
RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Oscar pine was chosen for manything, the last thing he expected was to have what is it called oh or right, a system yeah he didn't expect that he just hopes this is the craziest thing to happen to him MC: Oscar ship: Oscar x Harem so yeah this will my own type of system with it's one rules and everything, also yeah hope people like this

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Gamer VS Maiden

As Oscar walked through the corridors of Beacon Academy, he couldn't help but think about his recent power-ups and the new allies he had summoned. His mind was occupied with thoughts of training and mastering his abilities when he was suddenly approached by Pyrrha Nikos.

"Oscar," Pyrrha called out, catching up to him. "I've been hearing about your growth and how strong you've become. I was wondering if you'd be interested in a sparring match. I've been looking for a new challenge."

Oscar paused and turned to face Pyrrha, a smile spreading across his face. "Sure, Pyrrha. I could use a good spar. Let's head to the training room."

As they entered the training room, other students gathered around, curious to see the match between the two skilled fighters. Oscar and Pyrrha took their positions, ready to begin.

"Alright, let's make this a good match," Pyrrha said, drawing her weapon, Milo, and adjusting her shield, Akouo.

Oscar nodded, pulling out the Plum Blossom Demon Sword. "Ready when you are."

The two fighters squared off, and the room fell silent in anticipation. Glynda Goodwitch stood by as the referee, raising her hand to signal the start.


Pyrrha lunged forward, her spear aimed at Oscar's midsection. Oscar parried with his sword, the clash of metal ringing through the room. Pyrrha quickly shifted her stance, switching to her shield and aiming a bash at Oscar's side.

Oscar dodged and countered with a swift slash, which Pyrrha deflected with her shield. "Impressive reflexes," Pyrrha commented, her eyes focused and determined.

"Thanks," Oscar replied, using his agility to stay on the move. "But I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."

As the battle intensified, Pyrrha activated her Semblance, Polarity, using her control over magnetism to manipulate Oscar's sword. The sword jerked in his hand, but Oscar quickly adapted, using his strength to maintain control.

"Not bad, Pyrrha. But let's see how you handle this!" Oscar shouted, activating his new fire-breathing ability. He exhaled a stream of flames, forcing Pyrrha to backflip away and shield herself.

Pyrrha's eyes widened in surprise, but she didn't falter. She launched a series of precise javelin throws, which Oscar deflected with his sword. The two fighters continued their dance of attacks and counters, neither gaining a clear advantage.

"You've really improved, Oscar," Pyrrha said, panting slightly. "But I won't hold back!"

Pyrrha charged with renewed vigor, her movements faster and more aggressive. Oscar jumped away from the attack as Pyrrha missed, her spear narrowly slicing through the air where he had been. He went for a slice with his sword, but it was blocked by Pyrrha's shield. He considered transforming into his Grimm-Human hybrid form, but with so many people watching, he wanted to keep that power a secret for as long as possible. Pyrrha leaped back, putting some distance between them.

"Not bad," Pyrrha said, her eyes glinting with excitement. "But why don't we do something more?"

As the winds picked up around her, Pyrrha activated her Maiden powers, albeit at a weaker level than when she fought the dragon. She summoned a gust of wind that whipped through the training room, causing the spectators to gasp in awe.

"Let's do this, Oscar," she challenged, her determination clear.

Oscar steadied himself, feeling the intensity of the moment. He couldn't go all out, but he needed to step up his game. "Alright, Pyrrha. Let's see what you've got."

Pyrrha moved with the speed and grace of a seasoned warrior, her attacks now augmented by her elemental abilities. She sent a whirlwind towards Oscar, forcing him to dodge to the side. The force of the wind sent him skidding across the floor, but he quickly regained his balance.

He retaliated with a burst of fire from his sword, the flames roaring towards Pyrrha. She countered with a barrier of wind, dispersing the flames harmlessly around her. The clash of elements created a spectacle that had the audience on the edge of their seats.

"You're full of surprises, Oscar," Pyrrha said, smiling despite the intensity of the fight.

"You haven't seen anything yet," Oscar replied, summoning his strength and focusing his energy.

He charged forward, using his agility to close the gap between them. Pyrrha met his attack head-on, their weapons clashing with a resounding clang. Sparks flew as Oscar's blade met Pyrrha's shield, the force of their strikes sending shockwaves through the room.

Pyrrha pushed him back with a burst of wind, but Oscar was ready. He activated his agility boost, darting around her with blinding speed. He aimed a series of rapid strikes, testing her defenses. Pyrrha blocked each one, her movements precise and calculated.

But Oscar wasn't done. He summoned his dark energy, channeling it into his sword. The blade glowed with a sinister light as he swung it towards Pyrrha. She braced herself, using her Maiden powers to reinforce her shield.

The impact was tremendous, the force of Oscar's attack causing a shockwave that rippled through the training room. Pyrrha held her ground, but the strain was evident on her face. She retaliated with a powerful gust of wind, knocking Oscar back.

Both fighters were panting, their auras flickering with exhaustion. But neither was willing to back down. They charged at each other one last time, their weapons clashing in a final, explosive strike.

The room fell silent as the dust settled. Pyrrha and Oscar stood facing each other, both breathing heavily. Finally, Pyrrha lowered her weapon and smiled.

"Well fought, Oscar. You've definitely earned my respect."

Oscar lowered his sword and nodded. "Same to you, Pyrrha. You're incredible."

The crowd erupted in applause, cheering for the two fighters. Glynda Goodwitch stepped forward, a proud look on her face.

"Excellent match, both of you. It's clear that you have both grown significantly."

As they left the training room, Oscar couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He was becoming stronger, and with his new allies and abilities, he knew he could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Oscar caught his breath, he was suddenly jumped by Ruby and Penny, causing him to slide back on the floor. He looked up to see Jaune standing next to Pyrrha.

"You did good there," Jaune said, kissing Pyrrha on the cheek. "Even though it was intense."

"Thanks, Jaune," Pyrrha replied, smiling as she remembered the kiss they shared during the attack on Beacon. She hadn't known if she would survive, but she was happy she had taken that leap. "Are you okay, Oscar?"

Oscar pushed himself up, rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish grin. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little winded."

Ruby helped him to his feet, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "That was amazing, Oscar! You and Pyrrha put on an incredible show!"

"Indeed!" Penny added, her mechanical voice filled with enthusiasm. "Your combat skills are quite impressive. I have recorded the entire match for further analysis."

Oscar chuckled, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the attention. "Thanks, Ruby. Thanks, Penny. It was a tough fight, but I learned a lot."

Jaune nodded, looking at Oscar with newfound respect. "You've really come a long way, Oscar. I'm glad to see how strong you're getting."

Oscar glanced at Pyrrha, who was still catching her breath. "Pyrrha pushed me to my limits. She's an amazing fighter."

Pyrrha smiled warmly. "You're not too bad yourself, Oscar. Keep training, and you'll be unstoppable."

As they gathered their things and started to leave the training room, Glynda Goodwitch approached them, her stern expression softening slightly. "Well done, everyone. Your progress is commendable. But remember, there's always room for improvement."

"Yes, Professor," they all responded in unison.

As the group exited the training room, Oscar couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with his friends. Despite the challenges they had faced, they were all growing stronger together. And with his new allies and abilities, he knew they could handle whatever came their way.

So you two are Oscar girlfriend. Muelsyse said looking at the group. Nice to meet Ruby and Penny, I am Muelsyse of team ASMM, You may have Hurd beacon got new students

"Yes, we're his girlfriends," Ruby said cheerfully, her eyes twinkling. "Nice to meet you, Muelsyse!"

Penny nodded, smiling brightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Muelsyse. Beacon has been buzzing about the new arrivals."

Muelsyse gave a friendly smile. "It's great to meet both of you. Our team, ASMM, is excited to be here and contribute to Beacon. Oscar has told us a lot about you two."

Ruby tilted her head curiously. "ASMM? That stands for... Artoria, Shiro, Merlin, and Muelsyse, right?"

"Exactly," Muelsyse confirmed. "We're a bit of an eclectic mix, but we work well together."

"That's awesome!" Ruby exclaimed. "I can't wait to see you all in action. Oscar's been training hard, and it looks like you all bring something unique to the table."

Penny's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Yes, it's always wonderful to meet new friends and allies. I'm sure we'll all learn a lot from each other."

Oscar joined the conversation, smiling at his girlfriends. "Yeah, these guys have been great so far. I think you'll like them."

Muelsyse nodded. "We're looking forward to getting to know everyone and seeing how we can help. Beacon has a reputation for excellence, and we're honored to be a part of it."

Ruby and Penny exchanged enthusiastic glances. "Welcome to Beacon, Muelsyse," Ruby said warmly. "We're glad to have you all here."

"Indeed," Penny added. "Let's make the most of our time together and work towards our common goals."

As the conversation continued, Oscar felt a sense of contentment. Despite the challenges ahead, he knew that with friends like Ruby, Penny, and his new teammates, they could face anything that came their way.

Meanwhile in Salem thrown room, she was seating as she was working on a new Grimm as she hurd footsteps as she turned her head to see Adam.

Oh your alive. Salem said her looks at Adam. I thought you died in beacon sense no one could find you.

"Alive and well," Adam said with a slight bow, his voice filled with an eerie calm. "I managed to escape before things got too heated. Beacon was... enlightening, to say the least."

Salem's gaze sharpened, her interest piqued. "Do tell, Adam. What did you discover that was so enlightening?"

Adam straightened, his eyes reflecting a mixture of frustration and determination. "Beacon is more formidable than we anticipated. Their students are skilled, and their defenses are strong. But there's more... something peculiar about one of their students. Oscar Pine."

"Oscar Pine," Salem repeated, her fingers pausing over her work. "What about him?"

"He's... different," Adam said, choosing his words carefully. "He exhibited abilities I've never seen before. Abilities that seem to transcend the norm, even for a Huntsman in training."

Salem leaned back in her throne, considering Adam's words. "Interesting. What sort of abilities?"

Adam clenched his fists, the memory of his encounter with Oscar fueling his anger. "He transformed during the battle. Not just into a more powerful version of himself, but into something... otherworldly. It's as if he tapped into a power beyond our understanding."

Salem's eyes narrowed, a calculating look crossing her face. "This Oscar Pine might be a key player in the battles to come. We must learn more about him and his abilities. His power could either be a significant threat or a valuable asset."

Adam nodded. "What are your orders, my lady?"

Salem smiled, a cold, dangerous smile. "Keep an eye on him. Gather as much information as you can. And if the opportunity arises, capture him. I want to know everything about this Oscar Pine and the source of his power."

Adam bowed again, a sinister determination in his eyes. "Consider it done."

One more thing. Adam said looking at her. By any chance did you have a childe

At that Moment a blade went flying as it cut Adam checks a bit, as blood flow from before ti stopped salem red eyes meet Adam eyes.

Explain. Salem siad looking at him. Why did you ask after telling me about this Oscar

Adam gritted his teeth, wiping the blood from his cheek, but maintained his composure. "During my fight at Beacon, Oscar transformed into something...different. It was a Grimm-Human hybrid. It reminded me of you, Salem."

Salem's eyes flashed with a mixture of fury and curiosity. "A Grimm-Human hybrid, you say?" she repeated, her voice dangerously soft. "Explain further, Adam."

Adam took a cautious step back, sensing the volatile nature of the situation. "When we fought, Oscar's appearance changed. He exhibited abilities unlike anything I've seen from a normal human or Huntsman. His transformation was almost...Grimm-like. It made me wonder if he has some connection to you."

Salem's expression hardened, her mind racing through possibilities. "A Grimm-Human hybrid would indeed be a significant development," she mused aloud, her voice taking on a thoughtful tone. "But it raises many questions. How did he obtain such a power? Why is he at Beacon now?"

Adam remained silent, waiting for her to continue. Salem's eyes bore into his, her fury subsiding into a cold resolve. "You must find out more about this Oscar Pine. If he possesses the power of both Grimm and human, he could be a crucial part of my plans—or a dangerous threat that must be eliminated."

Adam nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "I will uncover the truth, my lady."

Salem's gaze softened slightly, though her demeanor remained imposing. "And Adam," she added, her voice dropping to a deadly whisper, "if he truly has a connection to me or the Grimm, bring him to me alive. I will decide his fate."

With a final bow, Adam turned and left the throne room, the weight of his new mission pressing heavily on his shoulders. Salem watched him go, her thoughts consumed by the possibility of Oscar's unique abilities and the implications it carried for her quest for power.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones so yeah bye