
Chapter 3

A group of faunas were hunting for food outside their village, using their faunas traits as an advantage at hunting but soon enough the sound of extremely loud gunfire caught their attention especially since it was scaring all the prey away. Soon enough they got to see what was making all that sound, it was an Airship of unknown design or at least one from the closest kingdom to them.

They got a good view of the airship under attack by three nevermore's whoever was firing that gun was putting up a good fight as they were able to take out one but were soon enough overwhelmed by the amount of feathers the nevemore's fired at them. It struck the tail of unknown airship causing it to spin out of control at a very fast descent, the nevermore's had a short lived victory as they were shot down by two very fast unknown airships or at least from what they could see.

They quickly went into action as they went out to help those people in the unknow airship, it took a while before they finally reached the location of the crashed airship. They inspected the crash and it was on sight to see, a weapon mounted on the side of the helicopter hanged there uselessly, the huge rotors on top were unhinged and broken. They looked to see if they could see anyone through the window of the cockpit and they saw two pilots, luckily they were still breathing but looked to be in very bad shape.

Now they had to look inside moving to the door which they had no idea on how to open so they did their best with no success. That's when they heard someone moving inside and trying to open the door, they immediately tried to open the door once again. To the luck of the person on the other side they were able to open the door, and they got to see who was on the other side.

They were men in uniforms they didn't recognize, they didn't seem like huntsmen or huntresses, they didn't look like Atlas military either which they were thankful for. They couldn't leave these people here they had to do something, who knows maybe they would do the same for them.

The leader of group took charge and started telling everyone what to do, "Alright guys lets help these guys out, take everyone out of the downed airship and lets get going immediately." Everyone looked at each other and proceeded to grab them and drag the soldiers out. After thirty minutes of dragging the soldiers out they realized they wouldn't be able to carry them all the way back.

"Damn it, I need someone to head back and get a vehicle so we can take these guys back home." everyone looked at each other to debate who would run all the way back home to get a vehicle. "I'll do it" Said a female fox Faunus the only noticeable trait of being a Faunus was her ears.

"Thanks for volunteering Rosa, remember don't stop running till you get there we don't want you getting surrounded by Grimm, now get going." Pointing towards the area of the Village is at, she quickly nodded and started running over there.

Soon enough an hour passed they had checked the conditions of everyone on the airship, all of them where injured but they should make it, they took their weapons and anything that they looked like they could carry. They seemed to have patches especially one of a flag that they didn't seem to recognize.

Soon enough Rosa had returned with a truck that looked pretty old but seemed to be functional enough to carry them. They put them in the back and started heading back home, surrounding the truck in a square formation, to protect the sides and the front.

After hours of walking they had made it back and quickly pulled them out of the back truck, of course everyone in the village had seen and got curious to who where the people they were carrying towards their small hospital.

Soon enough they started treating their injuries but now they would have to wait for them to wake to figure out who these people where and what they were doing all the way out here.


Hours had passed since they had recued these people but they have yet to wake up, they didn't want to touch their weapons as they didn't want to cause any trouble with them incase they were really touchy about that.

After a while of waiting one of them started waking up of course they were being kept of the general population just incase they decided to cause trouble for them. As well as being guarded by two hunters who live in the village, one of them took notice and went to tell their mayor.

The soldier looked around seeing all his buddies under medical support after their ride had a bad day, standing up he quickly realized he wasn't in his uniform anymore he went to check on everyone else. They seemed to be alright which came as a relief to him.

While checking on his buddies someone walked in behind him followed in by the two huntsmen, "I would like to ask who you are and what you are doing all the way out here." The soldier turned around and looked at the old man he was caught by surprise by his appearance, he had antlers on his head along with the others, one having a dogs tail and the other having scales all over his body.

"Oh what the hell did we get ourselves into this time" looking around for a weapon but he was out of luck as there didn't seem to be anything to help him. "Shit I need you to answer my questions first, who the hell are you and why are you cosplaying!?" backing up not knowing what else to say to them.

"I don't know what cosplaying is but if it helps you calm down I am the one in charge of this village my name is Hudson, and these two besides me are Hunters of this villages. My people who were hunting for food found your crashed airship and decided to bring you back here to help you so I would like you to not cause us any trouble." Hudson seemed to try his best to calm the man down which seemed to work.

"Uh yeah, sorry about that I'm Seargent Raptor of the United States Army and I'm thankful for your help saving our asses from that crash but I need one more question answered, Why do you have antlers or animal tails and ears?" Raptor had no idea how word his question so he just bluntly said it.

Hudson was surprised that he had no idea what a faunas is "We are Faunas, how do you not know that? We have been around as long as human on Remnant since the beginning." Raptor quickly went into thought as he processed the information he was given.

"So there are two types of intelligent life on this planet, looks like I need to get this information back to command" Those words quickly reached the ears of Hudson and the ears of the Huntsman.

"What do you mean by two types of intelligent life on 'this planet'? this quickly caught the attention of Raptor making him try to think of so many excuses but he knew none of them would work.

"Me and my buddies over here came from a portal to protect our homeland from these creatures as they had attacked and killed thousands of civilian which didn't come off as friendly so we decided to kill them." Hudson was quiet for a moment, it made sense since he had no clue what a Faunas is.

The others soon enough started waking up and looking around to figure out where they were, they quickly took notice of the three people standing in front of them and their features. They looked to Raptor for any condolence on what the hell was going on.

"Alright guys stay calm and I'll explain everything to you but first we want our weapons and armor, I understand if you don't trust us but we mean no harm to you or anyone else." Hudson nodded and lead them towards where their weapons where stored.

Soon enough they were all geared up, as well as filled in with all the information they needed thanks to Raptor soon enough they were walking around which caught the eye of the civilians around them, that of course made the soldiers nervous.

Going into a private room where the soldiers and Hudson could talk to each other in private without causing a scene, the soldiers still needed some questions answered.

"What are you guys doing all the way out here in a small village with little to no defenses?" Raptor asked as he was curious to get any little information on others.

"Well most of these people here are Faunus and they didn't like the discrimination they faced back in the Kingdoms or the way the laws worked over there. The Faunus have faced all types of discrimination especially in the Kingdom of Atlas, there is all kinds of discrimination that these people have faced that some humans refuse to see that we are both the same." The Soldiers looked at each other knowing that even in a different world the problems of discrimination continues no matter what.

"We understand how your people feel, back in our world the discrimination and genocide between humans who are the same continues, they would kill each other just for some blind cause that will bring no change other than hate between them, making the cycle a continuous blood bath." Hudson looked at them in surprise as they seemed to know their knowledge on such things.

"We don't have any reason to discriminate against your people for all we see is just normal people trying to live their lives without a problem, I also want to inform you that our Military is most likely mobilizing forces to recover us so it wouldn't be long before they arrive here." Hudson was caught by surprise by the last part as he was scared to what they would do to his fellow villagers.

"What? I hope you can convince them not to hurt my people they have done nothing wrong!" Raptor quickly realized his mistake.

"Hudson they wont hurt you or your people as long as you don't attack them or try to hold us hostage nothing bad will happen." This of course made Hudson relax.

"Well I hope all goes fine without any conflict between our people." Their chat came to an end as the sound of an explosion rocked the ground. The soldiers quickly prepared for combat, a Hunter from before burst into the room "We are under attack by Ravens tribe!"

Hudson quickly stood up and started running out, the soldiers quickly followed behind. "Who the hell is this Raven Tribe and what the hell do they want with your village!?" They stepped outside to see fire all around them as Ravens tribe members have managed to breach the walls.

"They are a group of murderers who raid villages for their resources though they try attacking smaller villages so it goes unnoticed, they are also led by their leader Raven they have also been testing our the defenses of the wall and it seems they found a weakness in it and have finally decided to attack!"

"We will lend you our support, we will give it our all to help protect your people from these people." Hudson had looked at them with hope as he had none considering their village was weak compared to the tribe.

"Now lets go!, We've got a village to protect lets double time it!" Raptor and the others quickly moved towards the fighting.


To Be Continued