
Ruler of Shadows in One piece

A random book falls out of the sky and a Mob character found it and learned the truth. Watch the Mob as he changes his fate! Learning that the world revolves around the Strawhats, What advantages would he get from the events he learned. Would being the love interest of Strawhat could change his status as a Mob? Being the monarch is just the starting point of... 『Shikage』 ◇ ◇ ◇ One piece isn't mine! I only own my OCs... Writing Format: "???" - Dialogue (???) - Thoughts [???] - Moveset

wakadanna · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Chapter 14

◇Several days later◇

A week was needed for the workload of the Guild to stabilize, since the announcement.

The staff had done their best, Especially Blueno who was in charge of maintaining and overseeing the internal affairs of the Hunters Guild.

He is now starting to expand the Guild to the blue seas, I know I can count on him.

And the hunters in the Island ship are already recorded in the archive. Including my record.

All hunters are ranked by their class. And this rank has some advantages and limitations.

For now, The highest rank in the Guild is the A-rank. Only one person has attained the rank. It's the Guildmaster. Me!

It is because of the Honorary Warden job that I can create the Rank system.

Let's clarify the ranks first. It starts from the lowest E-rank to the highest S-rank.

All E-rank are bounty hunters that can hunt the least infamous outlaws and pirates, They're expected to hunt bounties ranging from 50 ฿ to 10 million ฿.

But it's also the starting point of every hunter in the Guild.

The hunters need to hunt a pirate that has 15 million ฿ to be promoted.

Next is the D-rank. These hunters, again, are expected to hunt bounties that range from 15 million ฿ to 30 million+ ฿.

This is the rank where you can join a team that exists in the Guild. Of course, if the leader of the team agreed.

It's the stepping point for the next crucial rank.

For a D-rank to be promoted to C-rank, The hunter needs to hunt pirates who have a bounty of 50 million ฿.

The C-rank is where you can qualify as a seasoned or veteran Bounty hunter.

This rank will allow the person to make his/her own team and recruit the hunters they wanted.

Oh, The Bounties they can hunt for this rank is ranged from 50 million ฿ to 90 million+ ฿.

This is the border that separates an ordinary Bounty hunter from a superhuman Bounty hunter. After C-rank, the next rank is people who are trained to be weapons and people who have DF abilities. An exemption for the rank is those people who are good at hunting and capturing pirates.

The B-rank hunters are people who can take pirates who have bounties exceeding 100 million+ ฿.

These individuals are free to make their own team or go on solo when hunting. They can also compete with each other or join together when hunting.

The bounty needed to hunt to be promoted to B-rank is 100 million ฿.

As for the next rank, The A-rank. I am an A-rank hunter. It is because I can handle some of the New World pirates.

This rank means you can survive and hunt in the New World. Although we still didn't expand on the 2nd half of Grand Line. I knew I can handle it.

I wasn't playing around when I was working back at the Impel Down. Even now, I'm training. I am constantly using my DF every time!

Oh! Back to the rank.

If you ask what a hunter needs to do to be promoted to A-rank, It's to hunt pirates that have bounties of half a billion! or 500 million ฿ and more.

It's not done yet, there's one more rank that exceeds the A-rank. it's a Special rank or the S-rank.

There wasn't anyone who has this rank. But I knew I would attain this rank in the future.

This rank means you can hunt people that have bounties exceeding the billion mark. It means that you can hunt and capture an Emperor or their commander.

I want to quickly reach this stage to avoid the worst possible situation for our Guild.

Anyways, we just finished ranking everyone on the Thriller bark. Some of them are stationed here at the HQ while some of them are at Shadowfen. The town of the Island ship.

Many of them chose to work solo but a few of those who reached the C-rank have chosen to make a team.

And so, there weren't a lot of teams of bounty hunters had been created yet.

Although some bounty hunters would cooperate first then make a team once they're in the C-rank.

In the Guildmaster's room. I was busy doing some work-related stuff.

"Still, I didn't expect that the former CP9 would separate like that... Let's see, I guess this team is Jabra's. Oh, the team name is The Pack? nice name."

I am browsing the requests of the C-rank hunters that want to make a team.

Yes, Jabra is a C-rank hunter, He still needs to hunt a pirate that has a bounty of 100 million ฿ to rank up.

"Hmm? Pfft... HAHAHAHA! Kaku, you bastard. Hahahaha!" (Shikage)

Right after Jabra's request was Kaku. The two of them are rivals. Of course, Kaku wouldn't let him took the lead.

But Kaku's team name was so ridiculous!

I know he can't beat the cool name of Jabra's team but naming your team after your technique is a dumb move.

Kaku's team name was Pasta lovers!

We do spar with each other sometimes, And I fought him in his ridiculous transformation. The Pasta Machine.

I really felt bad at him for his ability. I don't know if I can help or not.

"Phew... These guys, are they messing around? anyways, who's the last one." (Shikage)

There are only 3 requests for now, But once the hunters reach the C-rank, the rush to make teams would soar. I need to leave this matter to Blueno soon.

"Ooooh! As expected of the former Baroque works, I didn't know they would reach C-rank this soon. Team name is... Spiders Cafe?.. why not." (Shikage)

After approving all of them, I called my secretary with the transponder snail to collect the papers and inform the hunters.

*Tok* *Tok*

I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." (Shikage)

The door opened and Kalifa came in. As usual, Kalifa-san is wearing revealing clothes.

Too much of her skin is exposed and I don't know where to look.

"Shika, You can just look into my eyes you know." (Kalifa)

"Oh, You're right... Anyways, I'm done with the work. Please take care of them for me. I have something to do." (Shikage)

Maintaining eye contact is harder than I thought. Maybe it's because I feel exposed to Kalifa-san when she visited back then.

Fortunately, Kalifa is a business-oriented woman. She has a professional attitude.

Although her character changes when it's her off day. We do have some shopping malls at the Hunters hole and she would always full of bags after shopping in it.

After taking care of the papers, She quickly went to the door and stops.

"Fufu~ Guildmaster, If you ever feel lonely because of the blonde at the Impel down. We also have a blonde in here." (Kalifa)

She seductively turns around and talked to me.

After hearing it, I immediately blushed!

From being embarrassed and being turned on.

"Stop it... I see you like an Older sister you know, And I won't make mistake again... Well you do have a nice figure and ..." (Shikage)

I continue to blabber my mouth and didn't notice the smirking woman.

"Pfft... Shika-kun, What're you talking about? I meant that blonde and her friends you pardoned. I thought you pardoned them because you like the girl." (Kalifa)



I froze, My head overloads and my face is so red that I want to crawl into a hole to hide.

She's talking to the blonde that has the Kilo Kilo no mi ability. Damn it! I got trolled by Kalifa-san.

After laughing, Kalifa left the room. But I didn't notice or even saw the reaction of Kalifa after leaving.

I calmed myself. I need peace! My room has a balcony. I went outside the room and stayed at the rail of the balcony.

Staying here can make me oversee the HQ and the town. The town is already bustling. While the HQ is still full of people coming in and out.

I went into deep thought after I relaxed.

(Should I make a team? I do have a spare DF. The Suke Suke no mi... A team full of zombies is also lonely... Arghh! I'll think about it later.) (Shikage)

Anyways, I am done stabilizing my Guild. It's now time to boost my strength and power! My Military Strength!

I need to find a suitable surgeon for the creation of zombies! Should I request the corpse of the Late Hogback? I wonder if they still have it.

My special zombies are already ready! My Haki is progressing well.

And I should strengthen my use of Observation. I require the advanced Observation Haki to be invincible.


Oops, I ended up making one.

A commotion happens on the Thriller Bark.

The Guildmaster made a team for himself. The name of the team is called Shadow Gear.

I didn't think it would cause an uproar.

Well, I decide what I want to do regardless of what others may think. Also, If I found someone promising, I would do my best to recruit him/her to my Team.

I can't afford to be outshined by someone in my Guild.

After settling the creation of teams in the Guild. I can finally be free from micromanaging the Guild. Let Blueno and the others took care of things for me.

Just like I said, I am focusing to get strong right now. And the best thing to do to get strong is to get more familiar with my DF ability.

I have already felt that this DF has potential. I've created a lot of techniques already. That's why I wanted to know my limit.

A DF ability consumes our stamina. I experimented a lot ever since I got the ability. And I especially took it up a notch when I was at Impel Down.

"Come here, [Doppelman]." (Shikage)

A young man made of shadow drops at my side from the roof. Oh, by the way, We're still on the balcony. That's why I knew the uproar about my team.


We bump fist.

"How you holding up?" (Shikage)


My shadow clone joined me at the table set.

"Oh, So all you did today is to sunbath, huh... How many days is it now?" (Shikage)

『A week? Uhm... Not yet good at counting』

"It's alright... Go to the archive and learn. I would like to teach you but I'm busy training." (Shikage)

If my shadow clone is correct, that means my [Doppelman] was independent for the past week. And I still don't feel tired or anything.

I guess my training back at the Impel Down is effective. I am leaving my shadow clone alone as a way to improve my control over the stamina consumption of the ability.

According to my Shikadiary, fights in the book are different from Straw hat's fight.

A battle between top-tier fighters would last days. And I needed to have the stamina to keep fighting for a long duration.

I waved at the retreating shadow, I was left alone on the balcony.

(Damn it... how should I start training to get the advance observation Haki.) (Shikage)

My mood is getting worse from coming up with nothing.

I better change the mood. I took out my personal transponder snail and dialed a number.

*Puru Puru Puru*


"Hello? Shika?.. You there?.. How long do I need to wait until you visit me?!"

A familiar voice was on the other side of the transponder snail.

Ah, I like how aggressive Nami is. In this kind of World filled with outlaws and pirates, Being strong in attitude can intimidate people.

If only Nami's strong, I wouldn't have to worry about the future. Although I can leave it to Luffy, I would like to protect my girl with my own strength.

"Hey, Nami. Don't worry, I'm already on it. Just wait a bit more, okay?" (Shikage)

"Hmm... Okay~. We'll see each other soon. 💕" (Nami)

I don't know when it started but Nami is becoming lovely by the minute. We were talking more often and she keeps on giving signs that she's single.

"So, How was your day?" (Shikage)

"Right, Did you know, that there's an island that rains lightning?! There's so many strange Islands in the New World!.. And blah blah..." (Nami)

Talking to Nami sometimes calms me down. I guess I'm getting used to her. I mean, I knew her in my Shikadiary. She does have a good heart and she's loyal.

I'm just worried for her because their journey is bound to be challenging because of Luffy.

I know that I keep on saying this, But the world really does revolve around him. His journey is sure to be filled with dangerous journeys and enemies.

Well, His dream is to be the Pirate King, of course, it'll be hard to achieve. And his crewmates would do their best to let it happen.

Speaking of dreams, I didn't get to say my dream yet.

After becoming an Important person in the world, My dream changed to...


My hypothesis is that this world is just a book and there would also be different books like my divine book.

I plan to unravel the mystery and see it for myself if I can leave the world and be my own self. I'm not just a character! I am ME!

Fortunately, I have a lot of time. I am going to enjoy living here first.

But someday! I would fulfill my dream!

"Hello? Hello? Hah... Shika, You didn't hear what I said right?! Just when I thought you're not dull anymore, Now you're ignoring me. Hmmph!" (Nami)

Oh! shit. I forgot we're talking. my mind tends to think about things and stuff.

I better pacify her.

"Nami!" (Shikage)

"..." (Nami)

"You see, I just received a gift from Doskoi Panda. It's a bunch of branded clothes for women. I didn't know what to do with it. Maybe I should reward Kalifa and the others. What do you think?" (Shikage)

*heavy breathing*

I can hear Nami's reaction.

"Shika-kyun, I forgive you... But don't you go giving away my clothes! And Why the hell is that CP9 girl with you?" (Nami)

"Good, Don't worry, I'm keeping the best clothes for you... Well about that, It's just a coincidence. Hahaha"

Yes! We're on good terms now.

Nami's greed is both her strength and weakness. But it doesn't matter to me. I plan to spoil her. I want to provide for her every need. And money isn't a problem in this world since a lot of pirates are roaming around the seas.

I'll just hunt pirates that have a few millions ฿ bounty and I'm good.

What a lovely profession. Although I'm worried when I'll be targeted by all the pirates in this World. To counter that, I need to be powerful.

I'll make sure I'm ready to declare war against the World if it happens!

I am a GigaChad! (a/n: just messing around~)


(a/n: Managed to stock some chapters, 1 chapter everyday for this weekdays... Then, back to regular sched next week.)

E-rank = 50 - 10,000,000+ (Rank up-15,000,000)

D-rank = 15,000,000 - 45,000,000+ (Rank up - 50,000,000)

C-rank = 50,000,000 - 95,000,000+ (Rank up - 100,000,000)

B-rank = 100,000,000 - 445,000,000+ (Rank up - 500,000,000)

A-rank = 500,000,000 - 995,000,000+ (Rank up - 1,000,000,000)

S-rank = 1,000,000,000+

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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