
RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Oscar pine was chosen for manything, the last thing he expected was to have what is it called oh or right, a system yeah he didn't expect that he just hopes this is the craziest thing to happen to him MC: Oscar ship: Oscar x Harem so yeah this will my own type of system with it's one rules and everything, also yeah hope people like this

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Others
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55 Chs

new team

So which world are you from. Oscar said looking at Merlin. I think we all wanna know

Merlin grinned mischievously, twirling their staff with a flourish. "Ah, my dear summoner, the answer to that question is not as straightforward as you might think. You see, I am a being of many worlds, traversing the realms of fantasy and imagination."

Their eyes sparkled with arcane knowledge as they continued, "In one world, I am the enigmatic mage of Camelot, adviser to kings and wielder of great magic. In another, I may be a wandering trickster, stirring up chaos wherever I go. And in yet another, I could be a humble scholar, studying the secrets of the universe."

Merlin's words were as cryptic as ever, leaving the group intrigued and slightly bewildered by the enigmatic figure in their midst. As they pondered the mysteries of Merlin's origins, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the adventures that lay ahead.

Anyway. Artoria said looking at him. Do you know the name Arthur.

Yes my students, my king. Merline said looking at her. Why do you ask.

You see you may know me by this name. Artoria said clearing her throat. I am Arthur Pendragon, king of Camelot, and king of Knight.

Merlin's eyes widened in shock as he processed Artoria's revelation. "Arthur Pendragon, you say? But... you're a woman?" The words spilled out before he could stop himself, his confusion evident.

Artoria nodded solemnly. "Yes, I am Arthur, the king of Camelot and the wielder of Excalibur."

Merlin's expression shifted from disbelief to understanding, though traces of astonishment lingered. "I see... Fate works in mysterious ways, indeed."

The group exchanged bewildered glances, the gravity of the moment sinking in as they grappled with the implications of Artoria's true identity. With the legendary king in their midst, their journey took on a new significance, promising challenges and revelations beyond imagination.

Still what was other me thinking. Merlin said looking at Artoria. Your way to young to run a Kingdom, let alone got to war agent vortiger, or Attila, I am sorry for my other self. Merlin said looking at her.

Artoria's expression softened, understanding the weight of Merlin's words. "Thank you, Merlin. Your concern is appreciated, though I've long grown accustomed to such comments."

Merlin nodded, his gaze thoughtful. "Regardless, you've proven yourself as a capable leader, regardless of age or gender. Your deeds speak volumes."

Artoria inclined her head in acknowledgment. "Thank you for your faith in me. I shall strive to honor the legacy of Camelot and lead with integrity."

With a shared sense of camaraderie, the group's focus shifted to the challenges ahead, united in purpose and resolve.

Wow he really is different from the merlin we know. Shiro said looking at him. For first, he is actually being a good person, and not an asshole is a grand caster.

Merlin chuckled lightly, his demeanor carrying a hint of amusement. "I suppose you could say I've had a change of heart in this iteration. Perhaps it's the influence of the summoning process or merely the nature of this world. Regardless, I'm here now, and I intend to assist in any way I can."

His words carried a sense of sincerity, marking a departure from the mischievous and enigmatic persona often associated with him. As the group continued their conversation, they couldn't shake the feeling that this Merlin was indeed a different sort of mage one whose intentions seemed noble and genuine.

As they conversed further, Muelsyse interjected with a playful grin. "Well, now that we have our esteemed mage Merlin among us, shall we attempt another summoning? There's no telling what sort of fascinating characters we might encounter next."

Oscar nodded in agreement, intrigued by the prospect of bringing forth new allies from across the vast expanse of fictional worlds. "I'm ready whenever you all are. Let's see who else we can summon to aid us in our endeavors."

Maybe not. Oscar said looking at everyone. I really don't want to summon anymore today

"That's fair," Muelsyse said with a nod. "We have quite the team already. Let's focus on training and getting to know each other's strengths for now."

Oscar agreed, looking at the assembled group. "Right. We need to be prepared for whatever comes next. Ruby and the others are depending on us."

Artoria stepped forward, her gaze steady. "Then let's not waste any time. We need to coordinate our abilities and come up with strategies."

Merlin smiled warmly. "Well said, Your Majesty. Let's see what we can accomplish together."

As they moved to the training area, Oscar felt a surge of determination. With his new allies and their combined strengths, he felt more confident than ever in their ability to face the challenges ahead.

Alright let's meet you to Ozpin. As then Oscar relishing. He will have a lot of questions

Oh I can fix that. Merlin siad as he castes a speel as he turned into a 18 year old white hair guy, as his eyes glow before Turing into normal. I will just turn back my age, not like I haven't don't it before

I older look like a teen. Artoria said looking at her sword. So yeah.

Let's see. As then shiro transformed into his younger self with only white hair and golden eyes. So what about you Muelsyse I mean you already look like teen.

Muelsyse smiled. "Yes, I'm fortunate in that regard. I don't need to change anything."

Oscar nodded. "Alright, let's head to Ozpin's office then. He'll definitely have a lot of questions, and we need to make sure we're all on the same page."

The group made their way through Beacon Academy, drawing curious glances from students and faculty alike. As they reached Ozpin's office, Oscar took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in," came Ozpin's voice from inside.

Oscar opened the door, leading the group inside. Ozpin looked up from his desk, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of the newcomers. Glynda Goodwitch stood nearby, her expression equally curious.

"Oscar," Ozpin said, his gaze shifting to the others. "I see you've brought some new faces. Introductions are in order, I believe."

Oscar nodded, activating his "Loki Lies" skill to craft a believable story. "Yes, sir. These are some powerful allies I've encountered during my travels. This is Merlin, Artoria, Shiro, and Muelsyse."

Merlin stepped forward, bowing slightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Professor Ozpin. We are here to assist in any way we can."

Artoria and Shiro followed suit, introducing themselves with respectful nods. Muelsyse simply smiled and waved.

Ozpin leaned back in his chair, clearly intrigued. "And where exactly did you meet these allies?"

Oscar smiled, his lie already prepared. "I met them during a journey to remote regions outside the kingdoms. They were seeking to help combat the growing threat of Grimm and other dangers. They have unique skills and experiences that will be invaluable to our cause."

Ozpin took a sip of his coffee, considering this information. "Fascinating. And what exactly do you bring to the table, if I may ask?"

Merlin smiled. "Magic, strategy, and knowledge of ancient lore. We will help ensure the safety of this realm."

Artoria added, "Combat prowess and leadership."

Shiro simply said, "Experience in battle and tactical planning."

Muelsyse nodded. "Support and healing abilities."

Ozpin nodded slowly. "Very well. Welcome to Beacon Academy. We will certainly benefit from your presence. I look forward to seeing what we can achieve together."

As they left Ozpin's office, Oscar sighed in relief, knowing his lie had been accepted. "That went well," he muttered.

"Indeed," Merlin said with a smile. "Now, let's focus on the task at hand. There's much work to be done."

Ozpin looked at the four newcomers thoughtfully. "Your names are Artoria, Shiro, Merlin, and Muelsyse. Your team name will be Team ASMM."

Artoria nodded. "Thank you, Professor Ozpin. We will do our best to live up to the standards of Beacon Academy."

Shiro, now going by his alias Archer, gave a respectful nod. "We'll make sure to support Oscar and the rest of the students."

Merlin grinned, his youthful appearance masking his centuries of wisdom. "It's an honor to be part of Beacon. We're ready for whatever challenges come our way."

Muelsyse smiled warmly. "We are grateful for the opportunity. We'll ensure our skills are put to good use."

Ozpin leaned forward slightly, his expression serious. "I trust you will integrate well with the other students and contribute to our efforts. Welcome to Beacon Academy, Team ASMM."

As they left the office, Oscar couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The immediate hurdle had been cleared, and now they could focus on the bigger picture.

"So, what's our first move?" Archer asked, looking at Oscar.

"We need to blend in and start training together as a team," Oscar replied. "And we should be prepared for any missions that come our way. The situation with Salem isn't getting any better, and we need to be ready."

"Agreed," Artoria said, her expression resolute. "Let's get to work."

They spent the rest of the day familiarizing themselves with Beacon's layout and facilities. Training sessions were scheduled, and Oscar began to see the strengths of his new teammates. Artoria's prowess in combat was unmatched, Archer's strategic mind was invaluable, Merlin's magic was versatile and powerful, and Muelsyse's support abilities provided a much-needed safety net.

By the end of the day, Oscar felt more confident about their chances. Team ASMM was shaping up to be a formidable force.

So let me guess this corrected. Shiro siad looking at Oscar. You have 3 girlfriend.

Oscar sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, it's... a bit complicated. Ruby, Penny, and Neon."

Archer, still getting used to being called Shiro again, raised an eyebrow. "And they're all okay with this arrangement?"

Oscar nodded, a bit sheepishly. "It's been an adjustment, but yeah, they are."

Artoria crossed her arms, smiling slightly. "As long as everyone is happy and understanding, there's no issue."

Merlin chuckled, leaning against a wall. "Quite the balancing act, Oscar. You must be a very busy man."

Muelsyse smiled warmly. "Relationships can be complex, but it sounds like you're managing well."

Oscar gave a small laugh. "Yeah, it's definitely not easy, but I'm lucky to have them."

Archer smirked. "Just make sure you don't neglect your training or responsibilities. Balancing relationships and duties is crucial."

"Don't worry, I won't," Oscar assured. "We've got a lot to focus on, especially with everything going on."

Artoria placed a hand on his shoulder. "We're here to support you, Oscar. Whatever you need, we'll be there."

Oscar felt a sense of relief and gratitude. "Thanks, everyone. It means a lot

As then Oscar said looking at them, as he gets up he wonder's something.

I never check my level after defeating the snake in the demon tower. As Oscar opens his menu as he saw his new level. Will damm level 67, it is slowing down

"Level 67 already?" Archer raised an eyebrow, impressed. "You're progressing quite fast."

Oscar shrugged modestly. "I've been through a lot of challenges lately. It seems to speed up the leveling process."

Artoria nodded thoughtfully. "Just be careful not to become overconfident. Higher levels bring tougher challenges."

Merlin smirked. "And more powerful enemies. You don't want to be caught off guard."

Muelsyse chimed in, her eyes sparkling. "But with great challenges come great rewards! You never know what new abilities you might unlock."

Oscar smiled at their encouragement. "Thanks for the reminder. I won't let it get to my head."

Archer clapped him on the back. "That's the spirit. Stay focused, stay humble, and keep pushing forward."

With renewed determination, Oscar nodded. "Right. Let's keep training and preparing. We've got a world to protect."

But I wonder something. Oscar siad to him self. What did the patch of hero had. Oscar siad seeingt he option of the path of hero as it was locked and said it can't be unlockrd anymore. Is it as stronger as the monstwe path. Oscar though to him self, what he didn't knew thanks to his master and servant pack Shiro and saber heard was he siad as they started to talk to him in his mind

"Path of the Hero?" Saber's voice echoed in Oscar's mind. "That sounds intriguing. What does it entail?"

"It might offer abilities and powers tailored to enhancing your leadership and combat prowess," Shiro speculated. "Perhaps it's focused on empowering you as a central figure in battles or missions."

Oscar nodded thoughtfully. "It could be useful, especially if it enhances my abilities to lead and inspire others. But why is it locked? And why can't it be unlocked anymore?"

"I suppose there's only one way to find out," Saber remarked. "You'll have to uncover more information about it as you progress. Maybe there's a special condition or event that triggers its availability."

Shiro agreed. "For now, focus on mastering your current abilities and strengthening your bonds with your allies. The path may reveal itself in due time."

Oscar nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Thanks for the advice, both of you. I'll keep an eye out for any clues about the Path of the Hero."

"Let us know if you need any assistance," Saber offered. "We're here to support you in your journey, Oscar."

"Indeed," Shiro added. "We're all part of this team now, and we'll face whatever challenges come our way together."

Oscar smiled appreciatively. "Thanks, guys. I'm glad to have you both on my side."

With renewed determination, Oscar closed the menu and prepared to embark on his next adventure, eager to uncover the mysteries surrounding the Path of the Hero and continue honing his skills alongside his newfound companions.

To be continued.

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones