds of engines and soon enough they had a whole convoy of reinforcements arrive at their positions. An M1A3 Abrams and several JLATVs, A supply truck and Transport trucks with troops, and 2 Bradley's arrived on scene.

The troops on the transport vehicles quickly dismounted and spread out to secure the village, The fireteam stepped out with their arms raised so they wouldn't be shot on sight.

"We got friendlies over here! Get a medic over here!" A soldier screamed out to the others.

Soon enough the squad was reunited as they secured the entire village, the only thing they now had to worry about was the Grimm that was trying to overrun their position but with the amount of firepower they had it would be next to impossible for them.

Soon enough they were on a ride home not knowing the impact they had on the world of Remnant, as the villagers who saw the force of United States would go on telling tales about them to those in Vale and nearby villages.


The villagers from that village who left after the attack recounted what happened to others about those unknown soldiers and how they quickly defeated Raven's tribe, Vale news stations quickly took notice and one well know reporter quickly jumped on the wagon to interview the villagers from this village and figure out who these people are.

She quickly got into contact with one villager as she used her contacts to track at least one of them down to get an interview with them. Soon enough she was in a room with one of the villagers family that had seen what these soldiers were capable.

The interview that she got from the family was something the people of Vale would want to hear, they had Armor and weapons they knew nothing about. The vehicles they drove were monsters compared to the ones Atlas has. Their weapons would tear Grimm apart like they were Hunters and Huntresses, they all wore similar kinds of uniform showing that they were some kind of military force.

They didn't have any mech shifting weapons like hunters or huntresses but their weapons were very deadly against both Grimm and people.

This interview was live but people hardly payed attention to it most people who did pay attention to it were conspiracy theorists who would go on to try spread word of something more exaggerating like Aliens but this of course did catch the attention of a certain circle.


To Be Continued

I am very slow on updating this so I am very sorry, I do hope to continue other things I worked on but things haven't been easy so for now I'll do my best.

GermanWolfSwatcreators' thoughts