
Ruler of Shadows in One piece

A random book falls out of the sky and a Mob character found it and learned the truth. Watch the Mob as he changes his fate! Learning that the world revolves around the Strawhats, What advantages would he get from the events he learned. Would being the love interest of Strawhat could change his status as a Mob? Being the monarch is just the starting point of... 『Shikage』 ◇ ◇ ◇ One piece isn't mine! I only own my OCs... Writing Format: "???" - Dialogue (???) - Thoughts [???] - Moveset

wakadanna · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Chapter 2

I heard the chaos outside. It seems that the Tyrant, Bartholomew Kuma is here.

We are still inside the mansion. The two phantoms of thriller bark are looking for Perona.

They were roaming around. I was still following them and awaits the best circumstances.

Then, massive shockwaves hit the thriller bark. Even if we're unscathed, the battle outside was really in chaos.

After that, Absalom and Hogback's subtlety carries their Master away from the battle. The time to move is close.

I had already simulated this scene in my head for a long time. With my Divine book, I know where these guys would go after the battle.

That's why I prepared a bunch of fruits with me. I really hope this would work.

Seeing them board a small ship, I gulped down and waited.

It's interesting to see that the boat vanishes right before my eyes because of the ability of Absalom.

Now, this is the important phase of my plan. I had sabotaged their escape ship before they even came here. I destroyed its rudder and made holes underneath it.

Looks like my plan worked. After reaching a few distances away, The ship is visible now. I can see that it's sinking already. Sadly for them, Only Hogback can swim while the other two are Devil Fruits users.

The look on their faces was amusing. They were panicking and doing their best to carry Moria.

"Oh?! Is that the main members of the Thriller Bark? Do you need any help or anything?!"

I shouted to the drowning people.

Hogback didn't care any longer and shouted for help.

I swam to get to them and carried Absalom.

"Fosfosfos, It seems that the heavens are still helping us... haa... Thank you, I would surely repay you with my genius mind." (Hogback)

We're still floating in the water. Hearing him, I held back my laughter and face him. He didn't know that my hand underwater was holding a dagger.

"Yep, It seems like it!" (Shikage)


Blood oozes from Hogback's body. I stabbed him and the color of the water around us changes to a dark red. He couldn't even talk and he simply sank along with his Master.

I also let Absalom sank and swam back to the shore. Paying full attention to my fruits.

This is it, I had long prepared the fruits and waited to see if the Devil Fruits would enter the reincarnation cycle.

Absalom, Hogback, and Moria would surely drown in a few minutes. I was waiting for this moment for a long time!

I have finished reading all the chapters in my Divine book. I know that Devil Fruits would be more likely to reincarnate close to where the owner died.

I wanted to get the power that stole my shadow. Due to my experience, I know that this power has more potential than any other fruits. Even the title for the user was unique, The Ruler of shadows.

"Hmm.. T-this... Is this it?!" (Shikage)

And then, the moment that I have been waiting for happened. The fruits that I have brought with me were in front of me. I observed two of the fruits change their pattern and size.

It is something you wouldn't see for a long time, I quickly held it closer to examine it.

"Fufu... HAHAHA! It worked!" (Shikage)

I laughed like a madman, It was so satisfying that my plan worked.

The black fruit was my target to eat. The Kage Kage no mi. I quickly took a bite of it and experience the foul taste of a Devil Fruit.

"Ughh... Disgusting." (Shikage)

Just like in my Divine book. After eating it, You would learn the abilities you have and the next thing to do is to practice the power until you can awaken it.

Moria was lazy. If only he awakens this, Turning everything into shadows. This power would be so strong.

Finally, I am now a Devil Fruit user. To check it first, I went closer to the seawater and touches it.

Yep, my strength is fading. It really weakens me.

I turn my head to observe the other Devil Fruit I have. It was the Suke Suke no mi. The power to become Invisible and everything it touches. It is a good ability. Perfect for infiltration and spying. I thought about an invisible Thriller Bark and more stuff.

"So, What should I do with this one?" (Shikage)

I can also use this as a weapon for those who are Devil Fruit users.

But it's a waste of a good DF.

"... In the end, I destroyed the Gecko pirates. I wonder how would this affect the world. Before that, I should go back to the others!" (Shikage)

While I was walking back, My thoughts are running wild.

Moria had been active at the Marineford arc in my book. I also knew it would happen because of a newspaper by my side. The headline is the fact that Ace had been imprisoned and a new Shichibukai replaces Crocodile.

What should the World Government do if they knew that Moria wasn't alive anymore?

No point in mulling about it, I decided on killing them for my sake. I wanted to become a major player in the world. I have never seen my name in my Divine book.

I would like to change it and if it is possible, Influence the story behind the scenes.

Although I won't be looking for trouble, This world is centered around Straw hats. I'm also thankful to them for freeing my shadow and more. That's why I won't ever clash with them.

(I should try using my new power too...) (Shikage)

I made a bunch of bats with my power and practiced using my shadow efficiently.

But I just got this power and I need more time to get used to controlling it.

Shortly after, I reached the courtyard and saw every one of them sleeping. Considering that they didn't sleep for the night and were exhausted.

Except for the green-haired swordsman. He was bloody and the area around him was also covered with blood. We noticed each other and when I took a step towards him, He glared at me and I understand that I shouldn't be meddling in their affairs.

"That guy is really a *man!" (Shikage)

And so, I joined the ones who are sleeping and also rested for the day. Everything would change starting now.

◇One day passed after Moria's demise◇

I was silently observing the situation.

But I also joined the others at sunbathing.

It's really been a long time since we were shined by the sun.

"Aah! I'm so happy."

"I can feel the light entering my body."

"it's so good to be alive."

I can hear my fellow members.

The sunlight was so refreshing for us, It isn't the source of our fear anymore and we can stand under the sun again.

And then, we heard the Straw hats bringing the food. They were also worried about the swordman.

When they said they're curious about what happened to him, The Risky brothers came and told them they knew it.

But the blonde chef took them away. I didn't care about it because I knew what scene would happen because of my Divine book.

Speaking of which, I decided to keep notes on important details on it before it would disappear. It's just a precaution.

Then, I blended in the crowd and waited until it was time to eat.

"Ooh. It's really good." (Shikage)

Like me, Everyone was full of praise to the chef of the Straw hats. His food was so delicious.

Then, the lunch turned into a banquet. Eating silently with the Straw hats is hard because they are always partying.

I also enjoyed the party and the BGM. That skeleton is really good at piano.

"Hey! Shika! Join us!"

Someone invited me, it's the risky brothers. They were dancing at the table with the long nose.

And here I am not wanting to stand out.

But I appreciated it and joins them. It won't be long until we split ways. I better treasure this moment. These brothers were one of the side characters, Being with them makes me feel I'm like I belong there.

"Oh no, They started singing... Etto... Y-yohoho."

I reluctantly joined the singing of a pirate song.

After joining, I am proud to say that the song could really make you feel that you have Nakama's beside you.

It was refreshing. All the characters and Mobs alike were in sync of enjoying the skeleton's music.

The music stops when the skeleton was presenting his Bounty to the Straw hats.

And we all Kampai to celebrate their recruitment.

"[Doppelman]." (Shikage)

I took this chance to practice stealthily.

Creating a dancing clone with my shadows. It's different from Moria's [Doppelman]. My shadow's color was black. Of course, its silhouette is just like mine.

Even if someone saw a glimpse of it, I'll just pretend that nothing's wrong. It is impossible for me to have Moria's power whos a Shichibukai.

I was so focused on splitting my attention from controlling my shadow while also interacting with the others.

Before I knew it, The party ended tonight and will continue tomorrow.


On the entrance of Thriller Bark.

"Shika, right? Why do you want a diary?"

I am currently fidgeting. In front of me is one of the members of the Straw hats. It is Nami.

When I decided to take notes, Naturally I went out to find a thing to write on.

Too bad, I didn't find anything at all. However, There's still a chance to get one. It's the Straw hats. They have their own library on their ship.

"Yes... I just want to make stories about you guys. That's all." (Shikage)

"Hmm... Fine. But it's not for free." (Nami)

"I should've known better. Haa... Here." (Shikage)

I gave her a piece of gem I looted from the ship of Hogback.

"Yes! Glad doing business with you." (Nami)

(Oh. That's kinda cute.) (Shikage)

Nami flashed me a wide smile, Happy to have a deal with me.

I turned to hide my blush and accepted the diary. I still wanted to talk with her.

"So, What are you guys planning to do now?" (Shikage)

I changed the topic and opened up another conversation.

"We're still waiting for Zoro to wake up. Chopper said that he may wake up tomorrow. And then we'll go to the Fishman Island." (Nami)

Luckily, Nami answered me. Maybe because she's free. Anyways, it's great to converse.

Then, I was curious if their adventures were like the ones in my Divine book.

"Err... Nami, What were your past adventures like? Is it always like this? I mean the Thriller Bark." (Shikage)

"Pfft. Of course not, They weren't scary like the Thriller Bark, But we did fight a Shichibukai in the past." (Nami)

As I listened to Nami's story, I also confirmed that the Divine book is the real deal.

And then, We talked more about seafaring stuff, She was a veteran in this topic. Of course, We do pause. Searching for a new topic to talk about and also observe the situation.

We were helping the Straw hats with their supplies.

Nami breaks the ice.

"Shika, It was nice talking with you. It's been a long time since I felt this way. I feel like you're the most normal one I've talk to. Haha, Maybe It's because I'm surrounded with Idiots and muscleheads." (Nami)

I didn't know if I'm supposed to be happy or sad with that remark. YEP! I've decided! My mob-like face and attitude needed to change!

"Really? Well, if you want to take a break or something. Feel free to sent a letter or call me with a transponder snail." (Shikage)

"Sure. We'll see." (Nami)

I waved at her and quietly left. I didn't think that I would leave an impression on Nami. Although it was a plain one, I finally did an action, unlike a mob.

After leaving the entrance, I'm back at the ruined mansion, There's still plenty of room that isn't destroyed.

I started scribbling in my new Diary. I named it the 'Shikadiary' and it oddly fits well.

(a/n: For those of you who know shikadai, It's easy to read it.)

I didn't do anything else aside from writing. And it was also easy for me.

"With this power, It's so tempting to be lazy. But I already learned a lesson from Moria's defeat. I shouldn't be overconfident." (Shikage)

The one who is writing at the 'Shikadiary' is my [Doppelman].

I was experimenting with the fruit's power.

Looks like my shadow's stamina doesn't have a limit. I feel like I can do this every day. What a cheat-like power.

But if I swapped our arms, I would feel the workload on my arms because it's my arm that is writing.

I'm still getting used to using the Kage Kage no mi.

By the way, Nothing interesting happens today aside from my conversation with Nami.


It's finally time to say goodbye with the Straw hats.

The Straw hats are fun to be with. I didn't just talk with Nami. I had traded with Usopp, the long-nosed guy. I was interested in the flash dials that he has.

My materials to barter with him are the armor of the General zombies. The Gecko pirates really treasured these zombies by equipping them with the best quality of armor and weapons.

The Victim's association scavenged these zombies and as the ace of the association. I have a larger portion than others.

We had quite a profitable deal and become friends.

After everything was ready. The Straw hats began to depart.

"Later guys!"

"Yohoho Be careful not to get annihilated!"

"Lola! Thank you for the Vivre card! take care!.. and YOU! pfft. How can your expression be so normal. Anyways, I'll be expecting a reply from you okay?" (Nami)

I jolted at Nami's action. She's clearly pointing at me and reminded me about our previous deal. I thought she would brush it off.

Then, a cursing shout came from the blonde. I turn a deaf ear to it and waved back at Nami and Usopp. I also saw Luffy's confused look. I guessed he didn't remember our bond when he was the Nightmare Luffy.

But Nami and Usopp told him what happened and he eagerly waves at me.

Looks like he remembered it anyway, I also waved back at him.

The ship of the Straw hats exited the island ship, Thriller Bark. According to my Divine book, They should be on their way to the Saboady archipelago.

(Oh shit! I forgot about the newspaper.) (Shikage)

What to do?

I planned on telling Luffy about his brother's situation.

"Alright, Tomorrow we'll also set sail!"

"""Ok! captain!"""

The voices of the Rolling pirates and the Victim's association brought me back to reality.

Right, I should focus more on what I would do from now on first.

Even so, I couldn't help but admit that I am already a fan of the Straw hats, Just like the man in the later part of the story. The Fanboy pirate.

Now, I'm fired up.

First, I need to get strong. If my estimation is correct, I should be stronger than that cyborg. The retaining of Combat abilities of the shadows pays off. I am somewhat good at weapons. My training and workout also help me at getting stronger.

"Shikage, What will you do now?"

The one who questions me was Spoil ojisan.

"Me? Well, I plan to take over this island." (Shikage)

I declared.

Spoil ojisan has the look of bewildered on his face.

But there wasn't any malice in my words. I just wanted the Thriller Bark.

I wasn't afraid of opposition, I'm already the strongest here. I'm the Ace of the Thriller Bark victim's association!

I need to get competent subordinates. Luckily, I knew a group who lost to the Straw hats and was branded as criminals. They are living as fugitives because of their superior.

Yes! I'm talking about the CP9!
