
Running Red

Beautiful Sophia Red is chosen as this years victim to enter the deadly forest inhabited by the Wolfmen. Within the forbidden woods, the girl has to escape from the animal that was born to chase and kill. Once a year, a female gives her life as a sacrifice in order to keep peace to save her village. This is considered an honor to many, but Sophia would rather run away not wanting to risk her life for the people who have never treated her as an equal. Unbeknownst to the beautiful girl, she has now caught the eye of a golden fur Beast who seems to be watching her from the woods since she became his chosen. ………………………………………………………………………………. "It's a long way to walk for a human." He sighed to himself looking down at her bare feet which were covered in mud. The golden eyes of his narrowed as though deep in thought to why the girl was foolish enough to hurt herself. His warm breath hit her again and she could smell the sweet peppermint that came with every word he spoke. Sophia’s eyes closed momentarily even though she was now face to face with the one being with the power to rip her to shreds. But he smelt like her favorite wild flower which surprised her with all the blood dripping down his arms. After a heavy sigh making her open her eyes, he began to walk pass her taking long strides through the woods like he knew the place very well. He didn't walk too fast for Sophia who had a sudden urge to follow the mysterious creature who seemed too gentle for her liking and she wondered if he expected her to follow. Something inside her was too curious. And she knew deep down that this could be the end of her, but she wanted to follow even though she probably could escape the Wolfmen and her village once and for all. After taking a few steps following behind him, Sophia stopped furrowing her brows shaking her head at how easily the being could distract her. She was told they smelled good and could entice which she was now falling victim to. "You hesitated." She said to the back of the muscular man who stopped abruptly turning to stare at the girl. And as his eyes met hers, Sophia felt her heart beat faster with so much force that she thought it would pump out of her chest.

bizarremidnight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Enjoying the Prey

The fresh blood dripped across the face of the creature who licked his upper lip with his long tongue. His sharp canines were aching for more food, but he had given his animal side enough for the evening and it seemed to be becoming more difficult to regain himself. It took years of practice to control himself, but he finally was able to and wished never to be in a carnal state again.

Yet his animal was becoming more annoying concerning the human he had just been watching which made him more positive that she needed to be disposed of quickly. If she was a true threat to allowing his beast to have control, it was worth taking her life.

He didn't need to be out today since he knew the woods by heart, but he had made of habit of at least seeing his chosen once around the time of sunset since she had a habit of being outside so recklessly during the night hours. She was either incredibly stupid and reckless, or maybe incredibly daring. She had a way about her that made him curious to what action she would do always surprising him and making his normal straight expression soften which he knew could be the end of him.

Other then almost approaching the forest, the young maiden would often cut wood and make a pile for the upcoming winter months which always impressed the creature. She was so small and fragile, yet she handle the axe like she had been training her whole life. The wood pieces were cut evenly which made her resourceful.

Then there were rare moments where she came outside near a trunk of a tree to read which she did often out loud. Although she was still by the border, the girl kept her distance from entering. Listening to her sweet voice was often something he looked forward to, but it was very rare when he had a chance to hear the melodious sound.

Looking at the remains of the deer he tore to pieces, he began running off at full speed to the tribe of his kind as he realized the time of day. The sun was now lowered and it meant he would most likely barley arrive at nightfall. He too lived farther away from his own village which made it easier to not be detected, but some of the Wolfmen were too interested in his whereabouts which made him more careful.

The air rushed through his thick golden fur that kept him in warm during the colder nights of the fall. Letting himself run free in this form was relieving since he found out about being picked for the chosen. His muscles felt stronger than he had in the past probably due to his training this past year.

Approaching the sight of his land, the creature began to shift into a different form.

Bones began to break sounding awfully painful, but he didn't complain allowing himself to take his human form not showing a trace of trauma from transforming.

Walking straight to a tree, he pulled a pair of pants that were designed differently than the ones the village men wore. They didn't go to the ankle, but rather stopped near his thighs.

His chest radiated heat making smoke almost appear against him due to the frosty night breeze. His warm blood continue to spread keeping me safe from the wind.

He then strode through the last of the trees standing tall with authority as he entered the Wolfmen domain. The sun had already set and he could see the different huts and cabins lit up with candles indicating that families were inside for the evening.

"You're late." Said a voice to the creatures left.

The blonde man looked over his shoulder seeing a shorter friend approaching. A low growl emerged of annoyance just wanting to finally sleep. But he knew once he closed his eyes, his mind would go back to the human cabin wondering what the girl was doing.

"Am I?" He asked in a tone so deep that the earth could shake. He continued walking toward his home with his head held high not even noticing the other individual following behind him. The man was a close friend, but tonight, he felt like ignoring him for his own sanity. His mind was going back and forth with what to do with Sophia.

"The Alpha will want to know what you've been up to. He knows you already knows about you spending so much time in the woods. He's curious if you've been having midnight snacks lately?" The bald man chuckled wishing he could have been chosen this year to chase the lowly humans to their deaths.

"I wouldn't go against the code." The blonde said in a serious tone not wanting to hear the man's voice any longer. "I'm in no mood to talk tonight Trent."

"I'm not saying you would! And I'm also not judging!" Chuckled the friend who continued to follow the authority figure. "I know some have taken a human before when it wasn't a chosen. He's just worried to upset the village men. It's just silly to waste your time studying the forest when it's easy to kill the humans."

Smirking, the blonde man opened his mouth glancing at the friend who didn't have any hair upon his head. He was short for a Wolfman and often tried to prove himself to others.

"I don't think we should worry about the village men. They are weak and useless as you said. Watching them has been quite boring. They turn into more idiots every season."

"So why continue to go Derrick? You know the forest, and you aren't snacking on any roaming humans. What's the point of visiting near their lands?" His friend asked. "Does this have to do with the last time you were chosen?"

Derrick didn't reply at first knowing how it would come across. It was inappropriate that his true desire was to watch his chosen beauty but she seemed to be calling for him and was like a temptation he had to give into. He didn't know what made this girl so interesting to him, but his instincts felt connected.

His mind thought back to her and was curious if she finally went back inside her home.

She looked guarded awake, but would she look more vulnerable with her eyes closed?

"The deer in the woods have been multiplying. I've just been controlling the population."

"Sure. Whatever you say." The friend remarked with an eye roll not leaving Derrick's side. He was far too curious.

"Don't you have someone else to annoy?" Derrick growled finally letting his annoyance show as his canines sharpened. But this only had Trent shiver due to his authority making Derrick close his eyes taking a deep breath to control his anger. He didn't like to use his authority on someone as weak as Trent.

Trent shrugged off the remark not affected by Derrick's attitude. They had been friends for years and had come to understand one another. But he realized he shouldn't bring up the nightly visits anymore after feeling the aura change. Derrick's command was becoming stronger everyday and he knew eventually it could affect their relationship.

Passing his home, Trent looked toward Derrick with a confused expression.

"Didn't you say the Alpha would be curious?" Derrick asked as he headed in the direction of their leader knowing Trent was too nervous to ask why he purposely didn't retreat into his cabin.

"Yes…" Trent said knowing the Alpha was busy and hated interruptions.

The two walked toward the center of the area walking into a bigger cabin than all the others since it was larger with an upper level. And although Trent was hesitant to enter the residence, Derrick opened the main door walking in without any care walking into the house as though he knew the place well.

Entering, they heard noises behind the bedroom door, but Derrick made himself comfortable waiting on the furniture for the Alpha to pay them a quick visit. He knew the Alpha would catch his sent and would make himself known shortly and Derrick just needed this to be over with as soon as possible.

Eventually, a tall jet black haired man with golden eyes appeared behind the bedroom door closing it shut quickly heading to the room where two of his men seemed to be waiting.

He was a bit taller than Derrick, but both men were defined and looked as though sculpted by the gods themselves. A major difference however, the Alpha radiated with more power and authority then anyone in the village even if it was only slightly compared to Derrick.

"Is she satisfied?" Derrick asked sarcastically not calling his Alpha by the correct title as his eyes eyed the bedroom door with a smirk. He assumed there was a woman behind the doors, but the Alpha did not seem affected by the remark.

The black haired man smirked at the comment knowing full well that he was well versed when it came to his women, so he really had nothing to be embarrassed about. He was a confident Alpha who never worried with arrogance radiating off him.

"Coming to my home at this hour is unusual Derrick." The Alpha drawled as he sat across the blonde haired man with his eyebrow raised. "But our relationship has always been unusual. We after all have been friends for a long time."

"I heard you have been worried about my where abouts." Derrick said bluntly relaxing in the chair looking very calm. He didn't care to play with the Alpha's comments tonight and only wished to return home and not be bothered.

The Alpha furrowed his brows not understanding Derricks words. But moving his eyes to the other guest, he notice Trent shift uncomfortably with the gaze. Suddenly, the Alpha seemed to know.

"Oh yes." The Alpha began smiling widely and his grin seemed filled with mischief. "I can't help but notice you haven't been here with your people lately. Has something interesting happened at that little cabin with the girl who lives closest to the woods?"

Derrick's eyes went wide for a fraction of a second before he masked his surprise. Trent however furrowed his brows looking between his Alpha and friend with curiosity.

"Leave Trent." The Alpha finally ordered in a stern tone making the bald man quickly disperse. Unlike with the Alpha earlier, all the laughing and happy tones were replaced with the leader of the Wolfman who had a duty to protect his people. He was the best Alpha to be blessed among them and had quite a unique personality, but, when it came to his own, the man would kill.

Trent suddenly shut the door exiting the home leaving the two men alone staring at each other in silence since neither felt obligated to speak.

"I know everything Derrick." The Alpha chuckled darkly knowing his friend wouldn't begin the conversation. "I hope you you remember she is a sacrifice for her people. You seem to care for the child too much and that could be quite a problem."

Derrick scoffed relaxing in his position looking toward the fire burning in the living room. "Just a predator enjoying his prey."

The Alpha nodded happy with the response watching Derrick with narrow eyes, but the idea that a human had caught the eye of one of his men made him imagine the fun that could come of it.

He wasn't a strict Alpha and surely loved changing the rules every once in a while.