
Running Red

Beautiful Sophia Red is chosen as this years victim to enter the deadly forest inhabited by the Wolfmen. Within the forbidden woods, the girl has to escape from the animal that was born to chase and kill. Once a year, a female gives her life as a sacrifice in order to keep peace to save her village. This is considered an honor to many, but Sophia would rather run away not wanting to risk her life for the people who have never treated her as an equal. Unbeknownst to the beautiful girl, she has now caught the eye of a golden fur Beast who seems to be watching her from the woods since she became his chosen. ………………………………………………………………………………. "It's a long way to walk for a human." He sighed to himself looking down at her bare feet which were covered in mud. The golden eyes of his narrowed as though deep in thought to why the girl was foolish enough to hurt herself. His warm breath hit her again and she could smell the sweet peppermint that came with every word he spoke. Sophia’s eyes closed momentarily even though she was now face to face with the one being with the power to rip her to shreds. But he smelt like her favorite wild flower which surprised her with all the blood dripping down his arms. After a heavy sigh making her open her eyes, he began to walk pass her taking long strides through the woods like he knew the place very well. He didn't walk too fast for Sophia who had a sudden urge to follow the mysterious creature who seemed too gentle for her liking and she wondered if he expected her to follow. Something inside her was too curious. And she knew deep down that this could be the end of her, but she wanted to follow even though she probably could escape the Wolfmen and her village once and for all. After taking a few steps following behind him, Sophia stopped furrowing her brows shaking her head at how easily the being could distract her. She was told they smelled good and could entice which she was now falling victim to. "You hesitated." She said to the back of the muscular man who stopped abruptly turning to stare at the girl. And as his eyes met hers, Sophia felt her heart beat faster with so much force that she thought it would pump out of her chest.

bizarremidnight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs


Sophia rubbed his arms waiting outside the church watching other villagers gather after receiving a notice about a town council. But as some passed her, they couldn't help but snicker at the memory of her being dragged so menacing by the head councilman. Some were once worried he fancied the beauty maiden, but after that embarrassing scene, no one worried about Sophia Red taking their opportunity.

Sophia started to worry wondering if she said something wrong regarding Clarice. She had lied about the scar not wanting to make the seer appear crazy, but right now she had an eery feeling. Even if she was not told to speak honestly, it was clear Randel had a personal vendetta with the seer.

"You should not be focusing on anything except the hunt. But here you are, ignoring my words."

Sophia turned seeing the seer walking with her cane right next to her. Immediately without thinking, Sophia flung into the blind woman's arm feeling a tear escape her face.

"Something is wrong Madam Clarice. The council were asking questions and I tried to protect you best I could…. But I did say you are allowed in the woods." She said with guilt honestly thinking she caused the seer damage.

"Hush." She coaxed running her fingers through Sophia's hair like her mother use to. "You did nothing wrong. You could have been honest about everything and not worried about my outcome. The council will do what they are planning with or without your answers."

Sophia lifted her head surprised at the woman's words.

"How do you know I lied?"

Clarice let out a chuckle. "I've come to understand you child and I've come to guess what you will do. Tell me, how are you feeling?"

Sophia let go of her hold wrapping herself in her cloak. She knew the seer would change the subject, but worrying at this moment did no good. Besides, too many people were around and they did not have the privacy they needed.

"I've barely had time to process everything. As soon as I got alone time, someone always seems to appear to bother me."

"Hmmm. Even the wolfman?"

Sophia glanced up seeing a small smile upon the seers face. At first Sophia was confused at how the seer would know about her dream. But then she realized she couldn't have dreamed it….

"How do you-"

Raising her hand stopping Sophia from speaking, Clarice said, "I know many things Sophia. What you think happened in a dream was reality. Consider yourself lucky not to be killed at your bold actions."

"Lucky?" Sophia scoffed. "My mom just died, I'm the chosen one for the hunt, and I'm worried the council might try to hurt you. I don't consider myself lucky in anyway."

"Do not fret child!" Clarice chastised. "Complaining doesn't help with anything! You are no victim!"

"Sophia?" Martha chummed walking over to the two women who were conversing quietly.

"Hello Martha." Clarice said smiling while humming a tune looking as though she had no worries in the entire world. Even though behind her in the church, Clarice's fate was being decided as they all spoke.

"Do you have any idea what is happening?" Martha Martha questioned looking between the two women wondering why Sophia was not at her home where she was told to stay.

Many villagers had already came to the church building waiting outside whispering about the reasons for being called. This sort of thing was rare and also very exciting to the people. Of course Martha was on her way back to the Red residence noticing the people. She almost ignored it to keep walking, but she caught sight of Sophia.

"Useless politics." Clarice said as she started to use her cane to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Sophia asked with worry. Right now she didn't want the seer woman to leave her sight due to some deep fear rooting inside of her.

"I'll be back when I need to be back." Clarice said waving off the girl.

Frowning, Sophia watched the seer walk through the crowd walking farther away. She tried to watch her the entire time, but eventually, the seer disappeared from sight making Sophia's heart beat faster.

"It's only noonday and I am surprised a town meeting is being held during the season." Martha muttered watching the other villagers in the area keeping her voice low. She could see how uneasy Sophia was which made her curious on what was actually happening.

Not wanting anyone to hear their words, Sophia also began to whisper.

"Councilman Randel came and fetched me this morning after you left. He said there are some issues with the seer. After I tried to confront him, he became silent bringing me to the church. I have a bad feeling Martha."

But before the woman could answer, a loud obnoxious voice disrupted the conversation making Sophia know they couldn't continue the conversation.

"I heard about Ruby. My condolences."

Sophia held back an eye roll staring into the eyes of Beth who seem to love the misery bestowed upon the girl. Even though Sophia was mourning, it was the perfect moment for Beth to rub salt on her wounds.

"Thank you." Sophia said quickly hoping not to associate with her.

Beth chuckled at the response. She had been one of the women to see Randel drag Sophia in just a humiliating way.

"Mother and I said our prayers for you last night Sophia." Came an angelic voice that made Beth's smile falter a bit.

The happy appearance of the red head made the tension lighten around the area. Everyone was more silent when she made her appearance including her own mother.

Avery was a sweet person who somehow came from the awful woman standing beside her. Beth scowled knowing her daughter would not allow her to insult the Red girl in her presence even though today was the perfect time!

"How are you?" Came the sweet voice of Avery who sincerely cared for her well being.

"I've been better." Sophia replied slowly noticing how Avery scanned her surroundings while giving everyone around them a soft smile. And yet, Avery was still attentive to the dark haired girl.

Avery nodded her head understanding the girls words. She then took another step closer toward Sophia giving her a tight hug which was surprising. Sophia wasn't one for physical contact with strangers, but Avery made her feel safe and loved.

"Well I must say how heroic the councilman was trying to save the fragile woman!" Beth exclaimed placing her hand along her daughters back making Avery take a step back. "I wrote a letter to Randel on your behalf expressing your gratitude for him and all he does for the village my daughter."

Avery closed her eyes taking a deep breathe knowing her mother would continue to try to fix her up with the head councilman. There was no point to have another chat with her mother since it would fall on deaf ears, but Avery was aware that now was not the best time to talk of such things in Sophia's presence.

"As you two can see, my mother really admires Randel." Avery laughed trying to ignore her mother's intentions. She would never directly scold her mother, but the girl hoped she could shift the conversation.

"Well you will be one the most eligible women in the village after this one dies." Beth said giving Sophia a pointed look.

"Mother!" Avery chastised glaring at her mother. "That's quite enough!"

Silence spread in the area as some knew it was not like Avery to lecture anyone. The fact she finally yelled at her own mother made them all check if they were dreaming.

Avery looked into her mother's eyes with a deep sense of confidence. "Would you behave like this if I were in Sophia's place?"

Beth huffed rolling her eyes. She was embarrassed already, but Beth knew deep down her daughter's words were true. She then left the small group joint in with another group of women who were busy gossiping.

"I'm so sorry for her. She means well, but she has some personal issues…" Avery sighed shaking her head. "Sophia, I have been keeping you in my prayers to the gods. Don't take what she said to heart."

Sophia smiled at how Avery truly cared for her well being. The kind redhead had no similarities to Beth, and somehow she balanced the evilness some of the villagers contained. Almost like she could change the world…

"Thank you Avery for being helpful during this time." Martha said knowing Beth would certainly not allow Avery to get aware with it.

"Of course. If you need to talk about anything, I'm here to listen!" She offered placing her hand on the girls shoulder for comfort. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go make sure my mother is under control."

The red head then shortly walked away with determination to protect others from her mother's harsh words.

"She's too good for this place." Martha scoffed. "She's basically proof the skies actually care about humans."

"Yeah." Sophia agreed. "She definitely has to be destined for something better."