
RWBY: The Tale Of Ash Grey

A young man who lived an average life died at the hands of Truck-kun finds himself reincarnated in a world that is different from his original world. Now he has to not only survive, but to also thrive in this new world. No deity to explain to him the reason for his reincarnation, and no gifts were given to him in the beginning, just his knowledge of future events and whatever knowledge that he accumulates during his journey towards achieving his goals. Author's Note: I do not own RWBY or any of its characters. RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth, but the OC Characters are owned by me.

Ash_Grey_858 · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: See You Later

Timeskip: 6 Years Later

Location: Village Gates

Ash's POV

Ash: "Well, this is it huh?"

I said in a sad tone.

I was currently standing at the village gates where all the villagers are saying their farewells to me while some of them struggling to not cry in front of me.

You see, in this world, a person only celebrates their birthdays three times in their lifetime.

I think it has something to do with the constant danger of Grimm roaming around the world or something like that.

At the age of 5, you are considered as part of a community, at the age of 10, you are considered as a teen, and at the age of 15, you are now considered as an adult.

And last week was my 3rd birthday, which means that I am now allowed to leave outside the village to choose my own path.

Right now, I just stood there and watch as the villagers, who I have considered as a second family, praying for my wellbeing.

Yup, some things never change.

Father, the teacher, and Sister Marigold then walked towards me and said their goodbyes as well.

Ash: "Hello teacher, I just wanted to say that I am grateful for teaching this me everything you know. And for that, I thank you."

I showed my hand for a handshake, in which he respond in kind.

I then gave him a hug after thanking him.

He returned the hug and said.

Father: "Till this day, I still never would've thought that one day, I would be the one who would teach the son of our god. This old man is truly grateful to have you in this humble village. But, I guess it is time for this old man to say goodbye to you as well."

He said in a said tone as we separated from the hug.

I smiled and placed my right hand on his left shoulder.

Ash: "Teacher, this isn't a goodbye. You only say goodbye when you leave this world for good. I think the more appropriate response is, see you later."

His eyes widened a bit and then let out a small laugh.

Father: "I guess you are right. It does sound a bit better than saying goodbye."

I nodded, then I let go of his shoulder and look to my left to see a teary eyed blond woman carrying something that's been wrapped in cloth in her arms.

She looks like she also wanted a hug too.

I just sighed as I open my arms for her.

And in a blink of an eye, she pounced at me and wrapped her right arm around my neck as she cried at my shoulder.

I just wrapped my right arm on her waist as I patted her back to comfort her.

Marigold: "*Sniff* I-I gonna *Sniff* miss you..."

Ash: "Yeah yeah, I know. I'm gonna miss you too. So please smile for me okay. You look prettier when you do."

She gently pulled away her head from my shoulder and looked at me with her teary blue eyes and a smile on her face.

Marigold: "I can tell your gonna break a lot of hearts in your journey. You better not be toying with innocent maidens hearts you hear me young man?"

She warned me as she pulled back her right arm to wipe away her tears.

I just smiled as I just give her a soft pat on the head.

Ash: "Wouldn't dream of it sister."

After she wiped away her tears, she then gave me the thing that she was carrying and I took it.

I inspected the thing that what I safely assume as a parting gift and she said.

Marigold: "Open it after you're far away from the village okay?"

I just smiled and nodded, then put the package inside my bag.

I then looked at Father, Sister Marigold, and the other villagers for one last time, and without a word, I started walking away from the village.

I took a couple of feet away and decided to give them one more message.

I turned around, smiled and said to them loudly.


That was the last straw as all of them started crying their eyes out as they also responded with 'WE LOVE YOU TOO!' and 'SEE YOU LATER ASH!'.

I just smiled and wave in response.

Ash: 'Don't worry guys, we'll surely meet again in the future.'

I then left to go back to meet one last person before I embark on my journey.

Location: Domain Of Light

Third Person POV

It was the middle of the afternoon, and at the center of the white pool stood the God Of Light who seems to be waiting for someone.

That someone was the story's protagonist, Ash Grey, as he just finished climbing the stairs and goes towards the white pool.

With the help of his magic, Ash walked towards his father without getting himself submerged into the water.

GOL turned around as he was now face to face with the one who he calls son.

Despite being 15 years of age, he looks like as if he is 18 years old.

He was currently wearing a black vest, an iron chest plate, two iron bracers, brown leather pants, iron greaves, and leather boots.

With his light brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a body that would make Olympic athletes cry in shame, GOL can tell that he would have more than one daughter-in-law in the near future.

GOL: "Ash Grey, from the beginning, you were only just an infant that I've found nearby my domain, but as time passes, you have truly grown up into a fine young man. I am proud of the man who I call my son."

Ash nods in response.

He placed his bag to the side and said to his father.

Ash: "Well, I should be thanking you as well father. If it weren't for you, this wouldn't be possible."

GOL just shook his head and respond.

GOL: "Nonsense. It was your own sheer determination that help you strive into becoming more than what you are now."

During Ash's childhood, he religiously followed his training regime until the age of 15.

This resulted in him capable of bizarre feats such as killing a normal human with just one lethal punch, run and react faster than a speeding arrow, tank multiple hits from a pissed off Goliath, and lift up said Goliath with his bare hands.

For his Magic, well, if he wanted, he is now capable of nuking a large town or a pack of Grimm with a single fireball spell.

Not only that, but he can also do chantless and wand/staffless Magic as well.

GOL: "Alright, enough of the formalities. Are you ready my child?"

Ash nodded.

GOL: "Then have you decided what your blessing would be?"

There was an ancient tradition in the village.

When a person is now 15 years of age, they visit the GOL to seek his blessing.

It could be anything from safe travels to good fortune.

But it all comes down to if the GOL would give you his blessing or not.

But in Ash's case, because he is GOL's son, he can choose one blessing of his desire.

Ash: "I have."

Ash was planning to ask for the Silver Eyes from GOL.

That way, he can safely travel the world without the Grimm being a nuisance to him on his journey.

But he needed to carefully choose his words on his request without directly telling GOL about the eyes, or else there's a chance that he would be suspicious.

Ash looked directly at GOL's non-existing eyes and said.

Ash: "Father, when I was young, I was taught of the importance of both light and darkness. That both forces should be perfectly in balance in order for all creation to prosper. But the thing is, I was only taught about the first half of the balance, but I have little to no knowledge about the other half. My first objective is to learn both light and darkness so I can proceed to my next objective. But to do so, I need a teacher who could let me learn about the darkness. And who better to learn the darkness than the God Of Darkness himself. But his domain, its infested with his creation, the Creatures Of Grimm. Even with all of my skills, just approaching the domain itself is suicide. So Father, I would truly appreciate it if you would bless me with the power to help me successfully navigate the Land Of Darkness. If your okay with it of course."

GOL went silent for a whole minute, which made the young man worried that he might find something suspicious.

Luckily, his worries we all for naught as GOL said.

GOL: "Hmm, that is a very interesting request. But may I ask, why didn't you just ask me for safe passage towards my brother's domain?"

Ash shook his head and said.

Ash: "If I were to ask you that, then it would not only defeats the purpose of learning new experiences in my journey, but it would also be very disrespectful to uncle if I just ask for his guidance without experiencing hardship. Also, I wanted to make a good first impression to uncle."

GOL was a bit a bit surprised by his son's request, but after think for a bit, he nodded in acknowledgement.

GOL: "Well, you are not wrong. I can already see my brother saying something in the lines of you being not worthy or something like that. Very well, my child. I shall give you my blessing."

GOL faced his left palm towards Ash as the young man was completely submerged into the white pool.

Ash, while holding his breath, just let his father do his thing without struggling because he believed that GOL would not harm him intentionally.

Then all of a sudden, a pillar of light appeared to where Ash was submerged into.

GOL: "I, the God Of Light, bless you with the power to repel the darkness in your journey. Your eyes shall be the same as my own. This blessing of mine will act as a counter against the forces of darkness, while at the same time, a symbol. A symbol that shows that you are an ally of the light. From this day forth, you shall be known as Ash Grey, the Silver Eyed Warrior!"

The light pillar then disappeared as Ash slowly rose back to the surface.

Ash then opened his eyes and looked at his reflection in the pool which revealed his silver eyes.

In his mind, he was celebrating like a guy who finally just had conversation with his crush for the first time.

He can now finally travel across the world without getting constantly tailed by Grimm.

The young man looked at GOL and smiled.

Ash: "Thanks father. With this, I will finally feel a little more safe in my journey."

Ash the decided to give his father a hug, in which GOL responded in kind.

Ash: "I love you father. I'm gonna miss you."

GOL: "I love you too my child. I will miss your presence as well."

The two continued their hug for a couple of minutes, and after that they say their farewells and Ash left the domain as proceeds to his first destination.

The young man knew this journey wouldn't be easy, he can easily tell that there's gonna be a lot of challenges on the way.

But with the help of his meta knowledge, his magic, and GOL's blessing, he was prepared for anything that the world is going to throw at him.

This journey would be marked as the beginning of his tale.

The tale of the man who achieved greatness through hardship.

The Tale of Ash Grey.

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Just tell me any grammar or spelling errors in the chapter.

And as always, have a good day/night!

Ash_Grey_858creators' thoughts