
Rupture Dimensional: A Ghost in Marvel

A universe, something strange and endearing, can have so many strange things in itself, but they never meet their peers, the cosmic forces that control it prohibit this. But, what would happen if by chance of fate four concepts from different worlds were mixed into a single universe. A famous brotherhood of assassins. Energy, from heaven and earth. A famous cartoon. And a famous urban hunter. The Marvel universe has never seen anything like it.

Chris_Mayo · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


Disclaimer, I do not own Marvel, Assassin's Creed, or the Xianxia Chinese novel genre, this work is entirely and completely non-profit, created by a fan for other fans.

Prologue 2 - Vol.1: The rise of the brotherhood.


To say that traveling two days in a row without extensive breaks was strenuous, to say the least. The pain in the body, after so many hours of inactivity, is something to take into account, everyone without exception inside the bus was quite annoyed.

From the talks to the long hours of sleep. They were the only decent bus activities they could do.

But finally, after so much, they were reaching their destination. In the distance, the beautiful landscape of the city of Yucatan greeted them like a joyous breath of joy. The sound of the station caused by hundreds of people walking dragging their suitcases of clothes caused a strange symphony of peace considering the rush with which they moved between the rows.

"Finally!" Clarence yelled with joy, as he lazily stretched his body. In an act of reflex, they all imitated the same action. Enjoying the thunder of tired bones.

"Shit, back, you have to travel by plane," Gwen retorted in annoyance as she rubbed her butt.

"Well, as I recall, you were the one who replied that it is better and cheaper to travel by bus."

David spoke with a smile enjoying the shared laughter and Gwen's angry look on him.

"It's true, you were quite annoyed with that subject and it turns out that you are the first to complain." Alex shared with a smile causing the laughter to get longer.

"Yes, yes, I get it, damn it, it's my fault, they're already happy bastards!" Angry way to the location of one of the suitcases, snatching it roughly from the hand of the station worker. "Give me that shit!"

The poor boy shrugged trying to look as small as possible as he walked away from her scared.

"She's a tip, she looks more and more like a grumpy old man, no wonder the suitors run scared after meeting her." Anderson did not forget to retort mockingly as he smiled and shook his head

Everyone else immediately stepped aside as a suitcase flew through the air.


Hitting him right in the stomach Anderson fell back to the ground with a gasp.

"I heard you, you son of a bitch!"

He walked up to them and picked up the suitcase leaving the very battered Anderson trying to find air in his lungs.

"We'd better go find a hotel and get some rest, tomorrow we'll have to inspect the site for exploration, and have someone make sure Anderson isn't dead."

David replied.

"Understood. "They all said laughing.


Yucatán, Cancun highway 120km Mérida. 29 November 2019.

"Chichén Itzá is a world-famous complex of Mayan ruins on Mexico's Yucatán peninsula. A massive stepped pyramid, known as El Castillo, dominates the 6.5 square km of the ancient city, which has prospered from around 600 AD. until the thirteenth century. Graphic stone carvings survive in structures such as the ball court, the Temple of the Warriors, and the Wall of Skulls. At night, light and sound shows illuminate the sophisticated geometry of the buildings." The guide's voice continued to flow quickly and concisely. In the small tourist car, where everyone was accompanied by several other families, everyone kept a smile along with the constant flashes of cameras everywhere.

Gwen and David, along with the others, were allowed to enjoy this tour. They wore casual clothes button-down shirts and baggy jeans, along with a straw hat, to protect themselves from the sun.

"Chichén Itzá is the best example of the migratory movements that occurred in Mesoamerica towards the Early Postclassic since it brings together material culture traits from both the Maya area and central Mexico, particularly those of Toltec descent. In addition, Chichén Itzá was the capital of a large territory in the Yucatan peninsula, led by the Mayapán league, from 987 to 1200 AD. C." Every time the guide explained something, everyone paid extreme attention, turning to take their souvenir photos. To which it was pointed out, most of the people who accompanied David and the others on this tour were foreigners.

Yes, David had to give him credit, not for nothing was he one of the 7 wonders of the world. Even for the Mexicans, who are the hosts of this one, it was more than impressive indeed no matter how many times you saw it.

"The Chichén Itzá archaeological zone is world-famous for the play of light and shadow that occurs on each equinox on the steps of the pyramidal base known as El Castillo. In this, the sun, as it rises above the horizon, illuminates the alfarda ponent of the basement, creating triangles of light and shadow that seem to descend to the serpent's head in the rudeness of the alfarda. This event, achieved from the correct orientation and inclination of the planes of the basement, shows the great level of astronomical and architectural knowledge that the Mayans possessed, and which has resulted in being one of the most studied cultures and regions around these issues, in addition to the territorial political organization and the exploitation of resources. Chronology 525 to 1200 AD. C. Main chronological location: Early Postclassic 900 to 1200 AD. C."

Having finished the tour by the tourist bus. The next part continued on foot, through the long corridors full of beautiful and colorful wildlife unique to the region.

Along the corridor, you could see the huge triangular fortress, the most famous in Mexico. Everyone around them raised the cameras with excited looks. "The Temple of Kukulkán or Pyramid of Kukulkán, is also known by the name "El Castillo", a term used by the Spanish in the 16th century, looking for some architectural similarity known on the European continent. The current temple was built in the 12th century AD. C., by the Itza Mayans in the ancient city of Chichén Itzá, was originally founded by the same Mayan people in the 6th century AD. C. in the territory belonging to the Mexican state of Yucatán."

Describing the imposing structure in words was almost impossible.

The shape and structure with which it was created are very difficult to achieve. Especially in those ancient times where technology was in many cases very poor, this kind of thing makes you wonder how is it possible?

They were able to create something like that without current knowledge.

Or is it true that our ancestors had access to secrets that we did not? The infinite question of these facts brings with it a whole mystery that, for whatever reasons, is impossible to solve. This is the main reason why the explorers, among others, decided to try to find the answers to the mystery.

"In this construction, the Mayan-Toltec god Kukulkán (Mayan language: Feathered Serpent) was worshiped, which is why serpentine motifs can be seen in the architectural decoration. On the other hand, it also has symbolisms that refer to the most important numbers used in the Haab calendar (agricultural solar calendar).

The calendar (sacred calendar) and the calendar wheel. The alignment of the pyramid construction allows you to observe various phenomena of light and shadow, which occur in your own body during the equinoxes and solstices each year."

The guide stopped for a few seconds right in front of the castle. With a smile, he pointed with his hand. xAnd finally in 1988, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared the Mayan city of Chichén Itzá as a World Heritage Site."

In the end, it was followed by a standing ovation of applause. Followed these by hundreds of flashes. Meanwhile, Gwen slowly approached David, who had fallen behind the group of people.

"Y? What do you say? Can be done?."

Glancing at him, David returned by seconds, his sight ahead. "Complicated, but not impossible."

"That's a good sign, then?"

The black-haired's gaze swept the whole place. At some points, there were guards making rounds away from the people, precisely at the entrance of Kukulkan. During the entire tour, the group had not stood idly by. They observed and measured the time of the tour of the guard, the habits and way of acting, every time they found something, they approached David discreetly like another excited tourist. One of the reasons they were famous. It is because of David's ability to find gaps in structures, a weakness that the normal eye cannot see.

Something strangely linked to the perception of him.

Finally, after he finished contemplating he returned his gaze to Gwen who was looking at him expectantly. "Tell them to get ready we have everything we need."

I look back at the excited people. "The operation has a green light."

A smile crossed Gwen's lips. "Checked in." She advanced toward the group, acting like a tourist again.

Creation is more difficult than it seems. If you like this story, do not forget to comment and leave your review, it is something important for the creators.

Chris_Mayocreators' thoughts