
Chapter 1

The U.S. had broken into a civil war, due to the toxic political landscape that both parties had created. The people let their hate grow by blinding themselves to believe that they are the moralistic party. The U.S. Military continuously tried to keep the peace but both parties were continuously making it worse, the Democrats called for UN intervention while the Republicans called fir the people to take arms against the communist democrats that will take your rights away.

The Military had enough of both parties and their hate for one another, both parties made sure to cause as much chaos and death as possible for each other trying to get the upper hand with their militias. The military had decided it had enough and had broken off from the government, the U.S. Military had more support from the people than the parties.

The military made quick work of militia on both sides as well as any military that had defected to any side. Even though the civil war only lasted next to 2 years it came at a cost, the parties thoughts on being morally right made many militia men on both sides kill innocents in the name of being morally right.

The U.S. Military started cracking down on greedy and corrupt politicians on both sides, they were all put on trial and most of them were found guilty and executed. The military made sure to trial all from government employees to corrupt businesses and news outlets, as well as leaders of militia groups.

As 2 years passed the U.S. Military Junta made sure to slowly implement election starting from the smallest choice being state and slowly moving up to federal, while the military keeps an eye on them making sure they don't try anything and make sure they aren't corrupt.

Of course thanks to the neglect of the outside world the U.S. was behind what was going on, the world was split on invading the U.S. as the UN wanted to send troops in to set in order while some old U.S. Allies as well as an old enemy refusing knowing that it would cause more damage than benefit for them.

Nations that were in support for the invasion of the U.S. was the PRC(China), Germany, France, Spain, Greece, Austria, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, the Norwegian countries (Except Finland), Italy, Iran, South America, Mexico, Central America, and most other unaccounted countries

The Nations against the invasion of the U.S. were Russia, Mongolia, Japan, South Korea, Poland, Finland, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Bulgaria, the UK, Ireland, Canada and India as well as Taiwan but they weren't allowed to participate.

This of course didn't go unnoticed by the U.S. as they immediately started mobilizing their troops, the U.S. Military had more volunteers than ever before, 2.5 million in active service while 1.5 million were in reserve. As the United States became more stable and the people became proud patriotic Americans, as the civil war showed them the truth that they were being manipulated.


In Washington D.C. a huge portal had appeared, causing authorities of State and Federal level to quickly take notice and surround the portal. Soon enough creatures started to emerge from the portal which quickly alerted the State and Federal officers, the creatures attacked as soon as they saw human civilization.

In 2 hours D.C. had become a combat zone, as police fought off the dark creatures with bones armor. Police had quickly armed themselves with shotguns and rifles along with activating SWAT teams, and armoring themselves. The whole of D.C. looked like an apocalypse movie, as building where on fire, smoke rose into the air, chaos all around and gunshots in the distance.

Civilians were being evacuated as fast as they could, but efforts were slow as the creatures continued to overrun positions. Police helicopter flew overhead and fired upon the red eyed creatures, but where constantly attacked by huge flying red eyed crows who shot feathers out of their wings.

In the streets of D.C. police and SWAT teams moved to clear building and streets but were constantly under attack by small hordes of the dark creatures. The White House was under siege by the creatures, the President was unable to be evacuated as the huge flying birds held the air, Secret Service along with Police fought off the creatures.

Soon enough the Military would arrive with the heavy firepower, Marines and Army quickly took to the ground and started eliminating the creatures, the Air force quickly blew the huge flying birds out of the sky.


2:37 PM Eastern Time - February 12, 2025 / Washington DC / Operation Recover

3 Military JLTV's passed by zooming through the empty destroyed roads of DC, While in the sky Black Hawks, Apaches and fighter jets flew over the now clouded sky. The Marines soon arrived to their location and dismounted, passing by them were 4 M1A3 Abrams one of the Abrams quickly fired its 120mm smooth bore cannon at an elephant looking black creature, quickly eliminating it.

3 JLTV's zoom by in the streets of D.C, A Marine looks out the window of his vehicle to see the clouded sky with the scene of burning skyscrapers and homes.

"Holy shit this is something out of an apocalypse" this comment made the other marines look out the window of their vehicle.

The vehicle soon came to a stop and they quickly dismounted the vehicle, "Alright everyone we got civilians to rescue from whatever the hell these creatures are, now lets move it!" In front of them was the Washington memorial, Chinooks and Stallion type helicopter flew by them as they quickly made way to evac civilians out of harms way.

The Marines quickly made way to a commanding officer to see where they are needed, the Sgt in charge quickly found an officer to report in, "Colonel!" Saluting him "Luna squad reporting in where are we needed sir?"

"Good to see you Sargent, I need your squad to get to the Arlington memorial bridge, we got to protect that bridge at all cost, there are still plenty of civilians in need of crossing the river, we've already lost most of the memorial bridges, we've already got Tanks, Anti Air Units and squads of Marines over there but we need you to get to the other side of the bridge and hold the line there and protect any civilians."

The Map of DC was marked with tons of X's and circles signaling lost positions and hold outs, the Main city was under attack but unlike the main city, the other side of the bridge was a hell hole it was completely in chaos civilians fleeing their homes and buildings being destroyed.

The Sargent saluted and left along with his Marines they quickly mounted their vehicles and headed towards Arlington Memorial Bridge, "Alright men we need to hold the bridge at all cost, Ronald Reagan National Airport has been evaced but they couldn't get everyone out, so they had to get everyone to go through the bridge as the Airport was going to be overrun."

The Marines were ready for a fight, as no one fucks with the United States of America!

As they arrived at the bridge Luna squad saw the tanks, AA units and other Marine squads firing at the black creatures flying above, or trying to cross the bridge.

The Sgt dismounted his vehicle, "I'm Sargent Valdez, I need to know who the hell is in charge here" talking to one of the Marines who quickly pointed him to a Lieutenant "That's Lieutenant Wash he's in charge" Valdez quickly moved to speak with the Lieutenant

"Lieutenant, My squad has been instructed by the Colonel to move across this damn bridge" the Colonel looked at him and quickly spoke.

"Well get your asses moving across the bridge! Rhino 1-1 will tag along to support your squad, now move it!" The Sgt mounted up and their JLTV's started moving to cross the bridge.

"This Rhino 1-1, we are moving in first and you follow behind Luna Squad" the Sgt picked up the radio "Roger that Rhino 1-1"

Halfway through crossing the bridge the Marines were being attacked by some of the huge flying black creatures. The .50 cal gunners quickly took aim and fired at them, quickly taking them down as the bullets pierced them with ease.

Arriving at the other end they were met with a elephant looking creature just like the one from before, the Abrams quickly killed it by firing and APFSDS round. The Marines along with Rhino 1-1 made a perimeter on the other side of the bridge, setting up sand bags and getting in position for any attack from those creatures.

The Sgt radioed in to HQ reporting in their success in capturing the other side of the bridge along with currently protecting it from any further attacks.

The military quickly broadcasted a new safe way for civilians to move towards the evac point. Soon enough civilians started driving or walking towards the area as some roads were blocked by abandoned vehicles.

Of course the civilians on the run continuously attracted some of those creatures towards their location but they were always easily killed. Soon enough the Military started descending upon the creatures as the Air Force, Army and Marines eliminated the creatures from the main area of D.C. and now pushing across Potomac River.

Rescuing civilians who were still left on the western side of D.C. after a day full of combat and death the Armed forces had managed to eliminate the creatures from all of D.C and managed to push towards the portal where they have been coming through from.

The U.S. Government immediately took action as they didn't want anything like that to happen again as it ended with thousands of civilian casualties.

The government quickly had a gate surround the huge portal to stop any more of those creatures from crossing.

Soon enough the nation wanted retribution so the Military soon enough went in to kill and eliminate these creatures along with figuring out what the hell was on the other side of this portal.

The world stood watching to see what would happen but to also see what will work in their favor to bring the United States down.


To Be Continued

Well to whoever reads this, i'll try updating this whenever I can as I am busy most of the time, so please enjoy this

GermanWolfSwatcreators' thoughts