
Chapter 2

Once the battle was said and done the United States quickly mobilized all forces towards the portal in which those beasts came through. Now was the time they would strike back against those bastards who had come to their land to wreck havoc on it.

Now the United States would make a move on this evil that had struck them at their core, this will be the first strike against this unknown enemy of hell. There will be no mercy for those monsters, with hundreds of thousands of forces preparing to venture out to the other side of this portal along with scientist to replicate the portal and to find out what powers it.

The US Military has prepared its forces, both Marines and Army are going to be sent along with each other to grab a hold of whatever was across that portal. The Army and Marine would be supported by attack helicopters as the portal is as big as a 4 story building and a wide as a whole city block.

Soon enough everything was greenlighted and the troops started moving towards the portal, not knowing if they would come home just like every soldier who went to war. This war is one for the history books where the Americans would once go out of their own country to fight and protect the people's freedoms.


As soon at they arrived to the other side of the portal it would seem as they arrived at a forest where there seem to be nothing but trees for mile on end. The Army and Marines quickly moved to build defenses and clear the way for Armor and Helicopters to come through, Soon enough they were under attack by waves of those dark monsters.

The Marines and Army would quickly repel them and continue working on making way for the Armor and the helicopters. After hours of fighting and working to clear a path, they were finally able to clear a big enough area for Armored and Aerial support to come through which made the job much easier.

Their next job would be for the troops to clear the area so they can start the construction of a base on their side of the portal in order to secure the protection of the people on the other side. 2 days would pass and the military members on the other side would be on a continuous war against the dark creatures but for every battle the creatures would start to dwindle in numbers but the more time spent fighting the American soldiers the more the Americans would be reinforced with more equipment from the other side of the portal.

Soon enough it was an impenetrable defense with mortars, artillery, .50 caliber machine guns, anti-tank guns, barbed wire, trenches, sandbags and entrenched Armor and soldiers. Along with Air support made it impossible for those creatures to do a single thing without being blown to bits.

The Military was having a blast as this would be a great testing ground for their military hardware as there were dark creatures that were expendable and nobody would care about them. They would also be expanding the defense as they wanted to use the land to build a base, maybe even the biggest base known around Earth.


A month passes the Military continue surveying the area, those creatures occasionally try attacking the increasingly growing military base with no success. The Military had finally finished construction on an Airbase to offer better air support and survey the area for any possible signs of civilization.

Now was the moment every military general was waiting for, the chance to see if there were any signs of civilization around this worlds surface. If there were any signs of civilization out here then it would be one for the history books that would interest humanity.


Soon enough the U2 spy plane had found a city, a not so lively city anymore. The pilots best deduction was that those creatures where able to overwhelm their defenses and bring down the city. The Pilot made sure to get footage of this city, the city was a sad sight to see it reminded him of the civil war, where the cities were turned to rubble as the war grew bloody.

The pilot hoped that some people at least made it out alive from that terror of those endless creatures. Getting his mind back to the mission he made sure to keep looking for any civilization that was still living, it didn't take much time before he found another city. One surrounded by mountains which made it harder for those creatures to traverse through which made sense to as what he saw below him, it was a thriving city that the Military would be happy to hear about.

Soon enough the U2 Spy plane headed back to base, as soon as the U2 spy plane arrived on base he immediately gave a report on his findings which quickly caught the attention of the general in charge.


A Black Hawk helicopter with 8 Army soldiers 2 pilots and a chopper gunner where flying back from a mission trying to investigate the area for any type of hordes of those creatures though they came up with nothing.

While flying back the Black Hawk was ambushed by four nevermore, with no air support the helicopter would soon be overwhelmed. The chopper would make sure they would not go down without a fight, firing the minigun taking two of the nevermore's down. The two nevermore's shot their feathers at the Black Hawk one of them missed while the other got a hit on the Black Hawks tail making it the Black spin out of control and descend to the ground.

Soon enough two F-16's shot down the nevermore's and radioed back for support on the crashed down Black Hawk. soon enough the whole base was on high alert to get troops on the way to get those men back home safe.


The Black Hawk spinning out of control had everyone holding on for dear life as none of them wanted to be flung out. The pilots doing their best to get the Black Hawk back on track but with no success so now they just tried softening the landing for all of them. The time in the out of control Black Hawk felt like it lasted for hours but soon enough the Black Hawk hit the ground with the loudest crashing sound any of them ever heard before being knocked out.


Opening his eyes and looking around he was still inside the Black Hawk, he tried standing up but he was too out of balance after all of the spinning, so he fell to his knees and crawled to the helicopters door and tried opening it. Unfortunately he was to out of it to open the helicopters door, so he lied down on the floor awaiting for help.

After a while of laying on the floor losing consciousness he heard someone trying to open the door so he tried to grab onto the door to help them but after all the action that went down he fell down exhausted, tired and injured. The door opened and he saw someone, he couldn't tell if it was his own or not but soon enough he started getting a better view of them. It looked like they had animal ears and tails but he couldn't tell if he was imagining it, even then he reached his hand out to ask for help but his injuries and exhaustion got to him and soon enough he fell unconscious.


To Be Continued